Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board / Re: Developing A Personality
« Last post by Twoapenny on November 12, 2024, 05:30:10 AM »I'm finding the inner work difficult. The anger that comes up is overwhelming, particularly very early in the mornings, which is when I tend to wake up. I've been doing cord cutting meditations, and decided to try it on different aspects of myself that I feel hold me back. So I did one today to cut cords with the part of myself who had just been told her father had died.
I can see myself at that age, so young, with this huge news and life changing situation thrust upon me - and there is literally no-one there. Not one person, at any stage, gave us a hug, attempted to comfort us, made an effort to spend time with us, anything. No-one. Not an aunt, uncle, parent, grandparent, family friend, school teacher, neighbour, nobody. Seeing that in my mind, feeling that, my attachment problems and desperate need to be needed make sense. My reactions to rejection make sense. Two little girls, and no-one thought a cuddle and a trip to the swing park might help a bit. Not even a hot drink to try to take the edge off a little. What the f was wrong with all these people? I know things were different back then, but surely not everyone thought a hug would be the worst thing in the world?
I've got food being delivered today; I'm trying to eat healthy so the plan is to cook ahead and prep as much as possible, fill the freezer up and then hopefully avoid the snacking and late night munching. Might see if I can lure son out for a walk later with the promise of a hot chocolate at the end of it. It's cold but dry. Be better than staying indoors. Maybe that's it, plenty of food prep and organising and then out the door for a wander and a hot drink. Wtf is wrong with people?
I can see myself at that age, so young, with this huge news and life changing situation thrust upon me - and there is literally no-one there. Not one person, at any stage, gave us a hug, attempted to comfort us, made an effort to spend time with us, anything. No-one. Not an aunt, uncle, parent, grandparent, family friend, school teacher, neighbour, nobody. Seeing that in my mind, feeling that, my attachment problems and desperate need to be needed make sense. My reactions to rejection make sense. Two little girls, and no-one thought a cuddle and a trip to the swing park might help a bit. Not even a hot drink to try to take the edge off a little. What the f was wrong with all these people? I know things were different back then, but surely not everyone thought a hug would be the worst thing in the world?
I've got food being delivered today; I'm trying to eat healthy so the plan is to cook ahead and prep as much as possible, fill the freezer up and then hopefully avoid the snacking and late night munching. Might see if I can lure son out for a walk later with the promise of a hot chocolate at the end of it. It's cold but dry. Be better than staying indoors. Maybe that's it, plenty of food prep and organising and then out the door for a wander and a hot drink. Wtf is wrong with people?