That the real give and take of genuine friendship is so alien to me that I can't do it. The take part. I can give till I have nothing left and have done so before.
Hi Worn... I don't know if we've met. I'm still the same person (PR), but the name has changed yet again here...
This bit above, and what you said about risking being vulnerable struck a chord with me. I've been feeling kinda "knocked down" by this family drama I've been going through... and know - but don't know what to do about it - what you're saying about making that connection with others. We have the opening party of our summer social club this weekend... and I'm dreading it. The stuff I'm going through depresses me; I'm kinda looking at things through a sad, dark, helpless lens at the moment -- even tho' we did a very important, very good thing. I think this disqualifies me from enjoying myself; that I haven't earned or deserve to be around other people.
I had dug down into this before... and of course, with an N-mom a person develops this wacko-weird-awkward attachment style (the way we connect with others). I know that's at the root of my withdrawal and wanting to hide from people. That connection: even when you were petted and given a cookie - always ended badly; as kids we trusted and then were betrayed so many times (or worse) that it just feels wiser and safer to stay just outside those kinds of relationships or feelings with another person. Even with my hubby - even though I have all the confidence in the world in him and know for a fact, that he's got my back. I can definitely trust him. I drive him crazy.
What I have a hard time doing, is allowing myself to feel those feelings - of cameraderie, sharing, connection and togetherness with any other person. I fear my own feelings - as if I blame how good it feels to receive and then give - for suckering me into letting my guard down and then getting blindsided. (I feel like having friendly, like-ing, and "wanting to get to know you" feelings are bad and dangerous; a conundrum.) And knowing that, then I feel like the most pathetic, most twisted up (pretzeled), incompetent person known to mankind - not fit for man nor beast. (Tho' beast is much more forgiving and will "love" me no matter what; other species! what do they know, huh?). Heck, I even have a hard time "asking for help" and will carry around a shipping containers' worth of stuff that's better off being talked about, sharing, then let go... like I'm going to get some kind of super-hero points or gold stars...
SIGH. I know, Worn. I do this too. What do we do, to change the pattern? To do it a little differently? To let some nice people in, so we can actually enjoy THEM, and do things for them, too? If I think of something, I'll come back & let ya know, OK? I hope you have some ideas too...
Right now, I feel as if I've been rolling in a manure pit and I don't even LIKE being myself. Peeeeeee Yeuuuuuuuu!