Thanks, Amber and Tupp.
I'm wishing everyone a Peaceful New Year because Happy feels like a bridge too far until the pandemic passes.
But I DO know it WILL, and that makes a quiet form of "happy" pop up in spite of the caution I feel.
I like the stillness of December and the hopefulness of January. So gratitude for both of those is helpful too.
M and I had a nice evening making soup together a few days ago--outstanding soup, and because we were cooking in my kitchen rather than his, it was much more of a mellow team exercise.
I MIGHT make a simple Hoppin John and take him some for his lunch tomorrow. Got the recipe, just need to find the resolve to cook again.
I've been keeping the house much more picked up and find going into the kitchen a pleasure now, as I've refused to less it get messy. Dishes and counters are decluttered and clean and I'm maintaining MUCH better than I used to.
Maybe that's all a happy New Year will mean for me, but if I can extend it around the house, that's going to be wonderful.
A good 2021 in whatever way happy manifests to everyone!