Author Topic: The Pug  (Read 971 times)


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The Pug
« on: March 01, 2023, 10:48:32 AM »
Baby Girl Pug is at the hopsital with an IV under observation since 6:30 last night.

She got into the trash and ate something/many things that had her vomiting 2 days, unable to eat or drink yesterday and so we went to the vet where she vomited in the parking lot AND what I think was the obstruction came out in the examination room.  At that point I might should have taken her home, but the doc X rayed her and thought he saw something that could be another obstruction..... he couldn't tell if it was in the large or small intestine, so he suggested I take her to a particular animal hospital for observation and IV fluids witih more X rays to determine of the blockage was a problem or something she would pass.

I'm sure she was demanding food all night, bc she was hungry when I left her.  This morning a male doc called and said she was acting super normal and was unlikely surgical..... like nothing was wrong with her, said she peed outside through the night but didn't poop, which is problemtic, in his opinion.  That was music to my ears, bc "surgical" was going to be a HUGE surgery and expense. Very worrisome.

The doc and tech finally broked down and gave her a small amount of food early this morrning,  likely bc she was driving them crazy, and she snarfed it down like she was starving, but she's starving if you don't feed her a few minutes early, to be fair.  You can set your watch by the Pug's meal time, bc she's reminding you it's time to feed her. 

We're waiting to see if she vomits that food and pooops, wiith a potential enema in her future.

Please send a little prayer or good wish for the Pug to poop out whatever the problem. 

Not out of the woods, but hopeful.



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Re: The Pug
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2023, 11:13:12 AM »
Poop time, little Puggy!
Hope she'll eat prunes.

Much mental fiber coming her way....

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The Pug
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2023, 03:53:06 PM »
One enema later and something they "looked like fabric" made its way out, yay!!!

So grateful she's home and acting normal.


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Re: The Pug
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2023, 07:34:26 PM »
So, now that everybody ran screaming from the "fabric" image in their minds....(uuurp...)

... do get us back on track!


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The Pug
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2023, 10:59:56 PM »
The pug threw up 7 times, that we saw, and spent the night in the hospital..... SO scary and expensive and if your pooch ever throws up and can't hold down 2 breakfasts...... time to phone the vet, IME.

If I had to do it over.... I think I'd have done it the same way..... except maybe blocked the Pug from both bathrooms without fail. 

I'm sure we could have given her an enema and watched her all night... apparently she didn't sleep at all and was acting super duper normal....... she didn't behave off for a minute, but the fear things woudl go bad qjuick wasn't worth the chance WE LOVE THE PUG SO MUCH!!!

The night vet said she was intermittentently verbal all night. I assume she tried ordering them to feed her.... she must have been SO SO hungry.  About 5am they ended up giving her food..... she peed 3 times after I picked her up, so well hydrated from the IV. 

He  didn't think she appeared "surgical" which was a huge relief to hear at 6am...... I ended up picking her up around 2:30pm and 'm so glad that's OVER after 2 tense days of waiting for normal pug poops.... there were 2 days of small very goopy poops I thought were squeezing by a missed blockage, but 5 Tablespoons of coconut oil later there wa s very normal poop on day 3 and things seem to be back to normal.  Well.... there was more paper in those poops.  NOW we're back to normal. 

We've been taking 2 walks daily and enjoying the weather, rain or shine... had plenty of both.  There was a 4 hour  tornado watch recently and the household was focused on finding the best place for taking shelter, just in case.  Turns out the pantry, in the middle of the house, sans windows and located under the stairs on the main floor is the best place.  We feel so sorry for the States dealing with the aftermath of a 10 feet snow dump and tornados. 
