Author Topic: History: Born or bred?  (Read 7348 times)


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History: Born or bred?
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2005, 02:59:58 PM »
I agree with what everyone has asid here, we have to save ourselves first, otherwise we're in no state to help others. We have to choose our battles and help those who want to be helped, and that can be helped. If we spend all our lives trying to help an N, we might miss our chance to actually make a difference in the world.

I liked Stormchild's way of putting things in perspective, it gave me real hope for the future. I would like to add a small thing to her long list: Think of how lately therapy has been socially acceptable. Not long ago it was completely unthinkable for someone to go to therapy, that would be the same as admitting you were insane. Now it's becoming more and more common. This is great news for the future. Also, think of how children growing up today are surrounded by psychology and the idea of improving yourself! :)  

Yes, I'm having a good day, I hope all of you have one as well! :D
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