I don't want anyone to be so offended that a flame war starts or someone goes off in their corner, licking their wounds.
But I have been thinking that America is an N society. It was founded on democratic ideals, often quoted, but in reality they were built on excluding most of the population, including those who were living on the continent before the Europeans came over. So the theory is great, but the implementation bears no resemblance (N lies)l. The current situation is that the descendants of those Europeans by and large have a colossal sense of entitlement which covers not only everything in their own country, but major parts of the planet as a whole - including the wealth, the natural resources, and even outer space. Any dissenting voice is quelled by use of ridicule or even force. Isn't that what Ns do too?
Other countries have their issues also - in fact, many have some of the same issues. In other countries you don't even have the theory of equality - and this is the strength of the US, its lip service to democracy which permits the dialogue and the struggle to achieve the ideal to continue. I know some professed patriots will be uncomfortable with these statements, but I don't think it serves anyone to be unwavering in support of anything, no matter what. That is just how things always start to go wrong, anywhere. I think real patriots would want to love their country, as they love real people, despite their faults, instead of in denial of the faults.