Author Topic: What do you think re: Supernanny?  (Read 4714 times)


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Re: What do you think re: Supernanny?
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2006, 02:18:28 AM »
Hiya all

This was on last Saturday....

She was with a family who had two twin girls who were 4 and an older little boy who was 6/7.

I found it such an insight this week.... The Mum was working from home full time and didn't have enough time to do both.  As things happened when she wasn't in the same room, she always blamed the older boy and disaplined him when it was clearly not his fault.

What did Jo say.... "But you are taking away his voice when you do that?"  She told them they had a son who had thoughts and feelings and they weren't listening to him, letting the girls get away with stuff and blaming him. 

For me it was such an insight because it reminded me of my childhood.  As the eldest I always got the blame.

Jo put in place a thought box, where he wrote his thoughts down, put them in a box and then at the end of the day, he and his Mum went through them.  He asked her why he always had consequences and his sisters didn't.  His Mum said that it was because his sisters were only 4.  Jo was quite stern with the parents...

A real eyeopener!

Take care all

H&H xx
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: What do you think re: Supernanny?
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2006, 02:22:54 PM »
I don't want anyone to be so offended that a flame war starts or someone goes off in their corner, licking their wounds.

But I have been thinking that America is an N society.   It was founded on democratic ideals, often quoted, but in reality they were built on excluding most of the population, including those who were living on the continent before the Europeans came over.    So the theory is great, but the implementation bears no resemblance (N lies)l.   The current situation is that the descendants of those Europeans by and large have a colossal sense of entitlement which covers not only everything in their own country, but major parts of the planet as a whole - including the wealth, the natural resources, and even outer space.    Any dissenting voice is quelled by use of ridicule or even force.  Isn't that what Ns do too?

Other countries have their issues also - in fact, many have some of the same issues.  In other countries you don't even have the theory of equality - and this is the strength of the US, its lip service to democracy which permits the dialogue and the struggle to achieve the ideal to continue.  I know some professed patriots will be uncomfortable with these statements, but I don't think it serves anyone to be unwavering in support of anything, no matter what.  That is just how things always start to go wrong, anywhere.  I think real patriots would want to love their country, as they love real people, despite their faults, instead of in denial of the faults.



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Re: What do you think re: Supernanny?
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2006, 09:55:07 PM »
Plucky Yes:
America is an N society.   It was founded on democratic ideals, often quoted, but in reality they were built on excluding most of the population, including those who were living on the continent
And I believe deeply that when your government is running amok as you see it, it is the height of patriotism to love your country so much that you demand change of the government.

Soul-searching on both left and right, and respectful dialogue in the middle, is the only way I can imagine this country maturing into all the good things we should be--have been--can be newly in the world. We need the N crowd moving on, and planetary thinkers and peacemakers moving in.

From my perspective, we are a reckless and destabilizing presence in the world, and have brought about the  greatest loss in recent years...when right after 9/11 people were stopping in the streets in countries all over the world to weep, to share our sorrow. An international outpouring of empathy, a golden moment to form broader friendships. Within a shatteringly short time, that goodwill was squandered--by simple, but shrewd, bulllying--and it will be the task of many many generations to try to clear us of that dishonored position in the world.

But I believe in American people. Maybe the people may be beginning a healing process from govt and foreign policy N traiits. The natives are restless...and on either side, those who speak up from love of country must be respected by the others. If we learn to stop the insults and hate speech and name-calling but remember we have love of country in common...maybe we'll make it.

I sure hope so...
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: What do you think re: Supernanny?
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2006, 05:27:10 PM »
Thank you jacmac and hoppy,
I let my pervasive recent thoughts just tumble out here but now I realise I have completely hijacked.   I'm sorry Nightsong.  I have never even seen Supernanny!  Should have started a new thread.