Author Topic: Struggling with decision  (Read 27771 times)


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Re: Struggling with decision
« Reply #120 on: February 08, 2006, 06:00:17 PM »
hahahahaha!  :D :lol: :D :lol:

Load 'em on, Pluck, got so much of my own, I'll hardly notice anyhow!!

 :D Sela


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Re: Struggling with decision
« Reply #121 on: February 09, 2006, 01:07:07 PM »
I have left my narcissist husband three times over the course of 15 years.  Count them.  And every time there were what seemed to be good reasons that I had to come back.  Losing my job.  Not being able to afford it on my own.  Having left my child behind and being crushed by that.  And I just wish that once I'm gone, I could remember how bad it is. 

I had a therapist once who said, if you don't like the way he ties his shoes, that's a good enough reason to not live with him.  And living with a narcissist is slow, consistent suicide as I am sure you know.  Why do we think we have to have a good enough reason to not be unhappy?

I am hating my life now.  Hating myself.  Hating everything and everyone, even though I have three children.  They are all that keeps me alive.  Otherwise it wouldn't be worth it.  I am completely hopeless and don't know if I have the raw energy that it will take to extricate myself from this one more time.  They say it takes an average of 7 attempts for an abused woman to finally get out of one of these.  I don't know if I have one more attempt in me, much less 7.  And then I have to ask myself, how has he been able to take my will to live away?  I guess he has actually succeeded in making me the most unimportant person in the world, so insignificant that my life doesn't even mean anything to me anymore.

If you can, get out now and make sure that you make your new life sustainable, no matter what happens.  And always, always, remember how it really is so that you are never tempted to go back.  Write it down.  Tell as many people as you can so that going back is not an option.  The only way to survive a narcissist is to escape.  And maybe beyond survival there is a chance that we will find some life.


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Re: Struggling with decision
« Reply #122 on: February 09, 2006, 02:36:10 PM »
Welcome. I found your post to be beyond sad. Would you like to talk more?
NOBODY should feel the way you do. I know how the N's use our children to get us, believe me...that is the crux of my situation. But there is always a way to get out of your misery. Always. Open to that possibility, please. There are lots of us who are living proof of that!!!  Don't "go small" in your mind. Expand....there is room for everything and every dream to become real in this world. Believe it, hope for it.
I'm listening.


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Re: Struggling with decision
« Reply #123 on: February 09, 2006, 02:48:53 PM »

I left my husband twice as well and this is IT!  Three times (it doesn't have to be 7)

If you feel as strongly about your children as I do, leave for their sake and PLEASE, PLEASE read the thread (I think it's in unchosen or here) about "do you wish your non would have left?"

So many people who grow up with one horrible parent end up with a worse relationship with the one that didn't protect them (or that's how I get they see it).  My mom CHOSE to stay with my alcoholic, abusive father and I wished so many times she would have left, or AT LEAST stood up for/protected us!!!

I have forgiven her, but it's taken a LOOOOOOOONG time. 

Living with an N does lead a person to seriously doubt themselves.  If you can't get in a better situation b/c you think you deserve it, let your kids be your motivation...Protect them.

Sending you light and strength,

An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.


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Re: Struggling with decision
« Reply #124 on: February 09, 2006, 05:23:44 PM »
Hi Suzan,
I think I know how you feel.   My heart goes out to you.  My situation is not nearly as bad.  I'm not in a position to push anyone to do what I don't feel ready to do, but I can say that after posting things about my H and then saying he wasn't so bad, it was helpful, if embarrassing, to have people point out that the things he had done were actually that bad.

Thank you for your advice - I do want to make sure I will never look back with regret, whichever way this goes.

Maybe the one thing you need to do now is to document what happens, just for you, and even for anyone who needs to know in future.  Write down everything, you can do it here, even if it does not seem so bad.  Part of being beaten down by Ns is to doubt your own judgement and to minimize harm done to you, then to feel guilty about that tiny little rebellion you were able to mount.

Having it all down in black and white will really help to keep you from changing the past in order to live with yourself today.  And coming up to the board to get others' reactions to what he does can help you sort out what is bad and how bad, and what is not.  A lot of the advice will be what, deep down, you already know.  It never hurts to have validation.

It might be a good idea also to think about how this is impacting your children.    How are they behaving?  Do they behave differently when your H is not around?  Do they have inexplicable reactions to certain things?  Are they acting out anywhere?  Do they avoid being at home?  Do they worry about you?  Do they stay to themselves?

It is understandable that you cannot feel anything for anyone now.  You sound beaten down, tired, even depressed.    Your feelings will come back and you will come alive again.  Possibly the first one you feel, will be anger.

Wishing you strength and righteous anger


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Re: Struggling with decision
« Reply #125 on: February 09, 2006, 05:57:01 PM »
Dear Suzan:

I felt pain for you too after reading your post.  I'm so sorry that this has been so very hard.  You have done some things right, I'm sure.  One is reaching out here.  Good for you!  I bet there are other things too.  Make that list too!  It's important!

How about.....little wee steps??  You don't have to try to resolve everything at once eh.   Even thinking of the first step in a plan can be such a you are doing something to help the situation?

I hope you will keep some more as Mum suggested.  Also how about telling yourself one good thing about you every day.  eg.  "I love my children".  That's a good and wonderful thing about you, isn't it?
Some mothers don't seem to care at all.  It's so sad.

Another:  "I've done it before, I can do it again and this time for keepers!"

Anything positive that you decide to repeat to yourself on a daily basis will help you to start to believe in yourself again.  The trick is repetition.





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Re: Struggling with decision
« Reply #126 on: February 09, 2006, 07:01:03 PM »
Dear Suzan,
I am so sorry.

Please don't let go of your right to live.

Please don't.

All the steps people are mentioning here are wonderful ones.

I only want to add that if you feel hopeless, please also in some way connect with 3-D people in your vicinity too. The wisdom, kindness and patience of this board is an amazing well of help...but when the pain is turning to numbness and the numbnes to thoughts that your life isn't worth need to understand you are probably seriously endangered by depression...

So will you call a hotline, make an appointment with a counselor, please????

You are worth it, no matter what your N has told you, and no matter whether you have begun to echo his voice inside yourself. There's also a part of you that knows better...the part that cried out here...I am in pain and I don't deserve this!

Please, listen to that part. It's MORE REAL THAN THE REST.

Please make those calls.
And welcome here,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."