I swear... my NXH is a bit like hotel california!...you know... you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave...
Last I wrote about checking out... I am finally really out, really getting divorced, really recognizing that I am not the crazy one... really recognizing his cruelty for what it is....
But then I notice these wierd patterns in my other relationships that I can only for the life of me trace back to my relationship with my XNH. The inability to stand up for myself.... to automatically think things are my fault when they might not be, or if I do stand up for myself it pisses people off... So either simply assertiveness makes people defensive most of the time, or I am expressing it wrong. But when people get ticked I appologize or I alienate them... and things are never quite the same. When I get silenced by defensiveness, I feel just like I am with him again! It makes me so angry.
I found these coping mechanisms to survive with him. Just don't tell the truth, it's dangerous. For God's sake girl tell him what he wants to hear. OR at least fluff it up a bit. Don't argue, you won't get anywhere you'll just make things worse by talking. And if you convince yourself he's right, at least you won't be angry all the time, and you'll better be able to keep the peace.
So now in interacting with him (although I do it as little as possible) I am more assertive, but stop just short of pissing him off and telling him what where I really think he should go. I still can't express anger!
Now that I am out I experience stronger feelings than I ever did when I was waith him. I get pissed about things! No longer is everything always OK with me. I tend to be a very direct person. So when I am having certain feelings (actually feeling them) I usually express them. With him, I just stopped feeling anger, and started thinking I was just crazy. Or that other people were always right. Now, its not so much the case.
Maybe I expect a lot of people. I generally always expect people to treat me the way that I would treat them.. but so many people turn out to be defensive... and I fall into that trap of thinking its my fault they're mad, or that I shouldn't make people mad. I think I have done something wrong, when I have just been direct and honest. (this is a little like storm's thread on verbal boundaries, but not quite the same)
When these things happen I get to feeling very bad about myself again. I feel like I have done all this work to sort of stand up to by XNH by leaving him, but I still can't really stick up for myself and be loved... So in a way I haven't really left him behind.
I have really noticed this type of thing happening recently. I have appearence... people often think I am much younger than I am, and they seem to expect me to be submissive, and they are always surprised when I am not... but far too often I am.
Example: (I am in grad school) Last semseter I had an incomplete. I handed my paper in to my professor long before the incomplete deadline. Weeks and weeks went bye and I never got the paper back and never got a grade for the class. Finally I emailed her and siad I needed my grade in 2 weeks (I had the excuse of an evaluation approaching). She turned in a grade for the class but I still never saw my paper. Now our semester is over and I just emailed her again and asked if I could have the paper back. I was interested in seeing how I did on the paper. She gave me this email about how because it was an incomplete paper she didn't write comments and she just graded for the overall class. No answer about giving my paper back. So now I am wondering if she even read my paper... She worded her email to say that if I wanted her to spend the time marking it up I would have to wait a few weeks (mind you it was a 12 pager... should take her a half hour at most). I emailed back and said not to spend her time marking it up. But the truth is I worked really hard on it, and I feel like I deserve a fair evaluation. It was not part of the original deal that if I turned in an incomplete, I would not get it back or not get a real grade. I wish I could have had the courage to say, yes please do spend extra time in a few weeks giving me feedback. I feel like I let her manipulate me, or that i was for some reason intimidated. Or that I did something wrong by asking for my paper back.
Another example. There was this housing option that involved work in exchange for housing. In the interview meeting I told the committee that I thought they needed to insulate the house and that they really needed to find a way to include the heating, becaues it is really expensive. And they are getting a lot of work out of the live-in interns for only a little unless they heat the house. That it was a social justice issue. The supervisor (who I have known and adored for several years) suddenly outed me and asked if I had a settlement yet. I had not told the committee that I was getting divorced because I didn't think it was relevant, and it is a personal, painful topic. I think she was defensive for me calling them on being socially unjust. It made me look like I was withholding or lying about my divorce. I was very short with everyone until the interview was over. Later I wrote her and appologized for being rude and also said I had not expected to have to talk about my divorce, and appolgoized for withholding that. I really thought I was in the wrong, and even thought I was projecting my anger at my XNH onto the committee. But in truth, I should not have had to talk about the divorce. Even with my appology my relationship with this woman is very different now. It's this unspoken coldness. I feel sad about it. Why can't we just talk about it?
Finally my lawyer was REALLY dragging her feet on the settlement process (the way lawyers do because the more phone calls they have to make and the more emails they have to send the more money they get)... And I reminded her that I was working with a deadline, that I had retained her because she promised time efficiency and that I needed not to be communicating with my XNH. and she got really snippy with me and said she was doing the best she could. Later I reassured her that I trusted her, and that I was having a stressful month...
I think I appologized because I think people work best when you stroke their ego... and face saving has to be a part of a productive conflict... But I don't like it. Why do people get so offended when you try to tell the truth? Am I not offering enough opportunities for face saving? I have litterally alienated people that way. Even though I can't always stick up for myself, I do more now than ever before. So I am wondering if it is the way I am going about it... or if most people have defensiveness issues. What's wrong with a simple appology? or conversation??? Can't we argue and still be friends???
Maybe I am just young and stupid... is this just a lesson in life that I am learning?