Dear CB,
Thank you for thinking of me
He is grieving now--for all the times he said he didnt care when he really did. He says that he thinks he has done that a lot--to the point that he isnt sure now what he cares about
Very on! Like not knowing we have a choice and the freedom to choose. I never knew that either. As with your son, I never knew what I cared about, what would turn into a passion for me, what my goals were. ....or that I could care, and would have a passion and might have a goal. I was just not informed.
and that he is wrestling with all this at 18 instead of 68.
This is good and he will be all right, I am sure. with a mother like you to understand. The sad thing for me is that so many things were not available to me to learn, so I coped. I am learning now at 68, but 'is it too late'? My coping mechanisms were to get out of that mess and move on, generally to another mess and cope with getting out of that and so on through life. This Board is the first place I have let loose so many of my
'ignorances'. I think because I was coping my way, not knowing if THAT was right or wrong, made me grow into an independent person and a strong one and the biggie,
one that no one ever seemed to understandI am happy my posts have helped and I just wondered for the first time if it is becasue I am coming from the generation older than you, and most posters, whose parents might have lived my life. --in ignorance of the tools available to make for a good life.
because that's what I did as well. If I couldnt change it, I decided it didnt matter to me. It was a way of coping with the hopelessness of the situation. I really didnt cry about it very much. It just was the way it was.
Because I say so!! Well, that is often (still) used by parents, but an explanation would be more educational. Yes. I was like one of the herd, just following along and not knowing what the hell I was doing, but not knowing either WHY I was wondering what the hell I was doing.
I never knew the answers because I never knew the questions..... so 'that (insert everything here)' was not in my life. Can you imagine your son, 50 years from now just beginning to question himself, the whys and wherefores, and try to make sense of life then?
It seems more people think I feel more than I think I do. I could be holding back in order to not be hurt.......... whatever reason, but I know I know these feelings in my head but that is as far as it goes. (Maybe I disowned my body after the car crash and there is no place else for them to go)
Thank you CB
Love Izzy