Sounds like this is a great new thread in the making; games Ns play. We could bring out a compendium for the Christmas market!! LOL!!
Speaking of which, my Nmum loves crosswords and quizzes on telly. She loves saying the answers before the contestants, but with a tone of voice which really makes clear that they are stupid not to know the answer, or not to be as quick as her. And she writes it all down and keeps it. She is a compulsive hoarder of just about everything. Very unhappy woman, really.
I went round the other day and she 'mentioned in passing' hanging out the washing at 4am. I took no notice, because - well you know.
And yesterday I had to get my brother's wallet from their house (he had gone into town without it and rang me. Only he didn't just want money, he wanted
his money and
his wallet.

) Anyway, I said as I was leaving, 'anyone want to go to town'? And mum answered, 'I would, but I have a swollen foot.' See, everything has to be about her. So I said, 'that's a shame', and drove away.
Makes me seem really heartless unless you understand how Ns work. There is no-one else in the world (except another N) that I would just drive away from when a clear call for attention comes like that.
Which is half the trouble, I suppose. The guilt remains for having to be heartless in order to maintain survival boundaries.
West coast - that is the Pacific coast, isn't it? What a long way away!! I occasionally get to paddle in the Atlantic (East Coast of England), but have never paddled in the Pacific.

Perhaps I should put it onto a long term wish list.