Well group,
My NEx fiance went to counseling today and advised he would do whatever it took to keep me. He will continue with his therapy. I was proud of him until now.
He had the password to my business email and was constantly reading it accusing me of sleeping with my clients, so I changed the password as that is confidential. And there is NOTHING going on with my clients or colleagues. I got accused because I told one of my clients, "chow" at the end of my letter to him. To one of my colleagues, who is a very dear friend of mine and old enough to be my father, xoxoxoxo at the end of my letter to him.....so now I must be sleeping with them LOL!
Anyways, changed the password and now he is furious and said he is done with me.....can you believe that? I am the one who is trying to leave him. So now, because I won't give him the new password, I am guilty and he is done with me.
I just don't get it!

I think it's going to be a rough weekend!