The only times forgiveness has worked for me have been when it had literally nothing to do with the other person.
It was only about giving me peace within myself because I was sickened by my resentment and bitter feelings.
I would figure it out very very very slowly and usually, in a space where I felt safe and welcome and supported (for me, sitting in the pew in a UU church I've adopted intentionally--and for about 30 years now--as my extended PHamily) ....
I would feel it lift, thinking about a particular person (Ns, mainly). It would just be...I don't have this weight in my chest any more. I'm no longer afraid of their capacity to hurt me. I am forgiving them for myself. It frees me. (No N ever asked me to forgive them, of course.)
With my Nmother, it didn't fully happen until she was in her 90s. I didn't have a confrontation with her, even a benevolent one to say "I have forgiven you". I just managed with a great deal of help, to get there. And it eased me.
She stayed herself. It made it easier for me to endure the last years, though. I just wasn't expecting anything different, I accepted what had happened had happened, and I just stayed in the present. She was very old. I saw her as a child again. I had compassion (not from virtue, believe felt miraculous to me that it became my setpoint witih her).
One thing that influenced me a lot was a sermon where he talked about how sometimes, forgiveness also means reconciliation. But other times, where there is injury or danger to you in interacting with the other--reconciliation is NOT part of it. And that's okay. If you want to do it, you do it for your own inner peace.
That's what helped me really get that it had nothing to do with the other person. It was something I really, really wanted to do for myself because not to, felt so toxic to me.
That PERSON used to feel toxic to me. After a while, I recognized it was my attachment to them (even my attachment to fantasies of confrontation, finally hearing an apology, making some gesture that "made them see" my hurts, etc.) -- all of that, and most especially all the TIME I spent thinking about them...was my attachment.
I think I had to release myself and release them and do all of that together somehow, before I felt the relief of forgiving.
All that said, I don't think forgiveness should be a SHOULD. That makes it all the more unlikely.
And sometimes maybe it's just never going to happen.