Hi seastorm,
I thnk I read in one of your posts here that you take things too personally?
Well I do/did too. If something went wrong and people were being questioned, I would feel guilty even though I hadn't done it. I did this as a child and even as an adult.
I have posted a lot of things here, and my life is a pile of junk. I have voluntarily 'gone into seclusion' just to work on myself. (Thank goodness I work from home and all contacts are business related.)
I have been used a lot and with all my postings have come to the conclusion I must work on SHAME.
An alcoholic can say very mean things, or not. Sounds as though your 'friend' needed alcohol as a means to say what she wanted to say, but you certainly don't need her in your life.
Oh yes, I am working on boundaries as well, and it's going well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,because I don't see anyone on whom to practice.
Izzy --ever get to Kelowna?
EDIT: I just read your new post. I am so sorry he is messing up things again for you. Stnad strong and keep you chin high. Be confident and throw him off his game.