Hi Lighter:
Just thought I'd respond to your questions with a quick synopsis of my family. Growing up, my Nsister wanted nothing to do with me ever and abused my verbally, physically and emotionally. Instead, she took our younger brother under her "wing" and had a fairly close relationship with him. That changed when he became engaged. She backed out of being in the wedding party at the very last minute at his wedding because she was upset that she couldn't choose the dress. Instead, she and my Nmom were "united" at the wedding (my mom made it clear she was not in favor of it) and dressed identically in "pretty in pink" ensembles. My Nsister then wrote my brother a truly blistering and hateful letter filled with profanity and accusations of how stupid he was for getting married which she included in his wedding card. A few years later when my brother and his wife had a little girl, they made a decision to not choose her as godparent of their child for valid reasons (they wanted a married couple who believed in God and practiced their faith, neither of which applied to my Nsister). As a sidenote, there were four siblings between my brother and his wife and obviously there could only be one godmother. When my brother made this decision, the Nsister disowned him and his family, refused to attend the christening, tore up the baby picture he mailed into tiny little pieces and mailed it back to him, and ultimately refused to be in the same room with him or his family for any reason. My brother made legitimate attempts to talk this out with her, but she flew into a violent rage and refused to discuss it reationally.
Since then, my Nmom and correspondingly, co-dependent dad have sided with my Nsister and spend all their time with them. I truly believed my Nsister was as wrong as wrong can be and likewise for my parents who sided with her. I couldn't understand why they wouldn't at the very least remain neutral and stay out of it, thus allowing for some semblance of a family. Instead, they chose. And they chose the Nsister. As it is now, my brother and I are lucky if my parents deign to spend one Christmas Eve a year with us. The rest of the time they devote to my Nsister. Like I said earlier, they won't even call my brother to wish him a happy birthday. They also tell everyone they know how much they "looooovee" their only grandchild, yet they don't spend any time with her. No phone calls, no trips to the zoo, no nothing. They do buy presents. They're good at that. Partly because my Nmom just likes to shop.
My niece is now 11 years old so this is going on for longer than that. When I pushed my dad to explain his behavior, he claimed that he had "no choice" in the matter because my sister is "sick". (She has never seen a doctor or therapist since she is afraid they'll call her "crazy" which she claims she is not. She is not on meds and has never sought real help in any way. My parents, of course, enable her bad behavior).
So, my brother has accepted this sad situation and appears to have moved on. He is happily married with one child and his in-laws, his wife's entire family and friends and neighbors. It seems to me he is distancing himself from me and that does hurt a lot. He doesn't understand how I feel because he's all about being logical and practical. Like I said, it's easier to distance yourself when you're still left with people who love you. He is a very, very good husband and father and is completely devoted to his family and home. That leaves no time for me. Perhaps he can't deal with my clinical depression which is hard. Perhaps he can't deal with emotions or sadness or just the bad experiences I've had in my life. Perhaps it's easier to look the other way. But if I were really honest, I'd have to say I need him much more than he has ever needed me. That is definitely a pattern in my life.
It is heartbreaking and sad and really lonely. Yes, I live with my parents because I am unemployed and despite my determined efforts, have not found a job. I had an interview last week and will have two more this week but the end result always seems to be the same.
So, that's my situation in a nutshell, how it came to be, etc. My co-dependent dad never stood up for me even when my Nsister was abusing me growing up. I used to have to study in our walk-in closet because she was so abusive to me (we had to share a room our entire childhood). His comment always would be directed to me, "Oh, just get along with her for your mother's sake." Get the picture?
I once coerced him to go to one therapy session with me to help him understand my depression and what I was going through. He told her he didn't believe in therapy and that if my brother and I just went along with things, our family could have been intact. Essentially, if we did everything my Nmom and Nsis always wanted, then things would be just great. I feel a bit guilty about that. But what kind of life would that be?
Sigh. Anyway, that's it in a nutshell. It makes me want to scream and cry at the same time. I wished I had someone who cared about me....or at least understand why they don't.
Thanks again for responding. IT is so good to hear from other people who "get" this.