Author Topic: went contact  (Read 1448 times)


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went contact
« on: October 22, 2009, 11:11:59 AM »
With my oldest N sister. I called her twice. :(

I Changed my phone number in June, so we've been no contact for about 4months. Until I broke it. Feel very bad.

Funny, I didn't tell my H or D. I just picked up the phone and called her. Didn't think, or wait it out, just did it so quick.

Her son answered, in the back ground I heard her say "who???"  "seasons, my sister!!!"  he said, "yes mom your sister."

She got on the phone, never asked what happened, why I changed my number etc.

Nothing has changed. Complete N behavior. I was to play my role and listen, with attention, empathy, excitement etc. She wasn't mad, almost delighted her supply came to visit. WIERD :twisted:

Second call was interesting. Like I mentioned before we didn't say anything to eachother like, are you mad, why didn't you call me etc. And I didn't offer anything,
I did not apologize. I normally would of but I at least had the strength not cave and say those words.

I told my H and D several days later. I felt embarrassed that I slipped. :oops:

Second call was interesting.

She told me two stories of about HER and her huge capacity of forgiveness. I knew this was for me, her audience. Maybe saying in between the lines she forgives me even though I didn't say it.

Her stories..............

Seasons the nicest thing happened to me. Chrissy called me (her daughter in another state LC) and told me someone told her that they think they might of said something mean to me at a family gathering and felt terrible! Then she says, "I'm not going to tell you who it isn't family but someone you know." O.K. I'm thinking.
Her daughter says "Mom I told this person if ANYONE CAN FORGIVE SOMEONE IT'S MY "MOTHER!!!"
She tells me how her daughter knows her so well. And it made her feel special. And of course to tell them she forgives them.
It made her day, "quote."

N sister tells me she is at the supermarket waiting in line, 12 Items or Less.
The man behind her says you have more than 12 Items in your cart!!!!!!!!!! She told me I know I did, but didn't he see my cane in the cart. Entitled without asking.
He then passes her in line.
She said her carrage went to the side on two wheels and she fell into the magazine rack!
Then when he is in front of her he calls her a Bi***! She said he swore at me before he did this then swore more when he got in front of her.
Sister says
"I put my hands on my hips and said not now but tonight when you put your head down to go to sleep I want you to think about what you just did to me, I could of fell to the ground and broken all my bones don't you see my cane?"

Then she says she ignored him and started to put her groceries on the conveyor belt ignoring his stares. She says the register girl is in shock. My sister says so sorry you had to see that.
Nsister says he doesn't leave. He stands there with his bag and looks at her, solemnly. He puts his hands together and says "I am so sorry, I can't believe I just did that."
"Please tell me you forgive me." She says his hands are in a praying position.

N sister says she puts both hands up in the air and says "I FORGIVE YOU."

He still doesn't leave she says, again he says "I NEED TO HEAR YOU TELL ME AGAIN THAT YOU TRULY FORGIVE ME."
She again tells me she puts her HANDS UP IN THE AIR AND SAYS IIIIII FORRRRRGIVVVVVE YOUUUUUU." That's how she pronounced it.
Nsister says he bent his head and said "Thank You."

Now I'm at the register and the girl can't believe what she's seeing and says this is for you and gives my sister $6 and change. My N sister says for what? The man left his change for YOU.
So do you believe I made six bucks out of it. :?
And again made her feel special that she was able to touch someone. She says it's another one for my book. She always talks about how things that happen to her never happen to anyone else and that she needs to write a book and that I am to tell everyone it's the truth. She has said this for decades.
The same woman who makes up new names forherself to strangers she meets out and about to make her feel special and unique, now a liar and a nut case.

Did this happen? Well I know for sure people have yelled at her in stores before. Do I think he almost knocked her to the ground, hmmmmm "NO" my N sister would of had the manager and police there in a second. I believe she took this stories and added some drama and added her HOLLINESS to it.

I believe as silly as this sounds it......... was for me. I think in her head she pretends I have said I am sorry and have asked for repentance.

Now I know she is a wacko. I've learned my lesson fast. I just felt a need for someone to talk to, like a mom or sister and lost my ever liven mind thinking I had one.

Just yesterday I received a card from her. Thought you all would appreciate this, I didn't know Hallmark had a Narcissist section.

On the cover says...............




Inside says, THANKS!
                 LOVE YOU TOO.

Enclosed were a few pictures of her new granddaughter
 and three of her and the outside of her house decorated for halloween. spooky ....

On the bright side I didn't give her my number. Back to square one.

Their was nothing earth shattering here to share, just basic nisms.

Thanks, I just needed to get this gunk off of me. Shredding it here is the only place that is safe.      seasons

"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou


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Re: went contact
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2009, 11:30:35 AM »
Dear Seasons
 It is so funny that I just read your post cuz I feel like calling my M whom I have had NC with for 6 months. We romance the relationship and the idea of family.Who doesn't want a family, right?
 That card is great. What a business opportunity---N cards.
 You should not say it out loud cuz you could market it.
 You are doing so, so well, ((((Seasons))). Keep trusting yourself. You are smart, insightful  and have good sense.     xxxooo  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: went contact
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2009, 01:04:30 PM »
Thank you Ami.  :)

I'm still learning, but have grown in many areas. I don't feel like four months were wasted once I fell, and called her.

Sometimes you let your mind forget how bad it really is, being the supply of an N. I'm sure as the months passed, which were very peaceful as time went on, I forgot
they don't change, N's never ever change.
So at a weak moment of wanting A sister not my sister , who is ill in incapable of any real relationship............ I caved. I know you understand.
Time to stand up and brush myself off.

I feel better writing it all out. I'm not in dispear, NOT hurt,  just reminded why I went NC to start off with. Feels good not to of been sucked back in. I still have my strength to begin NC again. With peace.

Glad you saw through the N card.

Dear (((Ami))),
Be careful with what ever you choose to do. I pray she doesn't get the chance to touch your loving...healing... heart.

 Your appreciative friend...........seasons xoxo
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou


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Re: went contact
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2009, 03:07:01 PM »
Dear Seasons,

I was very bad in math. So I never got the formula:

2 steps forward + 1 step back = 1 step forward

I only saw the word "back".

You're still forward!

(And that's how things are in normal life; it's okay. A slip can reinforce wisdom. A relapse can increase motivation.)

You've observed her so well, and sound much less panicky about who she is.

Bravo! Well done.

love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: went contact
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2009, 03:53:07 PM »
Hey Seasons,

The story at the supermarket is hilarious! I am sorry to be laughing but see if they want any imaginative writers at SNL or 30 Rock or something and fill out an application for her!

Don't beat yourself up for trusting that things changed and got in touch - I am NC with NM for 15 years almost and still last year fell in trap to wish her good luck for some stupidity!



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Re: went contact
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2009, 04:11:25 PM »
Thank you Ami.  :)

I'm still learning, but have grown in many areas. I don't feel like four months were wasted once I fell, and called her.

Sometimes you let your mind forget how bad it really is, being the supply of an N. I'm sure as the months passed, which were very peaceful as time went on, I forgot
they don't change, N's never ever change.
So at a weak moment of wanting A sister not my sister , who is ill in incapable of any real relationship............ I caved. I know you understand.
Time to stand up and brush myself off.

I feel better writing it all out. I'm not in dispear, NOT hurt,  just reminded why I went NC to start off with. Feels good not to of been sucked back in. I still have my strength to begin NC again. With peace.

Glad you saw through the N card.

Dear (((Ami))),
Be careful with what ever you choose to do. I pray she doesn't get the chance to touch your loving...healing... heart.

 Your appreciative friend...........seasons xoxo

Dear (((Seasons))
 You really have the gift of encouragement. Has anyone ever told you that. That is one of the Gifts of the Spirit, I think. It may have a different name but it is the ability to make people feel a little bit better about their trials. I always feel uplifted when I read your posts to me.
 I am not gonna call, I don't think. What is the point, really? It is so,so sad. I found Jesus from the pain so God brought tremendous good out of the bad of N.
 xxoo  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: went contact
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2009, 02:39:34 AM »
Hi Seasons,

I've had loads of times over the years where I've got in touch with family again after time away from them.  With me it's because I start to feel stronger when I'm not around them.  Because I'm not dealing with daily doses of how bad I am at everything and how saintly they all are I get better inside.  Then I start feeling like I've been a bit over the top at how bad they are and think I can handle them better so I get in touch.  Also round times like Christmas I really miss having a big family - not my own, but I don't have another so it makes me more likely to reach out.  That went on with me for years before I severed contact completely.  You recognise what goes on now and that's a huge part of it.  Focus on you and how you feel - sometimes getting in touch again reassures you that you made the right decision to stay away.

I completely get the forgiveness thing.  Several months after going NC with my mum I found out she'd forged my signature on some bank forms to get money out of my son's savings (this was after she'd told social services I was abusing him and causing severe developmental delays through neglect).  I'd switched accounts about a year earlier so when she tried to access them she got a letter back saying they were empty.  She sent me a card on my birthday which was about a fortnight after this all happened which said 'I still love you' - like I was the one in the wrong and she was being wonderful by still loving me despite the fact she got caught trying to steal from him.  I try not to understand my family any more - I worry if I do it means my brain's got like theirs and I've gone crazy!

Thinking of you xx