Hi Ales,
I don't know the answer for you, but it sparked a memory.
Most of the time, when I have been in a therapeutic relationship,
it has been warm, connected, and I felt liked. Lifted and helped.
But a couple of times, in my late twenties, when I was both a bit manic
and I believe, pretty narcissistic without knowing it...I recognized that a
therapist didn't like me. Took a while to understand that there was something
more complicated going on.
The best clarity I have now, about 40 years on, was that in some way,
in some encounters with a therapist...I think they sensed I was running my
own agenda, in a way. I was in a power struggle. I didn't want to be humble
or helpless and something dark in me wanted a therapist to justify and respect
me. And a couple didn't. I don't know how to explain it, but there were a couple of
therapists I didn't like and didn't recognize that this was mutual. Instead, it had to
be that I was "right" and they were "failing." So instead of seeking a better
match, I kept at it....seeking something that I felt they wouldn't give...and I
pushed and pushed, and got resistance or recoil from them.
This is so totally vague, sorry. I remember, so vaguely, feeling anger toward
one or two. And indignant. And offended. And ... loathsome term: entitled.
There was something I was demanding that they just would not give. I think
if they didn't understand me and give me what I needed...I felt contempt.
And that is a hugely N-istic feeling (that I now recognize as a spiritual enemy,
perhaps the biggest.)
I still don't quite understand what it was. But I know at that time I owned part of it,
and was contributing at that time, something toxic to the dialogue that I now
believe came from my unconscious training from my N-mother. That an N-istic
self-absorption in therapy was different from seeking healing or truth...and
that then, I was just cycling obsessively through a me-me-me-me thing
that was even overwhelming to a T.
I know now that I am not "an N." However, I also know that at times during
my life, I reverted to N-istic behaviors, as I struggled to get through the world.
As a woman, a writer...I was so angry at not being equal. And it wasn't a big
stretch for that anger to manifest in an Nistic self-absorption, an undercurrent.
I think it's really hard when you're furious about sexism and were raised by
an Nmother.... not to be vulnerable to some of HER entitlement and self-absorption.
So that's why I think a couple of therapists, years ago, grew fatigued with me.
And I don't blame them. I got sick of myself too.