Ok, so when I get beck from church this morning, my wife has shifted back to her good side. I already had a budget for my own sanity, I extended it with several things from her list that I had forgotten and we were able to agree on this budget. Now, I'll have to wait and see if it holds.
I think that's one reason I have such a hard time really forming an opinion on her, she changes so quickly, I can't keep up. Then it either looks like I'm caring about an angry, selfish child, or I'm angry with an innocent, cooperative adult. The thing that scares me is where did that anger go? Did she really find a way to release it? I don't think so, because I was not involved in any way with the release. I would expect most people to either decide it wasn't worth it and give it up, or to confront me with it and let me know how they feel. With our history, I assume it's going into the passive-aggressive store for when all this divorce talk is over and things go back to "normal."
Re: your childhood. Others are far more horrified by your childhood than you are because your terror, loneliness, heartache, etc., is being projected into us rather than processing it yourself. I can understand the reason, it's too much to deal with on your own.
Are you in individual therapy?
I think you hit the heart of the problem for me. I've either been at home with my parents or dating/engaged/married my wife my entire life. This seems "normal" to me, even though it is extremely painful and tiring. I'm not in individual therapy at this time, but am strongly considering it again. I've been considering it again for some time now, but felt that I was having so much change, it was all I could stand. I'm starting to see that it needs to be the "right" changes in the "right" direction, whatever that is. I've been reading a lot this past week on this site, suggested in another thread here:
http://www.guidetopsychology.com/index.htmlIt backs up what you've been saying bunny, serena, and others. It also dscribes the different goals and methods between counseling and therapy. Basically, counseling is teaching techniques to help better adapt to a particular social situation, like work, or marriage. Therapy is to get down to the core issues, bring them to light, and suggest new ways of dealing with them. I originally agreed to counseling because it was the only thing my wife had been willing to do. However, I have believed all along that therapy would do more for our situation. One of the counselor's concerns is that adding individual thaerapy would take the focus off the counseling and diffuse the energy and effectiveness of the counseling. So far, I haven't seen that the counseling has been all that successful, so I'm not against a change, though I'm betting my wife's defenses will kick in against that.
At first, I believed that I had dealt with most of my issues in my prior therapy and that it was only my wife who needed therapy now. I see now that I took some huge steps in therapy, but haven't resolved all my major issues at all. To be honest, I don't think I could have done more therapy at that time. I think I needed the time to digest, practice, and understand what I got from it. With the major revelations I've been having recently, it's clear that I have a lot more work to do. It sure would be great if the therapist could help point out where my understanding diverges from "normal." BTW, bunny, could you say more about my projecting onto you? What does that look, sound, feel like? I don't disagree with you, it's just hard for me to recognize. Thanks.
I'm trying to decide whether to go back to my previous therapist or find a new one. My previous therapist knows my history, though that was several years ago now, I might have to remind him! A ner person would give me a chance to tell my story from the begining again and might be able to suggest things that my previous therapist missed. Has anyone done therapy with multiple therapists? What was your experience with this?
I'm surprised a) you are still sane and b) still there!!
a is definitely up in the air at the moment, but b is true.

I hope you understand, that while it may seem clear to you that I need to leave, I want to make this decision from a place of understanding and clarity. In other words, I don't want just change my mistakes, I want to choose a new path. I may end up leaving and you may be absolutely right, but I need to make sure that, I am making a good, aware decision for a change. In other (shorter) words, I'll make my own decision in my own time, but please don't go. I get a lot of support and new understanding from your feedback. Thanks!