Freddy Mercury, lol. How funny.
You reminded me I have stuff on my indoor list before company arrives. Trim that still needs another coat of paint. Some caulking. Bathroom ceilings need paint. At this point I paint the floor vinyl flooring in the master bath whenever I expect overnight company... looks fresh... sky blue, until I can replace it. I want to wash the neutral not bad wallpaper down with white paint, and add something to it. Not sure what. I'll know it when I know it. I have a wall in the kitchen with 2 colors of paint on it. The cabinet color and wall colors. Time to choose one, and make it so. Eh, I also have to paint one unfinished cabinet. Forgot about that. Just got used to it I guess.
It's nice that you have the contractors gone for now. Time to rest, and gather strength for the next round. 90% research. 10% execution, and all that.
I spent the entire day ripping out hosta, and tidying borders, pulling weeds from already weeded established moss side yard, which felt SO GOOD. I blew the leaves off, all dirt and acorns... it looks like fairies frolic in the space when it's tended, which will get easier and easier as the weeds go.
I watered everything with a short light spray after dark. IF I'd have gotten moss fragments on all the spotty or bald patches they'd be growing right now. I have a start and stutter thing going with new activities I'm not familiar with. It's a perfection thing. I have to just DO, and not think think think about doing it just right.
Fragging is making little half inch pieces out of the right mosses for the right spots, and scattering them into wet soil, walking on them, and keeping them moist with 2 spritzes a day. I've been spraying every day SEEING if I can keep it up with all this dry weather. At least I fixed hoses today, and I'm on city water. I don't understand the pressure change, but there's a drip drip drip under the house for outside backyard spicket with a halloween trick or treat bucket under it that needs a plumber's attention, along with the drippy faucets in the master bath. He can check out the pressure when I call him. AHHHHH those darned hoses. I always cut my fingers up when I use those cheap repair kits. Next time I'm getting the more expensive ones to try.
:shock:The woodpecker's back. I chased him away, and he went to the next door neighbor's house. I heard them bang, like an interior woodpecker, and then he went to the next house in line. They weren't home, so he hung out there for a while. It was impossible to concentrate so I chased him away, and hoped he didn't swing back to my house. He was in the trees the last time I heard him.
I wonder if banging like a woodpecker is more effective than one BIG thump. I the neighbors if that was so, and they didn't seem to know they were banging JUST like a woodpecker, or they didn't want to discuss. Hmmm.
I have a broken bird bath to move to front yard. The top broke in half, so I'll bury it a bit, like a planter, and fill it with lovely round colonies of different mosses in front of the BIG tree. The moles have been digging around that tree for years, unchecked, so it's all heaped up and mounded in this very attractive way the other trees aren't. If I don't stomp the mole tunnels down, they harden and take on this organic sculpture mound on mound on mound form. I hope that made sense. It truly is gorgeous.
We don't have rain forecast the next 10 days, but the leaves will begin falling this week so it's frag time NOW, though my mind is still resisting.
One neighbor is heartbroken I don't intend to moss the entire front yard. Honestly, I don't believe I can do a good job with it. The plan is to blow leaves into the middle, and have areas, or features around trees and the trail that are well kept. That means I don't have to work so hard when the leaves fall, or take so much time blowing. The neighbor can use that pile too, just easier for both of us. Right now I have half a hill, and an interesting area mapped out for the pile. I pulled the weeds there, so I can utilize that moss, put down landscape fabric, and start blowing. That's where the frags will come from, and it's all waiting for harvest, tearing, spreading and watering. I guess.
It got chilly today, Amber. I needed a jacket but didn't want to stop working, which is why the hoses got fixed. I couldn't bear the spray of the leaky hoses soaking me over and over again, which was how yesterday, a warmer day, went.
Now that I have part of the yard in exactly the shape I want everything in, I feel more peace. More contented. More focused.
I might not be able to smell the barn, but I know it's there; )
Now, if I can get my hands on some huge wonderful stone from a nearby barn recently torn down. And the metal roof of a barn near my fathers. I long to reclaim old things. I picked up big stones from the woods, and moss covered stumps with character to use. Somewhere. At some point. I really enjoy this work.