It's a shift, isn't it, Tupp? To really SEE what's going on inside our heads. To wonder why we're thinking it, without any judgment, but just ask the questions, and follow the answers where they go.
And we're breathing through it.... remembering to breathe, bc our biology can't get hijacked if we're breathing slowly... mindfully... which gives us access to our entire brain.... all our logical problem-solving skills.... and creativity! How I've missed creativity, Tupp.
New ideas, and solutions pop up lately. Not that I've been able to USE them, or make them into more, but I can sense the edges of current boundaries, and perhaps moving beyond.... and what might come next.
Something I haven't thought of before.
Something I haven't been doing the last 12 or so years.
Something that's not about my children, old conflicts, current conflicts, or people-pleasing codependent tapes in my head, and I'm about to spend time with an elderly neighbor gal, she's a monster in her yard... works like a fit man, and we're moving tons of leaves into my front island together. The thing is.... I'm sort of self conscious around her retired, pragmatic retired nurse, understands and SEES things for what they are persona. I like her very much, but I'm not myself with her, so your last post strikes a nerve for me too.
And the noticing what IS, is the next step in considering what can be, and what I want. I'll try to be more myself with her today, and just relax out of doing doing doing, and trying to protect her from falling (she's SO capable) and just ask her what she thinks more, instead of DOING DOING DOING in my way, which is to do everything.
I don't want more of what I have, though I'm a fine person as I am..... I'm an unfulfilled person. A person who cares more about others, and puts others first pretty much all the time, and noticing THIS has been revelation. Seeing it in a T's eyes.... seeing that woman break down, and want me to make choices that SHOW my children I believe I'm worthy.... was just heartbreaking. That T is the one who referred me to current T, btw.
Lordy.... I could say I had no choice over the last 12 years. I could say I had to put the children first, and I honestly believe that.... always will. Kids come first, and that's what good parents DO.
But I had the choice to take better care of myself, and that wouldn't have meant I didn't put the kids first. I should have put myself on the list, and that's not something I dispute... it's something I'm gobsmacked to SEE so very clearly.
I did that.
I left myself off the list, with brief attempts at self care..... large things that used to come easy to me.... but not possible in the present.
I can't go back, and that's something that requires mourning, and logical thinking to make sense of, process, and acceptance, so I can file it away, and look toward a realistic, fulfilling future for myself.
Sometimes I DO sense the empowerment, and possibility for myself..... sense the areas outside my narrow life, where I could GO, and build things... NEW things FOR MYSELF. I look forward to considering things way outside my little box, and just expand possibility.
And that's new for me, Tupp. I have to tell you. It was a very sad realization.... the noticing all I DO for others, and don't do, or even consider doing for myself on a very consistent basis. Even though there's been a part of me that understood, and tried to make changes.... the more consistent melody in the background was the ongoing crisis playing out, even when things weren't IN crisis.... and that had to be addressed.... is being addressed now. I can't change that on my own, and I have to have help doing it.
I wish I'd kept a very detailed journal about my T appointments. I think I hit the high points here, thank goodness, but there's a lot I WANT to recall, and am afraid I can't, hence.... I see T every week. I will see her every week, and that's just a given at this point.
At the last T session she took me through a vision meditation for how I want my life to look going forward. I didn't see myself in THIS house, and I saw a piece of the work I think I'd like to do.... might do. Both things surprised me, and if I started to get emotionally triggered, T knows how to immediately get me back on track, and revisit the point after we've completed the mission in the moment. She's so great.
I have to get into the yard, and freezing temperatures..... looking forward to homeade chicken noodle soup afterwards..... fresh made cauliflower grain free nummy noodles... SO GOOD. Fresh English Peas. Lots of fresh veggies, and comfort.
I hope you're snuggled in, enjoying yourself this cold Sunday. That makes me smile to picture: )