No, Tupp. I didn't sleep in the shed, but a Frenchman is staying in the cottage down the beach without power. He has a hammock with a bug net, which is what I would of had. My brother checked into a condo where he's keeping his boat just down the beach. There's room to breath.
I've enjoyed fishing a mile or less offshore. I always lean toward land no matter what water I'm on. Fishing is great, but I have lots to do.
Brother brought 4 bikes, and I got a lesson in aging today when my thighs decided they were done after a ride into town. I was so happy to reach the phone company I got off the bike.....tried to run with it and park....the left leg just crumpled. I rolled, landing flat on my back. I could see people shuffling to help and had to decide how to handle it. I was completely unharmed so I popped up and, raised my arms and celebrated as intended with a happy "I did it!" Meaning biked to the phone and bread companies. It does suck to get old, we all agreed.
Martial Arts teaches you to roll and displace energy when falling. I'm better at that than riding a darned bike.
I have so much to do, and a whirlwind day of activity, meeting with people, finishing projects, catching the 2 hour fast ferry, a 9 hour stay at hotel before flight, then home again where house looks like a whirlwind hit it.
Packing for the island is always difficult. You pack. Repack then seriously edit a few hours before the flight. I was still 66 pounds over for the second flight, but was ok, bc almost empty. Only allowed 30 lbs each on a full flight. Looking forward to zero baggage going home, but not looking forward to the ferry ride. People get seasick. Boarding sucks. Getting off sucks.
I really should have brought more of those do not eat packets to keep drawers dry.
Very tired now. I hope you're doing ok.