
What's the most important things in a vacation rental for you?

Condiments in the fridge, yes, even used
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Basic spices and oil
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Author Topic: The island  (Read 34863 times)


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Re: The island
« Reply #30 on: September 09, 2019, 02:56:27 PM »
Buck.... who works on motorcycles.  It just seems right, Amber, lol.

My sib is going to the island this week, and I'm scrambling to get things together for the trip.  I really wanted to send silicon gel packs, but that doesn't look possible at this point.

I did get the beach towels, and wash clothes packed to go.... and the one coverlet I left in the dryer for the King bed.  They're taking the ferry, yuck, but it's a good way to carry stuff.  Planes are super expensive, and super limiting.   

I'll likely pick up a generator from the local hardware store when the next boat comes in.  Or sib will pick it up,  along with a full length mirror.  I've been  asking for one for weeks now.  Maybe on this boat.   I can't see how a relatively inexpensive portable generator would be helpful, bc A)  It would have to be fastened somehow, and locked in place, and 2) It would require gas, someone to start it, and stop it daily when renters are on the property.  I don't have anyone available willy nilly when the power comes and goes.  It's a PITA, but I'm not complaining.  I'm just trying to puzzle out how to make this thing work.  I'm grateful I still have a puzzle to puzzle over, honest.



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Re: The island
« Reply #31 on: September 10, 2019, 09:13:33 AM »
Well, it's a serious investment - but I swear by propane fueled, whole house generators. Now, the amount of electricity needed for everything has to be calculated so that you're not wasting money on anything too big; or undersizing it so that you can't keep the fridge going at the same time you're cooking... and you need to able to anchor/bury the propane tank.

In your situation, I know there are larger portables. It would make sense to have it adapted to run either gas, diesel or propane. You may not have much in Kw needs there. Add some solar panels and batteries to the "backup" system... and you might be alright. But yes, as you pointed out, you do need someone on-site to maintain it.
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Re: The island
« Reply #32 on: September 10, 2019, 11:43:40 AM »
I have a card for the island generator supplier.  Will see how things work there.

Sub ready to build smaller cottages and build business.  It makes me feel vulnerable, and anxious.


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Re: The island
« Reply #33 on: September 10, 2019, 08:22:23 PM »
I would feel that way too in your shoes Lighter.

Do those feelings invite you to reconsider your effort and investment there, or does it still feel like a good direction for your time and energy?

I have confidence you'll consult your inner self and come to the right answer, whatever it is, which is yours to claim.

Support and calm...
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The island
« Reply #34 on: September 11, 2019, 06:26:17 PM »
I'm inviting my feelings on this topic, Hops.

I have to make peace with the fact there's no good answers, IMO.

I feel like a cat with a piece of ham on it's face.  I can't find a way around the problem just now.



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Re: The island
« Reply #35 on: September 11, 2019, 09:43:31 PM »
You will, Lighter.

I love that you're respecting your intuition.

The answer will come.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The island
« Reply #36 on: December 14, 2019, 01:54:50 PM »
I've never been to the island in the winter.  I think it feels like sunny fall weather.  Easy to work in.

I'll consider cleaning out the shed, and shewing out the crabs to make a rustic sleeping quarter for 2 or 3 since the cottage will be full up.  I don't know if it's sturdy enough to hang hammocks, of which there are three.  Seems very pirate esque to write that out.  Youngest DD is not down with sleeping out of (cottage) doors... she wants a hammock in the King room, or livingroom.  I'm thinking oldest dd and I will be in the shack together. 

If that goes well, I can have plumbing, a bathroom and electric arranged.  We can air-condition the space, put a little loft in for sleeping, and tiny kitchen.... maybe.  I might love sleeping out like that... with the Atlantic providing white noise. I honestly don't know if I'll love it or not.  I know I have everything I need to give it a try.

I think the new beams between kitchen and dining rook are perfect for 2 hammocks, leaving one space to walk between rooms.   If it's easy to set up, with fasteners left in place, anyone can pop them up when needed.  I think. 




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Re: The island
« Reply #37 on: December 15, 2019, 03:55:37 AM »
I've never been to the island in the winter.  I think it feels like sunny fall weather.  Easy to work in.

I'll consider cleaning out the shed, and shewing out the crabs to make a rustic sleeping quarter for 2 or 3 since the cottage will be full up.  I don't know if it's sturdy enough to hang hammocks, of which there are three.  Seems very pirate esque to write that out.  Youngest DD is not down with sleeping out of (cottage) doors... she wants a hammock in the King room, or livingroom.  I'm thinking oldest dd and I will be in the shack together. 

If that goes well, I can have plumbing, a bathroom and electric arranged.  We can air-condition the space, put a little loft in for sleeping, and tiny kitchen.... maybe.  I might love sleeping out like that... with the Atlantic providing white noise. I honestly don't know if I'll love it or not.  I know I have everything I need to give it a try.

I think the new beams between kitchen and dining rook are perfect for 2 hammocks, leaving one space to walk between rooms.   If it's easy to set up, with fasteners left in place, anyone can pop them up when needed.  I think. 


Wow, an outdoor pirate cabin sounds amazing, Lighter!  Would be a great option for families with older kids, who could bunk outside together in their own den away from the grown ups :)  It sounds lovely :)  Is all the difficult and endless work with the cottage done now or are you still having to sort a lot out with that? xx


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Re: The island
« Reply #38 on: December 15, 2019, 06:48:34 PM »
Hi, Tupp.

It feeeeels like the slog work is over, but then I've never really had a chance to work AND play, so.... it's going to feel great no matter how much work has to be done.

If I can grind all the rust off the roof, clean it and seal it this trip....
if I can get the shed ready as a sleeping quarter (and sleep in it.....)
if I can fish, swim with the dolphins, sharks, and rays....
if I can finally visit the shark lab.....
if I can stretch on the beach, look for sea glass and large conch shells....
if I can find the materials list for finishing the shack I'll be laugh'in: )

I notice I didn't think about all the work of feeding 10 people, cleaning up after them, or keeping them happy.  We need to be adults,  clean up after ourselves, find things to do on our own, and share cooking duties, which is how it should always be.

I sure hope I like sleeping like a pirate.



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Re: The island
« Reply #39 on: December 18, 2019, 07:52:43 PM »
We have our first booking at the cottage, and it feels pretty good. I'm still figuring out how to pay the manager, and get things done from here.  The Cable's out, for instance, and I can't get a straight answer by phone (or understand a word, rather) so I said YES twice on the phone, then was hung up on.  Sometimes they say one thing, and it's not at all true, which used to make me very anxious and feel incompetent.  Now it's just another little problem, and I don't internalize blame around it: ) It's just how things go on the Island.  Sometimes they go very well.. I have to remind myself.

The caretaker will go to the phone company and ask about it tomorrow.  He's out of cable too, so he's motivated. 

Need to bring a better grill... the one there still has that Dawn Of The Dead look we're trying to get rid of.  I think the renter found it washed up on the beach. 

Other than that, I'm looking forward to packing this trip.  Will pare down items in the cottage, streamline the information packet, and labels.... I think things are already pretty good.

So, ya. 



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Re: The island
« Reply #40 on: December 23, 2019, 08:13:49 AM »
We're leaving in the morning, heading into 22mh winds in a little seaplane.  Hmmm.

The internet service is out.  No one knows why at the phone company. The crews don't work on rainy days... it's raining today. It was raining on Friday.  They don't work on weekends.  They don't work on holidays.  Hmmm.

My "renter" knew the internet was out for weeks... but didn't report it.  To me or the phone company.  He waited until my brother was there.  He waited till my brother asked about it.  Renter uses the cottage internet so he knew when it went out. Hmmm.

I might not check in much over the next week.

I hope everyone has a nice holiday: )



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Re: The island
« Reply #41 on: December 26, 2019, 10:11:35 AM »
Oh Lighter, it's frustrating when people don't do simple things like just let someone know something isn't working.  I hope someone gets something fixed at some point and that the first guests enjoy themselves :)  You've done well to get all of that done.  Hope you have a great holiday :) xx


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Re: The island
« Reply #42 on: December 31, 2019, 01:24:44 PM »
Water went out just after fish dinner clean up.  Still no water this morning. Turned out someone dropped a big rock on our side of the government connection.  We had everything but the glue, but resolved within the hour.

Everyone went out on boat yesterday afternoon....it was a chilly ride on way to resort then oddly warm on return.  I was dreading that return ride.

Brother asked man to snap our family photo and we struck up conversation.  He'd come in the night before on 10 foot seas and was still in shock, bc it beat the he'll out of him, his galley table ripped out, everything on the boat was thrown around and everyone but him puked.

He and brother compared crossing notes.... Brother was in open boat with 5 people and tiny dog....no one there up, or went over.

The man pointed to his yacht and said he had one gal puking over the rail he sent downstairs bc he didn't want her going overboard and dying....she just vomited on the cabin floor.  The guy was really angry at his captain and had good comedic timing.  Sounds lie he's going to need it, and maybe a new captain.  Maybe the waves were closer together or something.




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Re: The island
« Reply #43 on: January 01, 2020, 01:15:05 AM »
Wow Lighter those sound like scary seas!  I'm not good on water, I'd be refusing to go in a boat ever again after that!  Not least because I find the sea so unpredictable and it can change so fast.  I hope everyone's alright today and the sea is a bit calmer when they all go out again.  Hope you get the water back on fairly quickly.  Did you sleep in the hammocks in the outside building or is that bit not finished yet? xx


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Re: The island
« Reply #44 on: January 01, 2020, 03:21:24 AM »
No, Tupp.  I didn't sleep in the shed, but a Frenchman is staying in the cottage down the beach without power.  He has a hammock with a bug net, which is what I would of had.  My brother checked into a condo where he's keeping his boat just down the beach.  There's room to breath.

I've enjoyed fishing a mile or less offshore.  I always lean toward land no matter what water I'm on.  Fishing is great, but I have lots to do. 

Brother brought 4 bikes, and I got a lesson in aging today when my thighs decided they were done after a ride into town.  I was so happy to reach the phone company I got off the bike.....tried to run with it and park....the left leg just crumpled.  I rolled, landing flat on my back.  I could see people shuffling to help and had to decide how to handle it.  I was completely unharmed so I popped up and, raised my arms and celebrated as intended with a happy "I did it!"  Meaning biked to the phone and bread companies.  It does suck to get old, we all agreed.

Martial Arts teaches you to roll and displace energy when falling.  I'm better at that than riding a darned bike. 

I have so much to do, and a whirlwind day of activity, meeting with people, finishing projects, catching the 2 hour fast ferry, a 9 hour stay at hotel before flight, then home again where house looks like a whirlwind hit it.

Packing for the island is always difficult.  You pack.  Repack then seriously edit a few hours before the flight.  I was still 66 pounds over for the second flight, but was ok, bc almost empty.  Only allowed 30 lbs each on a full flight.  Looking forward to zero baggage going home, but not looking forward to the ferry ride.  People get seasick.  Boarding sucks.  Getting off sucks.

I really should have brought more of those do not eat packets to keep drawers dry.

Very tired now.  I hope you're doing ok. 
