If anybody's bored by tediously detailed medical stuff, I'm not hurt if you don't read!
Cardiologist is great. Overall, I just feel good that this doc is so clear, focused and ready to find answers. It was empowering to get the test done, although the results weren't precise (enough to ease my worries, anyway). The stress test was "one abnormality, not exactly normal, but I'd say 'low-risk'" was his description.
I had three choices: 1) Stop worrying about it and exercise anyway, watching for increased chest pain/SOB or shortness of breath. 2) Go on one or two of several Rx --nitro, diuretic, maybe a beta blocker (ugh, I hate lots of Rx) to see if they "make me feel better" -- which would be nice but not diagnostic. 3) Get a couple more tests (an Echo and a PET). The PET would prove definitively what the sole abnormality in the stress test could be (he thinks it might've just be a flawed image) and, more importantly, whether I have microvascular disease or blockage/s in the small vessels. I forget the fancy term for it.
We discussed and opted for #3, because it would be the most definitive, and knowing for sure what the deal is would be most helpful to me. I felt so relieved at his level of interest and empowered by forging ahead for clear information. I think it's going to be okay but it's not a Yes/No or black/white kind of situation quite yet. I'm okay with that because this is a good path. And with his rep, I'm in great hands.
Next tests are June and September, and I'll see him again in November. Progress!