That's cute about your son & cat checking on Covid maps.
I did hear about the strain over there but not a lot of details on it. I guess there was also a Spanish strain that popped up a while back. Sigh.
Also I do know what you mean, the idea that one is missing out because EVERYBODY is on social media.
Today my power went out for a bit because of a windstorm and so I was sitting with a camp lantern and I texted a friend, we ended up having a phone call and catching up finally. I'm really glad that happened because I've been meaning to call her but just not doing it.
It is cute, Posh, the cat always looks as though she's listening and very onboard as well

Lol. Yes, I think we've lost a lot because of social media. I feel the lack of phone calls very acutely, even though it's been happening for years now. But I don't like telling all sorts of people what I'm doing and having people I don't know very well read it (as happens on social media) and again, it's about context as well. I speak to different people about different things in different ways - I can't write something on social media that fits the way I talk to everyone, you know? I'm glad you got to catch up with your friend. It's good to talk! It's worth making the effort, I think.
Yes, apparently a new, more infectious strain, which apparently they've known about since September but decided to just watch it spread for two months. It has baffled me that the infection rate didn't seem to be dropping despite just having had another lockdown and people taking precautions. I guess if it's more infectious that would be why. Oh for a Government that had taken it seriously at the beginning, put a proper, science based plan in place and proceeded with caution. New Zealand suffered 25 deaths and were pretty much back to normal in a few months. I know they're much smaller and more remote than we are but even so - we could have done this a lot better. I just woke up feeling terribly sad for all those people who are really battling with this at the moment, whatever the reason for it is. So much worry and heartache. It's a sad time.
Hopsie, he'd really make you laugh. He's so funny, but also so sensible as well. It really brings it home to me; people often assume people with learning disabilities are a bit daft but he really isn't, he just needs to take in the language in a different way and have a bit of time to work out what's going on and compare it to something else he already understands, so it makes sense. He was a bit concerned because the headlines everywhere are 'Christmas is Cancelled' but I told him he'll still get his presents and he's instantly fine again lol. Speaking of which, I need to finish wrapping because I can only do it when he's asleep which isn't all that much when I'm awake! Lol xx