Thank you Lighter. When faced with W's rage I go for a walk, a drive, or I go upstairs. I have the upper level to myself, where my bedroom, office and bathroom are located. The ceiling is made of tongue and groove wood. It feels warm and spacious up here. I have kept to myself most of the day, as he is full of venom. I do not want it on me.
How awful your contractor is coughing around you with this virus going around. I find out in a half hour if I will be going to jury duty tomorrow. If it were not for COVID, I would really look forward to going. The last time during jury selection, I had a man sit next to me for 5 minutes who was coughing and rather disheveled looking. I was so glad he was excused.
It is important for me to be going to the service. I fear for my brother, he did not get vaccinated. He said he never sees anyone. He is 70 years old. His son is an anti-vaxer. His daughter may be as well - she and the grand kids and great grand kids are flying in from Texas. I rarely see the kids, the last time was 3 years ago. I am glad I visited my SIL the summer before last.
W really is miserable. It is harder for me now that I am retired, it was harder still while temporarily disabled from surgery and Lyme's disease. I could not get away from him.
I retired because of the coronavirus. After 37 years of state service, inspecting and investigating complaints in nursing homes and assisted living facilities; I found myself unwilling to go into the facilities. I loved my job, it was always interesting and challenging - I felt good about what I was doing. I was admired and respected by my peers and vice versa.
Now I am faced with the full realization of who W really is. He is quick to criticize and I rarely receive a compliment. He only has 2 friends - consists of phone calls and text messages. He has no contact with his family. He is sucking me dry...
Whew. Where did that all come from?!

Feels good to let it out to people who understand.