Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 108002 times)


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #615 on: July 30, 2021, 03:55:25 PM »
Was he vaccinated, Lighter? I'm so sorry.

I've just read the wave has suddenly begun receding in the U.K. and in India.
Who knows, but sounds like the vicious Delta variant is just whipping through, much terrible destruction in its wake, but then moving rapidly on.

That's an evil and scary bugger. I hope enough people are protected to not get severely ill.

Lots of light to your brother, and any others who may be unprotected.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #616 on: July 31, 2021, 09:58:36 AM »
No, Tupp.....not vaccinated.  He explained it like this..... doc gave him steroids and Zpack to keep his lungs clear. He feels congested, no the regular flu.  An employee has it too.  GF s negative.  Son, living in the same house.... negative.

I think being in the house for a week has him bored and a bit stir crazed, but he sounded steady to me.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #617 on: August 01, 2021, 05:05:24 AM »
I hope he's feeling better soon, Lighter.  It is weird how some people catch it and some don't, when they live or work together.  I've heard of many people here who've had some people in the household with it and other's  haven't caught it at all, even though they live together and have looked after them.  It's an odd and unpredictable virus, that's for sure.  I hope he's back to full health quickly.

The numbers here do seem to be dropping quickly and I'm hoping that means this hump is over.  There are a lot in hospital again and the death rate is right back up.  I think it's the longevity of it all that's so tough - all the staff that have had to work through it for months and months, all the people that have had to stay home for long periods, those who've had to avoid contact with others all the way through and so on.  I still don't feel that the quality of information being given out here is good enough and I'm having to hunt down various sources to try to figure out what our own personal risk level is (stay away from people is the signal for us at the minute, but it does seem to be falling).  Restrictions here have been lifted but most have carried on with masks and space anyway.  I think the vaccine rate here is pretty high; I did read that they think we're almost at herd immunity now and that another month or so we should be there.  I hope that's the case, and that it's sufficient against other variants.  And that they hurry up and help out other nations with vaccines.  And act quicker to stop future outbreaks.  And, and, and xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #618 on: August 03, 2021, 11:09:55 AM »
The neighbor doc's intensive care beds are full of Coronavirus cases....non vaxed, every one.

She said a spike looks imminent and she's waiting for marching orders.

She said typically the cases go South real quick....likely, my brother won't experience terrible illness if he's been I'll for a week without hospitalization.

She also said one of her patients is 32 yo.  One is 48yo. 

It's not just elderly people nose diving with Covid.

She also said they aren't testing cases to determine which Covid type patients have.  She said Ga isn't interested in testing or reporting Covid numbers at all.

Not a great update, but good to know. 



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #619 on: August 03, 2021, 07:00:18 PM »
I had to go to Jury Duty today.  Other than one witness (a doctor) who testified briefly, I was the only person in the courtroom wearing a mask.  Our county rated High for infection.  Although I am fully vaxed, I really do not even want a mild case of this COVID Delta variant.  As it is, I had to cancel my PT evaluation and wound care appointments for tomorrow. I just really do not want to lose further ground on my rehab from surgery and recovery from Lymes disease.

My W of course is overly concerned with how this is going to affect him, saying I will catch COVID, give it to him, and because he has an immune disorder he will likely get really sick and die. That is a whole other issue.

I am not sure what I am going to do.  Later this month, my brother is having a funeral service at the cemetery for his wife N who died last December.  My 70 year old brother is not vaccinated, and neither are his adult son and daughter.  The daughter and her adult kids are all flying in from Texas. I know some are vaxed and some I am not sure of.  The timing is so bad. 


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #620 on: August 03, 2021, 11:49:17 PM »
Sorry you couldn't get out of going to jury duty post op, P.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #621 on: August 04, 2021, 05:14:34 AM »
At an outdoor funeral, can you stand at least 6' from others and wear an N95 mask, Phyl? I think I'd feel safe doing that. (I went to a funeral a month ago and feel lucky I didn't get ill. Kept my mask on during the service but the entire unmasked local congregation was singing loudly and I realized I was mistaken to be there. Told my friend I needed air and went outside about halfway through.)

As to PT, etc. -- if they're following all precautions there, I hope you can continue.

Jury duty, too.

Wear your mask with dignity and take care of yourself, Phyl.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #622 on: August 08, 2021, 06:12:56 PM »
How things overlap. Unusual comment in the NYTimes today:

Aug. 7
I’ve met my fair share of anti-vaxxers and Covid deniers. They all have one thing in common. They believe they have a particular insight and are smarter than everyone else, thinking they see a reality only they are special enough to see. Their sense of identity is to BE an exception and exempt from everyone else. Debunking whatever theory or viewpoint they have leads to doubling down, it doesn’t address the need to be special and have insight that others (sheep) lack. So being wrong kicks them in the core of self-esteem, and they will defend that at all costs. And yes, it often co-exists with defensiveness over a lack of education, or not paying attention. I’ve met anti-vaxxer nurses and even here they think they have special insight as nurses into "untested" tech. They don’t let go of that self-esteem because this personality type knows they are broken, they lie on the borderline, narcissistic and anti-social spectrum, even just mildly. They’ve been beaten down as kids and beaten down as adults. The virus doesn’t care, but they will sit in the ICU denying they have Covid because they can’t be wrong or that fragile thread of special self-esteem breaks. I say we have to let them alone, because they are even more dangerous cornered with their reality.
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #623 on: August 16, 2021, 12:15:42 PM »
I decided to go to the funeral service of my sister-in-law this Saturday.  Plan to stay 6 feet apart and wear the N95 mask.  It is outdoors.  W (my NH) is furious, demanding a pro and con list of my decision making based on science not emotion.  I have learned it is better not to argue so I will not provide him with my list. 


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #624 on: August 16, 2021, 01:13:54 PM »
What do you do when faced with W's rage, P?

My youngest DD19 had 24 hours if close contact with a friend suffering with a fever now.  Her little brother was dx'd with Covid a couple days ago.

I worry we have it/are carrying it, mostly bc contractor hasn't been vaccinated and he's been in our space.  Heavy smoker.....coughs often on his best days, Lordy....could go so badly.

P, you honor your SIL in the way you're u need to.  You're free to walk away from rages, name calling, raised voice.... you're free to say you'll be available in an hour or whatever time you set....a day.....but you'll remove yourself if your stated boundary is crossed again.

Then follow through by removing yourself, without emotional upset.  Just be sorry W is dealing with consequences of his sad choices, but it's up to him.  You have no control over him or his choices.  You only control yourself. 
There's relief in accepting those facts, ime.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #625 on: August 16, 2021, 06:04:49 PM »
Thank you Lighter.  When faced with W's rage I go for a walk, a drive, or I go upstairs.  I have the upper level to myself, where my bedroom, office and bathroom are located.  The ceiling is made of  tongue and groove wood.  It feels warm and spacious up here. I have kept to myself most of the day, as he is full of venom.  I do not want it on me.

How awful your contractor is coughing around you with this virus going around.  I find out in a half hour if I will be going to jury duty tomorrow.  If it were not for COVID, I would really look forward to going. The last time during jury selection, I had a man sit next to me for 5 minutes who was coughing and rather disheveled looking.  I was so glad he was excused.

It is important for me to be going to the service.  I fear for my brother, he did not get vaccinated.  He said he never sees anyone. He is 70 years old.  His son is an anti-vaxer.  His daughter may be as well - she and the grand kids and great grand kids are flying in from Texas.  I rarely see the kids, the last time was 3 years ago.  I am glad I visited my SIL the summer before last. 

W really is miserable.  It is harder for me now that I am retired, it was harder still while temporarily disabled from surgery and Lyme's disease.  I could not get away from him.

I retired because of the coronavirus.  After 37 years of state service, inspecting and investigating complaints in nursing homes and assisted living facilities; I found myself unwilling to go into the facilities. I loved my job, it was always interesting and challenging - I felt good about what I was doing. I was admired and respected by my peers and vice versa.

Now I am faced with the full realization of who W really is. He is quick to criticize and I rarely receive a compliment.  He only has 2 friends - consists of phone calls and text messages.  He has no contact with his family. He is sucking me dry...

Whew.  Where did that all come from?!  :o Feels good to let it out to people who understand.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #626 on: August 17, 2021, 01:14:35 AM »
The Washington Post has a no-subscription Covid newsletter. Here's the link:

I find their coverage straightforward, detailed and clear.

One thing I'm keeping in mind these days is long Covid. So many vaccinated folks are relaxing because they probably won't get extremely ill or need to be hospitalized. I just keep hearing what sound to me like incomplete or partial understandings of this variant and how damaging it is.

I've also been reading that they just don't know a lot of things still, and one they're quite worried about is the unknown effects of long Covid. Even cognitive problems are now suspected. Long term. (I feel worst for children under 12 who so far have no vaccine protection at all.) Plus the immunocompromised; that's a nightmare.

I'm going almost all the way back to full quarantine and am pretty sure I'll be there by winter. I'll still invite people to sit around my bonfire but will ask that we keep masks on even outdoors. The Delta variant (and lord knows how many after it) is sobering. Twice as contagious with 1000 times (!) the viral load in nose and throat.

Stay safe, y'all. We're facing a new thing and it's smarter than we are.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #627 on: August 17, 2021, 10:50:13 AM »
This morning I realized I'm IN quarantine, bc it's likely I have Covid.

I'm going to stop myself from the catastrophizing I go in and out of, but dang.....



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #628 on: August 17, 2021, 12:23:27 PM »

Please get tested. Right now.

No sitting around diagnosing yourself.
There are still loads of "normal" viruses in the air.

You will be okay.
But you must get a test.

Call your doc. Or look up where to get one on your area's health dept. website
and go get it.

Let us know!

« Last Edit: August 17, 2021, 02:59:59 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #629 on: August 17, 2021, 04:33:38 PM »
Thank you for the link Hopalong.  I did some reading.  It was helpful in getting prepared for the practical side of staying safe at the funeral service.