Thanks, Hops and Lighter! Very sweet of both of you. I am doing ok, and so is my wife, Hildy. I continue to read everybody’s posts, and I’m so glad the Board is helping people feel less alone in this tragic period.
A few weeks ago, the tornado in Nashville missed my daughter’s house by a ½ mile or so—a couple blocks away, all of the telephone poles were snapped in half. Friends of friends of hers died, and people she knew lost their businesses. She is now calling it a harbinger of what was to come (the virus).
Of course, my dear long-term patients are struggling as well. I’ve been talking/meeting on the phone with most of them. Some of them (university professors) are now Zoom experts given that they have to teach online. I tried Zoom with one of them, but I couldn’t get it to work—but I’m sure I’ll figure it out! Most importantly, we haven’t lost contact, and they are not feeling alone. That would be very painful for both them and me.
Yes, Hildy, Louise Tucker (our newest dog) and I are self-quarantining and doing a lot of cleanup/cleanout tasks we have put off for years.
My love goes to all of you on the Board—you are my extended family! Please take care and keep me and everyone here “posted.”