CP and SM:
Our Pug has allergies....her ear had dark wax....sort of smelly. We gave her a week of drops for inflammation relief. She gets bathed more often too....who knows what she's reacting to.
Her anal glands fill up more quickly....I guess it's the general allergic reaction, but Pugs have troublesome glands, teeth and habits.....they circle and circle, getting just the right stance, shifting and circling often, before peeing or pooping. They never pee AND poop in one go. It's a ritual of careful site selections that goes more quickly if one turns their back to give privacy. Pug prefers bushes and tall grass....trees. You might not see her go, but she makes tiny straining noises while pooping....adorable little grunts while pooping.
We add green beans bc she was overfed people food by neighbors and is hungry all the time while we normalize her back to dry, grain free food....under a cup a day. She's used to snacking and eating from her friend's plate as well. Pug also takes her Pit friends larger bed, while friend resigns herself to tiny bed. So cute.
Pug had neck stretches chiro prescribed. Pug hasn't been paralyzed in front legs, when getting out of her bed, in weeks. It only lasted a minute, but was so alarming. It was the extra weight she carried and pressure on vertebrae. She's been losing weight and feeling more energetic again. Longer walks. Frolicking in the creek.
We don't let her playdate very often anymore, bc the other mother can't help feeding Pug's happy food motivated little face. It's difficult to resist, I understand, but I also deal with the health issues and the other pet mom doesn't. Pug not demanding food much anymore, btw. Almost back to normal routine.
That was likely tmi, but that's baby girl pug's update.