Hello Hops,
Hello Skep,
Thanks I don't know how I came up with that name but scab mite seemed too melodramatic. Now this one is too long but at least it's specific.
Hops, we must all have insecure attachment, some variety of it. Some people say statistics are BS, the article mentioned something like 40% of people might have insecure attachment, take it with a grain of salt. It's always food for thought. It's clear how two people with variations on insecure attachments could really have some challenges. Recently a fellow student asked me a question on the subconscious mind and how it impacts language (a question I can't answer with authority). So this morning at 4 am I was thinking about that, of course the whole thing of "subconscious" seems controversial and it coincides with the ideas of hypnosis.
The word subconscious conjures up lots of ideas and I think people use it in relation to concepts like mind control. But it's always interesting just to consider
what a person is aware of and what a person is not aware of. The problem is WE DONT KNOW WHAT we are not aware of!!!

So I was now just thinking about insecure attachment and how BEFORE we learned of the term we didn't even know it was a real thing. When a person knows it's a real thing it can still cause problems. Just KNOWING is not the same as being aware on all levels and that is freaky- to worry about how one can still be controlled by the past.
Thanks Skep. I've been feeling busy and bogged down and I haven't been writing here too much. I've heard of "naming" things but I don't know much about it. To go on SKEP I don't think it's silly. This naming idea. There are so many things because we can't see it people call it silly.
I don't think I'm interested in changing "how I see things" though. The idea of changing how you see things has come from the outside. It must come out of therapists who want to change people. If there is something inside me that can be changed I think it will be changed from the inside out
Mostly I'm not trying to change anything anymore. I can't recall a time where I've ever been able to impact a change on myself. IF something changes it does so on it's own and it's not easy or pleasant. When I found this site I was in a serious depression but I also think there were a lot of realizations I was having as well. I think it goes back to that we don't know what we don't know.
Theoretically I'm going to work and try to be productive now. You know now that it's after dinner time. bwa haha