Author Topic: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)  (Read 14759 times)


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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #60 on: June 15, 2021, 06:20:32 AM »
LOL, Lighter.
Wasn't imagining a meatballs recipe would be for me!
(And I don't cook anything complicated ever these days.)

I keep hard-boiled eggs in the fridge, use canned or frozen fish,
and beans/brown rice for protein.

Lots of greens in the garden now, so a big salad every day
is the goal. Biiiiig.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #61 on: June 15, 2021, 01:40:23 PM »
If you have snow pea leaves coming in..... pick and eat them!  SO GOOD!


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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #62 on: June 20, 2021, 08:26:14 AM »
Last appt with NRP my stomach not functioning well, but everything else ok.  Eating earlier in the day, by 6pm, should correct stomach imbalance.  DD supportive.

DD18 a little mess bc of sugar....she ate granola bars and skipped meals the week before appt.  She knows what she did.  She asked for help getting back on track.  DD understands how this works, how her choices impact her health and how to recover.  It's interesting to watch her process and I let her own it for herself. 

I realize the important piece, for me, is educating the girls.  That's my job.  What they do with that knowledge is theirs.

I've internal bemoaning lack of info re nutrition for girls when they were babies lack of understanding healthy habits has quieted.  Just stopped.

A lot of things stopped.  Grudges.  Racing mind around current stuff.....I know I'll handle it.  I'll get to it.  I've stopped fretting/worrying/resenting and life is better.  Like my head's popped out of very humid hot sweaty clouds.



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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #63 on: June 21, 2021, 09:32:16 AM »
In the pleased-with-simple department, I'm enjoying a new breakfast (for alternate, no-egg days):

Brown rice (cook a bunch, keeps for days)
Beans (dumped a can of mixed beans in the rice)
Goat cheese (half a disk, crumbled on top)
Nutritional yeast (liking that more and more)

It's savory, filling and good for me. Feel totally different afterward as compared to after eating toast or similar processed-grain stuff. Had avocado toast with a friend yesterday...skinny slice of that whole-grain-jammed funky German bread that comes in brick-shaped packages, sliced avocado, then a gooey softboiled egg. She brought the avocado and her own bread, I did the rest. Heaven.

Thatssit. Plus, Pooch likes cleaning the bowl...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #64 on: June 21, 2021, 02:25:18 PM »
I love beans, legumes and rice but my body doesn't like them.  Lentils and rice are my favorites.  Add red wine vinegar, lemon and Nature's Seasons.....I could live on it.

So glad you're enjoying simple yummy foods. 

« Last Edit: June 21, 2021, 03:13:57 PM by lighter »


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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #65 on: June 21, 2021, 03:32:13 PM »

NRP called.
I accepted Ed surprised and delighted.  Chattered like a monkey about food.

NRP came to the point.....she saw friend's upcoming appt and removed it.  She had 15 reasons why it "wasn't a good fit", but had made up all but 2.  Guess it was her turn to chatter like a monkey.

The truth was....
The soup Nazi doesn't allow any dissenters in line. (Seinfeld reference)   My friend is out. 
No soup for you!!!!

NRP referred to as associate many miles closer to friend.....friend super happy about it. 

I didn't tell her she was fired. 



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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #66 on: June 22, 2021, 07:37:24 AM »
Grilled a side of salmon last night.  Topped it with Primal chipotle mayo mixed with whole grain mustard.....garlic salted fish before slathering up with thick layer of the stuff

10 minutes on was really good.



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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #67 on: July 06, 2021, 05:17:45 PM »
Yesterday DD18 said her decision to see the NRP is saving her life.  That's deeply frightening to hear and think about, but I'm grateful DD on board and helping herself.  Seeking solutions.

Yesterday I made South Western chicken, Vietnamese curry chicken, dry stir fried beef with chili crisps and Korean cabbage....about 7 lbs bison meatballs heavy on caramelized onions/garlic/kale/fresh ground flax seed....lots of ghee and olive oil.  Some with parm cheese.  Some with poultry seasoning. 

I was coated in grease when I finished finished caramelizing the last batch of very tender meatballs.  This is an improved recipe in that we don't have to prepare complex carbs and fats.  The balls have everything required in a meal.

This morning I heard the girls in the kitchen.  Youngest said " there's so much food to choose from!."

That's how these changes work best.  Taking the time and energy to develop or find recipes, plan, shop, prep, cook then clean.  I still have to finish way takes lots of time.

Last night oldest DD20 and I snuggled into a movie instead of cleaning kitchen. Vi showered and put in clean jammies while she chose the movie and set us up.  We talked about her choices ...she considering ned school...eye doc or possibly surgeon.  My brother is behind these considerations and I'm cool with whatever DD feels will bring her peace and joy.  That sounds very happy dippy, but.....I really don't care if we have a "doctor in the family."
I'll support DD20's mission, whatever it is, but I want it to her her's, not someone else's, kwim?

I think my brother understands that, even though I recognize his drive for excellence and reaching long-term goals.  DD can open her own business, employ eye doctors, salespeople and lab staff.....without 7 years of schooling. Becoming an optician with (3 year program) and necessary to have at least one optician on site in order to operate an eyeglass center, is one option open to her.

It will be interesting to see what she decides.

DD18 has an upcoming birthday and always makes an Alice in Wonderland sized fancy cake.  We'll cheat this one special day then give the cake away to neighborhood movie night potluck......Princess Bride.


I didn't choose it, but heartily approve of the choice.



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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #68 on: July 06, 2021, 08:14:48 PM »
Maybe DD20 has inherited some of her mother's major drive, ambition and abilities, eh? Pass the popcorn and see what she chooses to do! She sounds very impressive.

Glad you're having these cozy moments.

I wish I had the energy to cook with as much care as you do, Lighter, even if it's a different menu.

M brought me half a watermelon and I had to wait for a neighbor's visit to get it cut into edible pieces (shoulder laughed at me). Very yummy, with a little goat cheese.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #69 on: July 14, 2021, 12:42:44 AM »
D D20 put in her notice at work yesterday.  It was very hard on her.  She cried.

She also spoke her piece and is willing to work till the end of the month, despite zero raise and a sloppy "review" by her new manager with zero power in the position.

And it was OK with DD.  She's made peace, accepted the situation and turned toward medical school.

7 years if school.



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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #70 on: July 14, 2021, 08:35:55 AM »
That's so exciting, Lighter!
You must be very proud.

She is a chip off the old block, Dr. DD....

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #71 on: July 20, 2021, 03:57:14 PM »
Update on DD19's eating disorder situation and treatment.

I tried to make an appointment with someone local and never got a call back.  I'm sure this is one of the reasons I always answer my phone. That and the Airbnb guests....... I always feel I HAVE to have my phone near and answer it. 

Anyhoo..... DD had her first appointment with a different T referred to me by my T after I litsed everything I coiuld think about to help find a good patient/T fit.  Just zero BS, time to waste..... I let DD do the picking last time, and she basically picked them by funny names and many T's later chose the one with the best sense of humor, so..... the T had to have that, baseline, sense of humor.

She also needed to be immune to resistant, snarky, gnashing of teeth bc.... pain and that's how we handle it. 

DD was a bit upset that I'd given ANY information about her and was upset the last time I saw her.  I left the house.... so happy to just be away from  her anger..... I felt hurt and knew she was doing her best, so distance was a good thing. Also, I didn't want her to transfr her upset to the T.

It appears she had a 90 minute appointment and set an hour long appointment herself, so it didn't go badly, IMO.

I'm keeping my mits off it, all of it... won't ask about it or nuthin.

That's my hopeful happy update on the DD19 ED front.



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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #72 on: July 23, 2021, 08:11:11 PM »
We traveled 2 hours to see the NRP this afternoon and got there about half an hour early.  NRP was in a really good mood.  I went to the bathroom while DD19 hopped on the table.  When I returned, NRP was testing DD with the different vials..... her stomach was off. Everything else was on....... wasn't chemicals.... it was parasites.  Not the big egg layers. The little ones... active at night, which was creating sleep problems for DD. 

Garlic Forte and extra Zypan was what DD's body wanted to fix her up.

I wanted to know what was going on with my shoulders and general falling apart physically when stressed.  She said it was my stomach.... everything else was fine.  Something I ate created the inflammation.  NRP tested my shoulder with all my organs.  She tested my shoulders every which way then tested to see what my body wanted to bring balance back and that was Cataplex A-C-P.... 10 a day, which surprised NRP, but that's what it was. That's what I'll take. 

My friend got her dx back... NOT Cancer, YAY!!!  The doc wants to cut her open an remove the mass as she feels it's pre cancerous.  NRP said there's 10year old reseasrch showing the body encapsulates cancer cells and deals with it.  Cutting into the encasulated mass will send those cells into the blood stream and entire system.  My second H's grandfather had a cancerous mass removed and was dead within months.  H said the air hit it and it went wild, growing out of control.  His family felt it was a mistake to cut into it... expose it to air.... to expose it to the rest of the body system.

Does anyone here have information they don't mind sharing?

On the brighter side, DD felt really good after we saw NRP.  Her mood was very low the entire drive. She's really struggling with depression and withdrawing from a vape pen...... not sleeping, as I mentioned.  She seems to like her ED T..... not sure how much. I'm keeping my fingers off that relatinship anding her navigate it herself.  DD says her regulular T siphons off the top layer of stuff that drive her to her darkest thoughts. 

I don't feel that way about my T.  I don't want to releaase enough pressure so I can go on.  I want to attack the cause, get in there and wrestle it into submission.  FORCEmyself to find, face and process the old stuff so I can be HERE now. 

DD said she might be willing to give up her T and learn new coping strategies my T taught me IF I bribe her with Kitty slippers and toilet cover.  Hmmmm....I think she's messing with me.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2021, 10:03:46 PM by lighter »


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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #73 on: July 29, 2021, 10:56:40 AM »
Food a little harder this week bc current meatball batch is a little grainy....lacking fat.

I made 2 batches of organic checked legs.  One on a red sauce and one roasted in hot chili crisp oil so there's plenty of food.  Just....well.  MY BRAIN IS BORED.

That's ok.  I'm in the jeans I had made from my favorite jeans, ripped into a pattern.  They're in the car headed to seamstress maybe today, bc they're next in line to be worn.

Will likely pick out similar fabric and have another 1 or 2 made plus a pattern.

Not sure I want to use same seamstress.  Will see.
