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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2021, 03:18:03 PM »
Food still a bit if trauma for me, but DD18 and I embrace the darkness with humor.  She's also very compassionate with me and super supportive right now....watching for upset, which means I get things off my chest proactively and stopped stuffing stuff.

I'm a terrible liar with my face....just terrible in general with it.  Lots of processing.

T texted with appointment.

Our stomachs have been very upset so more opportunity to chuckle at the darkness together with all the travel and juggling of people and tasks.

NRP very nice, and less judgy lately. 

It helps.



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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2021, 06:38:43 PM »
Nutritional Response Practitioner..NRP, CB.

Food a trauma since DD20 dx'd with entire body infection in 2012?  I think.  High fasting insulin levels. Low stomach acid. Leaky gut syndrome.   She had asthma and allergies from age 2.  Weight gain from 3rd grade, which correlated to public school breakfasts and lunches, BUT also with visits to my In Laws in 2008 and I suspect MIL poisoned DD with heavy metals during one particular visit where DD went on visit without her younger sister AND came home calling me a liar, thief, murderer, saying Grandma told her she didn't have to listen to me anymore, she was getting a new mommy and daddy, etc.  I think MIL was unstable before she lost her son.  Afterwards, she was overtly unstable.  Attorneys talked about FIL and MIL being crazy....."but MIL was really crazy."  I'm deadly serious in that statement.  Aside from everything you want to believe or what personal experience brings MIL is terrifyingly vengeful and thinks of my kids as extensions on ME.  She's convinced herself her son isn't the father.....I think she did it so she could do what's she's done. 

That's difficult to reconcile, bc...what sweet grandma would poison her own grandchildren, right?  Emotionally and physically, right?

So, DD dx'd with Lymes and heavy metal levels off the chart.  Obesity.  An MD said heavy metals a part of why she gains weight like she does.  We did oxygen chamber therapy. Chelation, nutritional response testing, supplements and zero g/s/d.  I saw inflammation drop off DD and ME while we were eating more food....the food has proven to be the key, IME.

Eating that way, while dealing with organizing and serving g/s/d free meals, along with handfuls of supplements with 4th and 6th grade daughters, during custody trial in another State....4 hours away from my war room of legal documents, was trauma.  Food was trauma, bc the girls were just kids struggling with it too, but DD20 was pre diabetic and NRP barking at me.....DD20's health was seriously compromised and scaring me badly....I was breaking doen in grocery stores looking for things we COULD eat while finding everything we couldn' sugar on labels hard to find.  DD20 was addicted to milk and cheese....she screamed and screamed and I clutched little boxes of single serve milk while trying to deal with the screaming in the middle of the trial prep paperwork and fact In Laws successfully bought off court appointed Therapist doing assessments on both girls and In Laws, but managed to make assessments all about ME, which meant I had to be assessed AND hire another T to come to our home and do assessment there and in the girls' school to combat the hit job assessments the incompetent T did in her office...
:: big breathe::.

It was terrifying and one if the hardest years of my life, so ya.....forcing us to eat clean oritien all day, with clean veggies and ONE carb a week with ONE meal was traumatic, bc it was part if a larger trauma. 

I neeeeded to clear up brain for so I could get through the trial and 50 boxes of documents from 10 or so other trials we always won,or had reversed and ended up winning, but it was expensive and meant to Starve us out.

DD20 never looked better, btw, bc NRP knew what she was doing.  I could think clearly and list 20lbs, unintentionally, bc NRP was goid at what she did, even if she was smacking me around emotionally a bit and scaring me about DD20's health.

Back to DD20's health. 

I know this is a stretch and seems I,believable, but I suspect MIL of gaining access to heavy metals and Luke's disease with or without her MD sister's help through her job and access at the CDC.

The final piece of evidence was a letter written by MIL to the Assistant District Attorney stating her sister suggested MIL's son wasn't the father if Lighter's children.  MIL offered her son's baby hair for DNA analysis to prove this was the case, which explains, in my mind, how MIL could do what she did.....she identified my children as extensions of ME.  Nothing to do with her son, my husband, the girls obvious father i, that they look so much like's uncanny.

Once my mother was dx'd with cancer I moved in with my disabled father and his caretaker who kept the house full of g/s/d and sabotaged me and the girls at every turn.

I was trying, and lisi,g the battle.  Add feeding my mother and sf....both of them were losing weight in scary ways....I needed mom to eat something, even as she starved to death, bc the cancer was stealing all her nutrition and the chemo was killing her appetite.

I had 1 fruend doing the same g/s/d free food plan and her home was a refuge in a world of people scoffing down junk foid in front of us while scoffing at the idea if food being of any importance to health.

Truthfully, the legal made it easier to eat right, bc I had to think more clearly to survive and fight that trial, which lasted more much longer than both criminal trials put together, while crushing the girls with3 different psych evaluations during a summer we were supposed to travel to Canada for a vacation we'd never get.

By that third T's examination my youngest DD was barking "that's clasdified" at the T, and he told the Judge he I,derstoid it, the kids were being harmed by the evaluations,travel and threat if being taken away from their one present parent by grandparents who'd refused to see them for 2 years while claiming Lighter denied them all access to the girls, bc accysing Lighter if what they were doing, or what their son dud, was a strategy they employed regularly, and was effective till it was time to prove their case.

I ended up dusproving their negatives and paying lawyers to help,me,, which was the important thing for the In starve us out, create fear and punish me for killing their son, which is logical until you're forced to prove the In Laws were engaged in illegal heinous fuckery against me AND the girls beginning 2 years prior to their son's death, which was the only reason my final, kick ads ex special forces attorney agreed to take my case at all......bc the vengeance began 2 years prior to ASPFh's death.

The in laws were allowed to bring cases they had no standing in....they won appeals, bc they were, for a time, sympathetic characters.

For all the above reasons, and bc my brother eats fast food g/s/d, drinks red bull mixed with vidka, still, after dd18 fatty liver and gallbladder removal.....with most if the world eating that way around us....while DD20 went from size 14/16 eating what I brought into house, to maybe size 22 or larger now, and DD18 spent 2 years dropping 1/3 if her body weight in an anorexic spiral.....
Food is a trauma.

I have a lot to talk about with T, yup yup yup.
It's all connected, CB and yes I k,or how whacky it is to read.

The thing is, I consistently tell only truths, even if I sometimes do it with emotion.  I'm usually reporting facts, as they really are or report them sans any exaggeration. 

That the truth is rotten often colors people's perceptions of me for saying terrible truths out loud, but those are likely understatement if the true facts involved.

It's a recurring fact my story checks out, over and over again, with zero lies, ever, while opposing side gets by with wild accusations I'm forced to disprove in court, over and over till the last Judge awardedme all my legal fees in that matter....should have been over 100k had my ATTIRNEYS not dropped several balls I asked them to carry.

People, esp my attorneys, always assumed everyone lies...including me.  They're always stunned when the evidence unfolds and I was really understating and refusing to rmbellish.  Not bc I'm pure or goid, but bc I'm driven to align my external workd with my internal world.

I needed and still maybe need people to see and I,fresh and the truths....perhaps judge me, bc that's who I am.

My dd's father and his father battled weight all their lives.  My FIL, who is at least 80yo, eats 1 meal a day and jogs 2 miles in army boots to control his weight.

My ASPDh worked out 7 days a week and drank protein shakes while living on turkey, cheese, bread at dinner. 

My dd20 has 30% more body fat bc she's female.  I wanted her to have more than one meal a day and a lifetime of excersising like a maniac, which just makes her hungrier.

She can eat more, work out normally and be healthy, ime. She just has to stop eating things her brain lights up over.  She needs to eat more food, but nutrition dense foods....and that is sad and hard and near impossible when most everyone eats g/s/d and her eating disorder T told her all foods are good foods.  I thi,I that T was an anorexic doc, frankly....did far more harm to DD20 than good.  That's when the real weight gain began, bc living on ramen is "good." 

Makes me want to pull my hair out!

For f's sake.  Sabotage.

I'll likely edit this rant, if you make through, so please don't quite me in rezponses.

I'm going to work on 3rd bed and bathroom layout now. 

I'm not unhinged right now, but I notice holding my breath and feeling some frustration.  I wonder how I drove across 3 States, while caring for 2 children, doing trial prep without my peripheral vision and all but blind in left eye with cataract, I truly do.  My sister helped.  That's how I did it.  She helped me save myself over and over again at the expense if her own family.

Neeeeding professionals to do their damb jobs keeps poppi,g up for me, Tupp.

Being sabotaged by them, while paying them abd being badly threatened or harmed by them, is a sad reality, ime.

Almost zero accountability, screw not bein believed when tell I,g these stories.  Matters not as long as I get it. Not everyone has the scope if experience to get it. 

Still.....hiw will anything improve if there aren't any consequences for sabotage and dismal failure in jobs entailing large responsibility For care and protection of societies least powerful members?

Money talks.

Thank God enough good people stand up, for the right reasons with nothing to gain.  Speaking generally, not specifically about my situatio.

There are people willing to stand up to power.  That has to be enough for now.

I rabbit holed, CB, but food is scary and MIL fed my kids cheap donuts for breakfast while claiming I was killing the girls with food.....under oath.  It was satisfying when my attorney asked permission to open cheap little cards and gifts MIL Schlepped into custody court to prove I was denying her access.  Some of the packages had no a dress.  Some required signatures at my mother's address where she lived part time.  There were dollar store books and......
Wait for it.....
Candy followed by a lot of stuttering from MIL explaining why her feeding the girls junk wasn't " killing" them.  Mind you, I was struggli,g with zero g/s/d while MIL makes wild accusation after wild made up stuff she's doing, herself.  I was tending to the girls while In Laws tormented us in the courts and finally just admitted it in the end.  It was veangence, ya the kids were harmed by their actions, so what?   Very enlightening for everyone in the courtroom....only my family and friends.  That kind of heinous fuckery doesn't call for supporters in the court room...witnesses, that is.

Food is hard right now, bc dd20 eating terrible inside our home.  I can is killing her.

My mother was starving to death with cancer at the start of that custody trial.  I'd cook anything she wanted to get her to eat while My kids were in the basement playing games, eating healthy, taking upstairs.  It wasn't ideal.  It felt very......hard.

It feels very hard now.



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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2021, 11:36:00 AM »
I still pray, CB.  More often for others, but it feels right when I do.

Thank you for the kind thoughts.  If it doesn't read that way, I'm in a much better head space than I was. 

I have strategies and tools, if only I could deploy them consistently.

This food thing is......I have niece's 21st birthday party coming up.  Before that plan, before hard switch to pristine was problem with my brother at Christmas.

The holiday blew up and I was so sad I wouldn't get to spend time with niece and nephew baking and decorating gf Christmas cookies in a clean kitchen....fill it with more and new memories while sis and BIL visited from Canada.  It was lining up, in my head, to be magical holiday, then poof.  It went away.

And it's coming back up again.  I can't trust myself not to burst out crying at the gathering WTH?

I know what to work on with T on Monday. 

There also has to be rules around family politics or religion.  I know my brother feels he's saving us....his intentions are pure. 

Well, I promise not to talk about food, even as we navigate awkward moments around skipping cake and bbq....I really love bbq. 

I hope he can calm his nervous system enough to stop talking about politics.  I see him try.

Focusing on kids and projects and the best of what we'll do with the time we have left is plenty enough, I think.



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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2021, 06:07:14 PM »
Hops:  I think people focusing on eating real food, sans chemicals etc are viewed as what you asked me about earlier.  Didn't have time to respond.

We're viewed as having eating disorders, bc we aren't eating what " normal" people eat?


It sure is hard dropping all the addictive food choices shoved at me every time I turn around, I won't lie.  Really hard.

Real food, sans chemicals, is pretty boring stuff, imo.  My brain wants exciting foods!

Excluding ALL inflammatory foods might appear like a sickness if I didn't know how my body heals and changes....feels when I'm pristine with choices.

I'm not strictly pristine right now.  It is....
 a goal, to be sure.



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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2021, 03:07:54 PM »
I hear you, ((((Lighter)))).

When I ran across the term orthorexia I didn't think of it as a critical judgement or a diagnostic or shaming label, just a new term I hadn't known about. It's true I thought of you, but just in hopes that if that sandal fits in your own view, the info (if new to you) might possibly wind up being helpful. (I spend way too much time in rabbit holes on the internet. And also way too much time trying to fix others.) FWIW, this is what I read: One of those dire sites that spells out what might be wrong, not what's working well, of course.

I realize (really for the first time recently) how very significant the issue of eating disorders has been for you and your DDs, and am just getting my head around how incredibly scary and deeply difficult that must be. I am so sorry you've been carrying all this for so long. And I can imagine how desperate you must've been feeling for the right solutions, right diets, right foods, etc.

Sending you peace around all of it, as much as you can receive. You deserve not to live in such a fearful state. From any source. You've got trusted tools and practices that I hope will help you just as much as you've tried to share them to help others. I'm not suprised at all that it's hard to stay centered right now when you perceive your kids are endangered. I do agree with other posters that they must accept the torch of responsibility, and that it must pass to them. But from my experience with my own D, I sense how excruciating it can be to release a child to their own consequences. It's the biggest fear and pain I've ever had to process in my life. Years out, I know there was no other alternative. But...letting go. It's so hard.

big hugs and much comfort,
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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2021, 04:22:08 PM »
CB, thank you for your response.  I feel validated and understood.  Super grateful. 

Hops, I spoke to my T this morning and have more clarity around what's mine to solve and what's not.

I've been carrying a lot and I'm still wrapping my head around parenting adults v children.

The girls are trying to do the same with reatd to embracing 100% responsibility for themselves.

When in doubt, I'm to dismiss the past and decide what's best for everyone in the present moment.

It's a variation of getting my nose off a Pebble.... to shift into expansive right brain choices.

About this orthorexia you speak's really sad....deeply....prifoundly sad one has to spend so much time learning to read food labels designed to trick and hook everyone on foods jacked up with chemicals, additives and sugar for the sole purpose of exciting our brains so the population becomes addicted to inflammatory food like stuff.  I'm hesitant to write foods, bc so much if it is harming the public's health while most docs play stupid, or truly are ignorant. 

The idea of excluding so many food groups/chemicals/sugar IS viewed as a sickness. 

If I hadn't felt, looked and functioned so much better without g/s/d I would have a difficult time believing/choosing/knowing these choices lead away from brain fog, obesity and havoc mit hormones.

It's huge, but it's hard, bc it's not normal to really pare down to nutritionally dense foods sans the monkeys with additives.

I know I look unhinged with food right now.  It's really hard to give up all the foods I'm addicted to and choose my health 4 or 5 x a day.

It makesother people uncomfortable when they're aware I'm doing it.

So, this culture I have orthorexia.  What I don't have is a med cabinet with Rx's.  If I have to choose, I have to choose health over food addictions and that's exactly what it feels like....breaking addictions.

At least I'm aware of my choices and likely consequences.  IME Wester docs have failed us miserably.  I guess they're failing themselves too.  How can we expect them to do better when they aren't informed either.

I guess I'm not ready to stop ranting on the topic yet.

Still struggling.  And really hungry at the moment. 

Thanks for the article, Hops.  Interesting rabbit hole.  Made me think of me too!



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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2021, 05:22:00 PM »
Rant away, Lighter! This culture deserves it.

I'm also disgusted by all the processed, chemicalized, nutrient-depleted .... errr... THINGS in packages that get disguised as food. When I worked at Rodale one of the first things they told us was, avoid things that come in boxes or bags (except brown rice). Or at least, READ the labels on the boxes, cans or bags. Then buy stuff dried.

Took a while but, like you, I finally twigged to the simplicity of healthy food.

I really liked what you said a while back about healthy food not exciting your taste buds overmuch. I get that. It's like packaged/processed/preserved foods have become TV for the mouth. Most of what we get if we respond to the marketing is sugar (soap operas), salt (violence and/or fake wrestling) and fat ("news"). No PBS....(well, except THEIR food shows are appetizing!).

M is entirely and completely about food satisfying intense mouth cravings, little more. He does wind up cooking fairly healthful food because of the Costa Rican influence, but considers regarding food mostly as about fuel/health over hedonism/partaaaay as failure of the imagination. (I think not imagining the health consequences realistically is a different failure.)

I hear you and I understand.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2021, 09:51:08 AM »
Lighter I was just reading your post (a few back now) about the court stuff, MIL, caring for both your girls, both parents and dealing with step-parents etc - and it made my blood run cold.  There is so much similarity between what your MIL did and what my mum did and it's the cold hate that I think I found so hard to deal with.  Why?  So much hatred toward someone that you target their kids, create years of stress and tension, spend all that money!  My God, the cost as well, none of it makes sense, plus they miss out on a relationship with their grandkids - and for what?  To start a fight that they can't win, because I do think the truth comes out eventually, as frustrating as it is to be called a liar over and again when you speak it.

I know I have found most people just can't believe a grandma can behave in those ways.  I think firstly because she's female (unusual for women; I think if it was an abusive husband people find that easier to get their heads around?).  And also because they're older ladies, sweet, kind, gentle, knowledgeable.  I know many people just didn't believe (still don't) all the things my mum has done over the years.  It's a hard battle to break through.  Makes sense that food is tangled up in so many ways now - bad memories, withdrawal (the chemicals are bad but they feel good; that's hard).  All the extra work and I guess more frustration now because the girls are adults so you can't just put their lunch in front of them and that's what they have.  Own choices to make.  It's hard.  But I hope it gets easier and I hope you are being kind to yourself when it's tough or if you crack and allow yourself something you shouldn't.  I hope it all gets easier now xx xx xx

PS MIL is an arsehole!  Lol xx


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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2021, 10:19:20 AM »
Lighter - you see why my garden is such a priority for me?

I'm fortunate to have had mostly good food influences in my life - including Twiggy's neighbor who shared the early Rodale stuff with me. My mom and Mike were the worst, diet wise. And that influence does corrupt - subtly - through "sharing" in a relationship.

I got some strange looks one time when I ordered (it was on the menu) and then ATE, a whole head of broccoli at a restaurant one time. It was really delish and I'd been starved for a simple prep of my fav vegemal. Ex#2 and I were planting, and eating organic before the magazine went yuppie in the 90s. He came from a Rudolf Steiner background, and some of the earliest organic/permaculture pioneers in the UK.

So, my philosophy is that food isn't just fuel or nutrition - it's medicine. And that led into the ongoing research into medicinal herbs. I have a hard time understanding that people would be so judgemental as to consider concern over one's food an eating disorder. In my world, even though the aspects vary a good bit, most people are looking for the best cleanest food, simply prepared, they can find.

OH.... I'm sure you already know... recipes from different cuisines can give your tastebuds that rush of intense flavor that satisfies cravings.
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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2021, 08:24:19 PM »

I have 3 friends eating mostly clean g/s/d free.  It's a relief to make plans with them, bc food is just food. 

Sometimes I think the people resisting healthy food the most feel overwhelmed and maybe freaked out...a bit frightened food might BE as im0ortant as I'm treating it now.

Esp the people who eat fast food all the time, fed it to their children all their lives and are super busy....too busy to really stop, do the research and find other ways to eat, bc it IS difficult if you're starting from scratch.

I fed my girls organic baby food and breast milk.  No juice.  Lots if cow milk and water and I thought I was doing their little bodies goid as oldest began her love affair with cheese and rich, thick organic milk, which I love too, as my mother did. 

I didn't understand eating popcorn and corn chips is like eating skittles.  I can see it in my body after eating corn chips with wild abandon for a couple years. 

Putting down all the foods creating inflammation, while feeding my body food as medicine means I eat more food and the inflammation melts off fast, like alchemy.  It's not a diet, Darn it.  It's what humans are meant to eat.  I should eat this way for life and will try, but it feels like walking through a carnival, with a'll the exciting foods they offer, then choosing a bagged lunch of roast chicken, raw almonds, a handful of spinach and squirt of lime over and over again.

The reality isn't that austere, of coarse.  I made Vietnamese Pork twice this week and served it over yummy salad of lettuce, cucumber, carrot, cilantro, basil and peanuts dressed with fish sauce, Stevia, lime juice and water, so good.  I just had a ham roll up with spinach, jalapeno, tomatoes topped with a gooey egg....I feel it was enough. I'm satisfied.....for now.

Last night I woke up and ate half a yam.  Went back for an entire mashed with ghee, Stevia, vanilla and cinnamon, btw.  Later, maybe 1am. I ate a little package of gf crackers..... I was not thinking.  I was reactive and felt sick afterwards, of course.

Food is medicine in my life.  It could be medicine for DD20.  She knows this, btw, but there's compulsion and dependence on food as comfort keeping her mired.  I see her try.  I see her start to make changes then get dragged back down again.

My brain knows and likes how junkfood tastes and feels like giving up an addiction, honestly.  Easier when I'm feeling goid.  Harder when I'm struggling, sick or reactive.  I fight off compulsions almost daily....mostly I'm winning, but mostly doesn't seem to be good enough to restore health, ime.

My brain wants to bargain and find substitute carnival foods to ding all the bells and light up my mother board.

You're absolutely right about making interesting foods...Thai and Korean, Indian, Japanese.....sometimes everything gets an egg on top, but there's many steps involved.  Drop the ball once, at any stage and things can go sideways easy, ime.  Particularly if one isn't so busy they lack all time and opportunity. 

Another reason eating pristine was easier in 2013....I was stuck in high or flight mode with no access to creative problem solving skills.  It was or die, and yes I had control over what the girls are.  I had tunnel vision.....there was no opportunity to yearn or hope.  Only survival.

I see how I, now,  let myself get frantic and frustrated with food.  Other times I just take a big breath and focus on what I can do, then get busy doing it.

Food is medicine.  I believe you.  I've seen it with my own eyes....been restored by it.  Torn myself down with careless choices.

Why is it so hard to consistently ignore the Carny food?!?  Because my brain knows and loves it, that's why.

We're the richest country in the world and our health suffers bc of greed, corruption and......?  Cowardice?  Who made that insane food pyramid?  Why don't mainstream doctors.....

Now THAT makes me feel hungry.  Again.  When people in positions of trust and authority fail, or sell us out for a brings up reactivity for me.




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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2021, 09:08:08 PM »
I'm feeling super validated and understood right now.

Thank you, CB, Tupp, Hops and Amber for showing me different perspectives.

Tupp:  I've always believed and understood your struggle with your mum and the harm she's done.  It's really difficult to go there, but once the evidence continues churning and slapping us comes into focus and we can't afford to become confused about it anymore.  Not while attempting to protect children and maybe it's bc we couldn't protect them we GOT IT completely.....sans the angst one normally feels without this much evidence.

No one wants to believe sweet old Grandmas do these things.  We certainly didn't want to know either.  We didn't get a choice.  Couldn't afford to keep going all confused and ognirant once the kids were being harmed.

I'm glad so many people don't understand or believe it, bc they don't have the point of reference to make sense if it.  So very glad.

I do wish Judges and Ts had enough education and competence to deal with it.  They should be qualified and held accountable, but they aren't.

Instead they're paid to feel put upon/bitter/ understandably overwhelmed while often adding more damage, ime.  It's a very rare thing to see a Judge get it 100% right, ime. I've seen it happen twice, if imperfectly.  Judges with common sense AND enough information they couldn't get stupid and ignore the facts.

I do feel share certain tragedies and unlikely truths people go DIM thinking over...denial/ignorance/minimization.  I've never felt I had to prove anything to you...I always feel, sadly, we've been carrying similar shields and wielding similar strategiescabd tools.  Evidence is a weapon.  Documenting is everything.  Failure is terrifying to contemplate.  I've believed every word you've shared about your struggles.  Every one. 

When I read your earlier post, about dropping everything except "good mother" actions, interests, measurable visible DOING...that struck a chord.  I put down everything....for years....I posted very carefully here, afraid the In Laws would use it....stayed away from martial Arts and...I understand, Tupp.  Where are we now the kids are of legal age?  I guess we'll find out together.

Hops:  Thank you for sharing your views and lessons with me.  I might not always agree, but you make me question, think and verify.  I find myself more centered, bc of our discussions.  I know it costs you something to share some things.  I'm grateful.

CB:  I feel steadier bc you've shared your trials and tribulations with kids and food.  I appreciate what feels like Amazon CB holding a lantern up the trail, showing me the path you've walked.  It really helps.

Amber, you posted last, so I responded to you, at length, but thanks again for your views and shared wisdom. 



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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #26 on: May 16, 2021, 03:59:28 AM »
Anorexia hasn't let go of dd18.  DD asked for help, embraced it, but certain things drag her back under.  She dissociated.  She recognizes it.

Social engagements.  Time alone.  She's angry with food too.  Wants food to taste comforting....misses her "safe" foods...foods she always felt safe eating the last 2 years.  All off the list.

Tonight was pretty awful after my niece's bd party, which was an enjoyable gathering.  DD had a nice time.  I did too. 

 DD didn't eat breakfast or lunch.  She was super hungry on the drive home and going out of our way to find gas made the drive longer.

By the time we got home she'd been silent for an hour and a half.  She watched me eat chicken and vegetables then explained she was starving.  She wanted to eat, but couldn't.  She  I don't understand what shes5dealing with.

She took a time out, bc my trying to fix it wasn't helping.  I did some laundry, then hear DD in the kitchen.....she'd been weeping for a while.  Was on the verge and I just sat near her and listened.....I stopped trying to fix and I calmed myself down.  It helped us both... a lot.

DD asked me what comfort food was.  My answer wasn't her answer.  She wanted her answer and it's always grilled cheese.

I heated the last Against The Grain gf roll, used parm cheese and ham.....she was comforted and took her supplements the first time that day.

Then she asked for chicken noodle soup.  She chose gf penne pasta and I got out the bone broth we just made.  She had 2 bowls.

This wasn't really comforting, bc she considers this binging and that throws her back into a spiral, but sha seemed to feel better.  She's sleeping.  I'm wide awake.

I have to keep breathing.  Keep looking for the missing piece......dd has a T and nutritionist, but neither deals with anorexia.

DD is trying to gut her way through this, but she needs support from someone who deals with eating disorders, specifically.....that's how it looks to me.

The calmer I stay, the more quickly she'll askl for that help,  think.

I find my face up against the glass....nose on the Pebble....catch it.....breathe....pull back.......become more present and responsive.....present and responsive is better than reactive  and neeeeeding DD to be ok for me to be OK.

I imagine this will get easier with practice and focus.

I'm ready to go home for a while.  Tomorrow.



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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #27 on: May 16, 2021, 07:05:39 AM »
Lighter, I don't know anything about eating disorders but I have always associated the act of making food for other people as one of caring.  As I read what you wrote I could only think that DD watching you put together a comfort food substitute for her - taking that time to find something that might fill the gap, without derailing the work and making the problems worse, putting it in front of her, sitting with her as she ate it - I can only imagine that the act itself would have been enormously comforting to her, even without the chemical hit she might be craving at the moment.

These sorts of things are so difficult to navigate through but can you imagine how much easier all of your struggles would have been if you'd had someone there to cook you healthy meals, drive you to places, talk through things that were troublesome, give you a hug and tell you that you're amazing, strong, loved, wanted, cherished?  That level of comfort you give to your girls, along with the practical skills and just the investment you're willing to make in them - they may not be fully aware of it at the age they're at but it's setting them in such good stead for the future.  They'll get there, Lighter, it might not be in a linear way, it might not be quick and it might seem a bit inelegant at times but they'll cross that finish line, because they've got you. xx xx


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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #28 on: May 16, 2021, 11:31:53 AM »
I can't imagine what it must be like to want to eat - and not be able to. To consider chicken soup and a sandwich "binging". That latter sounds like a distortion of perception, but I couldn't possibly know the why's of that. It maybe has to do with a one-time experience or off hand statement, when she was in a really sensitive receptive state?? Societal pressure??? (Just some ideas from recent convo's with Hol, who is getting self-conscious about being over 40.) I do know, that when I'm really stressed emotionally - I just don't eat. The smell, sight, taste of food makes me nauseous.

It has be torture for you Light. I get that part; watching Hol go through this latest maturing phase and some of the nasty judgemental stuff coming out of her mouth - side by side with the kindest more compassionate understanding - can make me crazy if I get too attached to picking an outcome I want for her. I have to remember not everything she SAYS is really what she FEELS; she knows that deep down... so I don't get the extra step/layer between real and interacting with people. But nothing she's going through is on a scale close to what your Ds are sorting out.

I've heard it said that eating disorders involve issues of control. But I don't know if that's still accepted or not. Seems too simplistic to me. Maybe feeling safe? Dunno.... maybe it's time to start trying to locate a T that specializes in eating disorders, if she's ready to work through that. At 18, I imagine there are lots of OTHER things way more interesting to her. But maybe this is awful enough for her that she'd be motivated to resolve it or at least learn how it works in her case.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: DD18 seeing nutritional response practitioner (NRP)
« Reply #29 on: May 16, 2021, 02:31:30 PM »
I so agree with CB that releasing the fantasy that you can fix this, is the only path, and releasing it/them to a specialized professional (PsyD/PhD/MD professional, not just nutritionist) eating-disorder therapist (with you entirely hands-off and not asking) is essential.

Torture. So incredibly hard to accept your limits and let go. But it could heal all of you in time. Even if it won't, it releases you from the prison of the delusion that you can through sheer love and will and desperation, pull them back from the brink. You can pull YOU back from the brink, so their illness doesn't become yours, or yours theirs, or any combination. (Which is so very common.)

It reminds me of the "three C's" that someone told me about when I was fighting with all my soul to save my D, and had to release her outcome at the same depth:

I didn’t cause it – it is their private battle
I can’t control it – I have no power over an adult person's choices, even my child's
I can’t cure it – their illness may or may not resolve; I get neither credit nor blame

Feeling for you, Lighter.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2021, 08:15:53 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."