Those are interesting questions to add, Phyll. My mum would get very drunk on only two drinks - which always made me think she'd been secretly slurping all day, because there would be more empty bottles than you'd need for two drinks. I know she used to take a lot to the recycling centre, rather than putting them out for the recycle guys to collect, and I know she always felt a lot of shame over being drunk. They both mostly drunk at home - if they went out she'd usually drive and not drink at all. Somehow it has always been more acceptable socially for the man to get drunk (in the UK, at any rate). One time I was out with her walking the dogs. It was mid afternoon and she was so drunk she could barely stand, but she'd wanted to come out. We bumped into someone she used to work with, who was also walking the dog, and I watched her try (and fail) to hide how drunk she was when they chatted. It was excrutiating to see and I knew it always bothered her - but not enough to make her stop. I don't think anything's ever been enough to make her stop. It's always very sad. I'm glad you were able to get some help and stop your own situation xx