Thanks for checking, (((((Amber))))).
I'd say therapy-wise I'm doing better. May eventually make the change but feel safer sticking with present-T as winter rolls in. I'll see how I feel about it in spring.
I've been on an emotional roller coaster since the heart disease diagnosis. Episodes of chest pain still happen (one while I was driving yesterday) and I remain unsure which is angina and which is anxiety. I dunno if the new meds are helping or will kill me. It makes me miserable but this morning I got some focus.
We're all gonna die. For some reason (maybe because the sun's out) I walked through my house with its many paper piles and saw anew how lovely and cozy it is. And I thought how wonderful it would be to declutter successfully, simplify more, downsize more, streamline, just make it a more simple, pure, peaceful physical space for my D to inherit (today's her 42nd birthday). Rather than sad, it made me happy. I think because it gave me a feeling of purpose, which I've been lacking for many years. The woman I'm declutter-time-swapping with returns tomorrow. It's quite slow with her but it IS progress.
Another thing that just helped was that after the chest pain yesterday (I abandoned picking up a grocery order --felt too weak-- and just went home) I wrote a blast-of-anguish kind of message to Poet, and she responded with great understanding. Sometimes she doesn't show empathy so I assume she doesn't have it to give, but that's not really true. So that was a huge help, and we're Zooming later on, which comforts us both.
Comforts me to read about my busy, never-say-die pal Amber on her mountain, too!