Author Topic: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report  (Read 20551 times)


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2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« on: January 08, 2022, 09:21:29 AM »
It's been a little busier than usual around here. Buck rolled in Tuesday evening and the kids & dogs rolled out to spend some time away from here for her birthday. Thursday, we FINALLY got in to see an infectious disease Doc... and in the space of half an hour, he decided a plan of action... took swabs to test for exact bacteria (we get results next week)... and the contractor closed up as much of the metal shop as he had materials for. The garage doors should be here in a couple weeks; maybe even before B leaves for warmer climes again.

All the above, pushes the time of the final move a lot closer now. He only wants to move his big tools once, and I can't blame him. We have a followup with the spine doc on the 19th; and I'm guessing he'll make the referral to a surgeon then. So, the time between "visits" keeps shrinking.

Depending on which side of the house, we got between 8 and 12 inches of snow Thursday evening. Yesterday we made tracks in the driveway and shovelled decks. While they're gone it's my job to feed the flock of birds and I checked on her house too. It's the first time they've run the furnace much. Her kitties are inside. I made a fire around lunchtime and we just took half a "snow day" after the shovelling in zero degree temps.

Expecting some freezing rain tomorrow morning... so mostly indoor activities again today. It's about time for me to take down my Yule swags and turn them into bonfire starters.  :D
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2022, 01:04:19 PM »
That's terrific news, Amber!  So glad the doc appts are finally happening!! Whew hoo! YES!

I hope you and B settle into happy shared lives, the sooner the better😊


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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2022, 02:19:55 PM »
Incredible news, Amber. I'm so glad.
An actual infectious disease investigator, going to bat for B!

I'll bet this development is making every chore a little lighter, every weather challenge a little easier, every day a little better.

Thanks for the update!

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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2022, 09:55:47 AM »
Thanks ladies.

There's not a whole lot of news around here. The snow has mostly melted but it's still cold & windy. We've been binging tv series, eating easy and filling hot meals, and sleeping. There are still things "on the list" to bring about a more concrete reality to B actually moving in... but none of it is urgent. He's been fixing little things around here; thinking of things he wants to/should be done. I'm in the rip van winkle season and not really thinking; resting - so not really feeling either... just coasting. Big accomplishment yesterday was sewing a button back on my barn coat. ;)

But we have one big spring project already "in progress" and that looks to be the timing too for B moving. We just haven't talked a lot about logistics yet.

I think we might build another fire tonight. Temp is sposed to feel below zero.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2022, 11:51:43 AM »
Sounds peaceful and calm at the farm, Amber.  I hope you enjoyed that fire.  I'd have one burning every moment at the lake.  We need to cut wood and I usually help split......none if our guys cut and dragged trees to the splitting shed, which is odd.  I guess we spent our time picking up dead wood on the property, which was a terrible use if BIL's time and skill now that I think about it.

Darn.  I'm sitting in Harbor Freight parking lot contemplating all things chain saw.  I think I'll try to get boy help with cutting and moving trees, but I wish I knew how to properly/safely use a chainsaw and sharpen blades.

We had enough snow to knock down big branches in the yard.  A chainsaw would really be helpful.



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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2022, 09:21:16 AM »
More snow on the way for us; prediction is 8" to a foot. Buck is thrilled.

We have a bit of running around to do, since it now looks as if the shop will be closed in next week. Doors arrive at contractor tomorrow (sposed to; anyway).

I'm trying to untangle a shipping nightmare with greenhouse people and looking at things online... no joy yet. I might just put Holly on that. Lately she's been bugging me about delegating stuff to her... and I think this is right up her alley -- and it's her greenhouse anyway.

Buck and I start the process of changing his vehicle info, ID, etc to up here.

It's CLOSE now. To the time he's going to be completely here, once & for all.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2022, 08:03:07 PM »
Very exciting, Amber!  Yes yes yes to giving Hol the greenhouse project, since it's hers.

I'm sure Hops us getting ready for snow too, as am I.  We shopped for provisions today and put them away.  Tomorrow I get both vehicles into the garage and don't a but more work on the yard.

What will you cook during snow in, Amber?  Do you feel you'll lose power for a while?



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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2022, 08:35:40 PM »
You and Buck getting snowed in on the mountain, crackling fire in the hearth, something yummy wafting good smells from the kitchen, good music playing, the Big Decision clearly made, the boy's moving in for real...

I wish you two a happy, peaceful first together-snow-in, Amber! Smiling just contemplating your contentment.

Lighter, I don't prepare for snow. Sit indoors like a comatose rabbit and only stir myself if the heat goes off. I did though...stock batteries and food. All I need. One simple thing to do by Sunday is just put the windshield and rear window snow covers on my car (hate de-icing). Have crow-food at the ready by the door (peanuts in shell plus kitten chow...). One of them came back later on and cawed for a snack yesterday, made me happy. He or she got extra. By spring I hope we'll be friends!

Y'all stay warm and cozy. Amber you've got ole B, and Lighter, I hear pugs make excellent bed warmers...

I will be happy with another snow. I love the enforced stillness. Quiet everywhere.

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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2022, 08:55:48 AM »
My retired nurse neighbor presses me into service clearing driveways and the road with her snow blower when we have snow.

Even if it's going to melt, she wants everyone to be able to drive to the hospital in their own car, if needed.  I adore her, but I might not be up to it this year.  It's tough work.  Cold work.

I'm happy to picture you warm and inside.  I knowy youngest wants to do an outdoor photo shoot in the snow, which is fine.  Walking through the snowy moon lit forest makes my heart happy and then there's sledding under the power lines. 



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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2022, 08:35:46 AM »
Hops: from the radar picture, you'll be getting snow there withiin an hour or two. Later on it'll be one of those nasty mixes with the kitchen sink of precipitation in it to put a crust of ice on top. Hope you have slip on ice spikes if you have to take pooch out.

B and I have been in storm prep - and laying in stuff we need for projects around here - the past few days. Kids are doing the same and all the equipment to plow is readied. I would dearly love to be cozily snowed in and moving slow. I just don't see it happening though.

Yesterday evening, Hol txted that S is flying to Chicago Tues morning. His sister has had cancer and has decided to go into hospice. They'll need to be able to get out and we have miles of driveway when she drives him to airport. Ice and wind means we can expect to need the chainsaws too in places. Internet & power are iffy for me - but I'll be fine thanks to generator and an extensive movie library.

B's metal (my bionic man) & my sinuses have complicated everything - our body's response to the crazy barometer swings ahead of the storm. Today, the congestion seems a lot better but B said I coughed all night long. But we work pretty well together on things - even when we're in "diivide & conquer" mode - and have settled comfortably into the holding pattern until next week's appt. We're expecting the surgeon referral to be made on Wed - but then, we "wash, rinse, repeat" - while they decide IF they'll take him on, and WHEN they'll consult, and WHEN they'll do surgery and how long he needs to stay here to recuperate.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2022, 01:07:55 PM »
Thanks, Light. For now, cozy and warm. Plenty o' food, batteries, and blankies. Thanks, Amber. Weathersplaining! LOL. I stay tuned in to forecasts, even hourly ones, know what's coming. The total of my other preparations involved turning my car around so it's in back-in position and putting the windshield and rear window covers (I hate chipping ice off car windows).

I watched new videos to refresh my memory of clay flower pot/tea light emergency heaters, and have set out what I'd use to make my own. Combo of tea lights, a steel colander, and pots. (But this idea's less complicated:

My bedroom is the smallest room in the house, so with blankies, a DIY heater if desperate, and Pooch, I'll be okay. (Window has to be cracked to prevent carbon monoxide buildup, though--so I'm not sure the heater will be worth doing. Depends on temp). My main hope though is that after all the debris/tree/line work the last storm necessitated, the power will stay on. Depends how heavy the ice gets.

Would it help you to take H and S to an airport hotel right now? I can't imagine navigating through ice later on on country roads to get them there. Of course if ice buildup's bad enough, they might be stuck at the airport for a while, but that's much less terrible than an accident. You've got to get back safely too.

I was also wondering if you could work a deal with B's surgeon (praying he gets the okay) to give you bionic sinuses? Seriously, the IF/WHEN/WHENs must be draining (unlike your sinuses--sorry!). That's still uncertainty to get through; I'm sorry you have so much of it. But it does sound like forward motion.

Stay safe, everybody. It's snowing very hard here and as ever, it's beautiful.


PS I read too fast; it's H who'd be driving S to airport over the icy roads. Yikes. Hope they'll figure out the safest alternatives, so you won't be worrying more.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2022, 09:26:42 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2022, 09:01:05 AM »
Well, it's warmed up - nightime lows in the 20s. B is still here. He has another appt on 2/3. Slowly but surely... getting to his objective.  ;)

Hol retrieved her traveller sweetie from the airport just fine. She has friends over this weekend. Steve actually tolerated B helping Hol troubleshoot the propane heater in the garage and spoke about the farm with me, when we dropped in to say "hi". So, B & I were a bit surprised... but it was a good thing. Cozy and fun and easy.

One of Hol's friends and B get along like theives. Doesn't take long before they're off in a corner by themselves talking guy stuff. B and Steve plowed the drive... and B has been making himself useful all around. Thinks he'll be here another 2 weeks or so.

I'm still not into spring planning or planting-planning yet. Mentally, I'm just now getting my mental rest winter rest going. I need "all hands on deck" to see what all might be on the have-to list this next season... and with some finishing details on builldings still happening, B still in limbo about possible surgery and finishing moving here; and Hol & S still figuring out their space, their relationship, their lives... I just don't feel inclined to add anything else to think about to that "pot". The garage doors are in; because of the last snow they haven't been delivered or installed - and insulation (ceiling) and gutters still need to happen.

I have gotten a quote that'll curl your hair on replacing my old shingles with a metal roof.  :wide eyed raised eyebrows:   I knew the price of steel had doubled; and the roofer was suggesting ways to get another chunk of months or years out of the existing (he's a local guy and did a fab job on Hol's roofs)... but I'd like to get it done and over with before anything untoward happens. Keeping my fingers crossed my taxes don't go up too much this year and I can actually afford this.

There are some small, but needed utility structures we can build to protect the investment in wood and equipment. And we're still debating livestock beyond the bird flock.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2022, 01:52:14 PM »
Amber, reading your updates tightened my lower back muscles.  Whew boy...lots on your plate. 

Question.  If B has surgery, how far is that facility from you and what might that look like?

It was good read Hol and S have released the tension around B's arrival.  I bet that feels like a cuddle by the fire.

Sorry the metal roof price is so high.  Will insurance help if there's any " damage" from wind and hail identified? 

How is the bird flick doing?



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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2022, 10:33:33 AM »
We're going to have more birds & goose/duck eggs than we can use at one time! Lots of "making baby bird" activity going on - even in the snow. There is no insurance claim on the roof; it's just old age - about 25 years old in harsh conditions. I expected the estimate to be higher than I thought a couple years ago and back then, was persuaded to wait. That wasn't the wisest choice but I had other priorities then.

The hospital is about half an hour from here. And the surgery is outpatient. Makes a person wonder what all the bureaucracy is about... but now, I'm thinking most of it is insurance related and who takes what insurance and who doesn't. And of course, every office uses a voice message system so you can't EVER get connected directly to an office mgr or doctor/nurse these days.

I've got my babe around for another 2 weeks then have to let him go again. Maybe for a week or two -- or longer. Just depends on finding a surgeon that takes his insurance and their appt schedule -- and the OR schedule.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2022, 10:34:11 AM »
Do you pickle and beet your duck eggs?  Make deviled eggs with caramelized mushrooms and thyme?  Or just bake with them?