Author Topic: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report  (Read 20606 times)


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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #180 on: September 17, 2022, 06:23:08 PM »
Sometimes it feels like people, myself included, resist taking responsibility for choices and self care as others are carrying some of that responsibility, IME.

Responding with the question....
"what are you going to do about that?" is a complete response, IME. 

As much as I want to trouble shoot and help serch for solutions.......
I KNOW the best thing I can do with my girls is be present, really HEAR them and trust them to resolve their own issues. I still find it difficult to repeat their words back to them, verbatum.  I just do and my head snaps up when my T does it to me.   Just not natural, but I realize it serves a purpose. 

If I don't believe my girls are grown, capable young women...... why should they?

Please note..... I'm talking to myself here as much as you, Amber or anyone else.  I try on "keeping my yap shut" and it's powerful.  It's something I'm working on.



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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #181 on: September 18, 2022, 10:29:52 AM »
Yeah, I do this more & more lighter. She IS working thru it on her own, too. It helps that right now she's away during the week working. Home just on weekends. But there is a noticeable shift about her lately.


Keep writing your thread! I can see/hear something very important going on in it. To you, of course. I wanted to offer you some encouragement, let you know I believe you are in the process of breaking through what's kept you stuck all this time. That's all; carry on!

Well, we're being kinda lazy this morning. B has been moving some of the tools that have been stored in the barn, into the shop - it's 100% his domain - and I'll move my seed-starting operation up the barn for next spring. I'm finally able to get the last of the plants planted or in the ground now. B is gonna help me dig taters and put the garden to bed for this winter. We have some finishing bobcat work to do around the garage doors of the shop too. I need to plant garlic.

The Siberian tomatoes are about cherry tomato size; dark red - almost purple - and VERY good! My echineacea bloomed for the first time this year; valerian as well - and I have some strange orange flower on a plant I thought was Baikal Skullcap... but looks more like calendula. It's an odd bloom for that tho. I'm going to have to find homes for the 5 pots of aloe B brought soon, and get the hibiscus and bluebells planted.

Then we have a good sized washtub to find a home for.

There is STILL a big pile of wood to split down at the studio but the main thing now is to get his move finished, house sold, and make that break. We started pricing Uhaul trucks and <choke!> I can't believe how much they want to rent them. But then, I haven't rented a car in years... so maybe that was a gradual increase.

Speaking of budgets... I hope everyone's doing OK with food, fuel & utilities so far. This is a good time of year to buy some bulk items, and preserve (can, dehydrate, freeze, etc) them for times of bad weather, or just BEING under the weather. I need to add a couple whole chickens to the freezer... pull out last Christmas's ham... and get busy freezing up small portions of soup. I'm certainly feeling the pinch around here at the grocery store! And I need to start gathering some baking supplies for winter.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #182 on: September 18, 2022, 10:31:53 AM »
I'm skipping through catching up on stuff Skep, I just wanted to say I was sorry to read of your mum passing - I know it's kind of odd if the relationship hasn't been conventional!  I'm glad Buck's medical stuff seems to be moving in the right direction xx


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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #183 on: September 18, 2022, 04:50:37 PM »
Thanks Tupp!

I haven't had much sadness about my mom. But that also seems to be OK. Only thing that's come up for me, is that I'm the next one "in line". And I'm not fussing much over that either since my druthers & plans have been settled for a few years now. (And unless I get hit by the Sweet Meteor of Death, I'm not in danger of passing any time soon.)

How are you doin? (I'll go check your thread.)
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #184 on: September 19, 2022, 04:19:07 AM »
I know what you mean Skep, parents passing is a step nearer the inevitable and I think there are some parts of the circle of life that none of us are in a rush to get to!  We are doing good, thank you, things are much better than they were before and everything is looking more manageable :) xx


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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #185 on: September 24, 2022, 10:40:25 AM »
Been a busy stressful week. B is making plans to leave and get the next load organized; he'll only be gone a month and then will be back in time for my birthday and may stay till January. We are working on a plan/checklist for making that next load - the LAST one.

For several years now, I've been looking for a clean and solid 4 door hardtop wrangler to replace the grand cherokee with all it's electronic doodads of distraction and startling "command center" demands and warnings. The car beeping at me, can scare the bejesus out me at the WORST possible moments because I'm an active, engage driver who actually ENJOYS driving. I don't often just toodle along casually, especially on our two-land twisties. There is also less to troubleshoot and fix on the older models - and because of our terrain & weather & open roads - I wanted a manual again. I love driving Rudi, but B has one more change to make that will solve the problem Mike created when he put such large tires on it.

Finding one has been a needle in a haystack search. Most had already been customized by guys who grew up with the Transformers movies... and had just as much electronic junk on them as the new ones. Price tag reflected it, too. Others were driven into the ground with high mileage and needing a LOT of work to be reliable. So, last week on the way to the grocery, I spotted one at place that usually has all kinds of interesting vehicles/equipment for sale. We stopped on the way back to look it over. Everything on my short list was there; B approved the work on the suspension & lift kit... and the price, while high for it's model year, was fair given the lift alone was worth $5k and was recent. Drove it the next day and bought it.

And I've been driving myself half-mad being conflicted about spending the money right now - because the roofers started the very same day I drove/bought it. B and I talked through the pros & cons of the simplicity of the wrangler over the higher cost & complexity of the newer cherokee... and that helped. But we also need to get some kind of equipment & wood shed built/constructed to protect the investment in our "tools" and to minimize propane usage through the winter. Electricity hasn't gone up much here yet. There is also the problem of state inspections for "modifed" vehicles - ie, lifted.

And we've been SOOO busy lately, that I'm having to push driving miles & miles to a DMV until B leaves... and then I have the problem of having a driver when I sell the cherokee to the dealer over the mountain. The dealer has been calling me multiple times a day to make an appointment for them to look at it and price it for me. SIGH. Top that off with the insurance agent calling asking me to pick a time to review my insurance needs........... !!!!!! I've got too much on my to-do list already to be dealing with all this admin crap.

But it looks like Hol and/or S will be around now. So I won't have to deal with their animals - that's one relief. Unless Hol gets the coordinator position pushed on her for this production. She is the only one on their crew that CAN, but she doesn't want it. Even if she does like the paycheck. She's framed it as beating the crap out of her body just to make tv content for people who never get up off the couch. And she is resenting it. As would any sane person who only got 10 hrs of sleep in 48 hrs.

I am truly spoiled having B here. So many things are getting done, and by coincidence he had mechanical work to do on all the vehicles & equipment that would've been beyond our capacity to deal with when they failed. The yard work has been neglected but in the scheme of things, that's not terribly important right now. Roofer is going to pull his trailer in front of the porch Monday anyway. And I'll need to do a thorough walkaround looking for loose nails on the ground - even tho he picked up the majority of them. He helps cook, he's not a messy guy either - even though it looks like things have exploded in the garage, barn & shop right now while he's moving, organizing and working on the last bits of things. There is going to have be some more inside the house projects too over the winter.

OH... and I'm still working on an interim window project in the studio (and organization) to help manage heat and cooling out there too. The site environment wasn't at all considered in the design of that building - nor insulation or heating/cooling. But that project is probably going to have to wait till 2024. And we must needs do a little road/ditch work this fall before things get worse. Rick left us in pretty good shape before he moved; there are a few places that need attention though.

Wheeeeeee!!!!! this is the crazy stuff I have to try to ride herd on around here... like trying to corral tripping squirrels that have had too much coffee. And it's why I alternate between exhaustion and sleepwalking... and running my ass off.  LOLOLOLOLOLOL.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #186 on: September 24, 2022, 01:20:40 PM »
I think you're happiest when you're busy, Amber.  Sounds like you're grabbing life by the hand and running.

Very glad B seems to be healing up.



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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #187 on: September 24, 2022, 03:13:18 PM »
I'm working at trying to stay centered in all this. My irritable button has been pushed a lot lately and then the internal conflict over spending money on the jeep also contributed to being off balance. So I'm taking a couple days to REST and do things I like to do before dealing with all the other stuff again.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #188 on: September 24, 2022, 11:46:18 PM »
I was thinking when you got the Wrangler you'd sell the Cherokee which, being newer, and given the sky-high values of cars these'd come out ahead?

Couldn't agree with you more about the annoying/intrusive electronics. My 2008 Prius has what I consider a dang TV in the dashboard, though it isn't anything like, and I've never once figured out how to work the radio. One station all day because if I hit the wrong button I'm lost. I extra-loathe its charming habit of emitting a very loud beepbeep every single time I'm going in reverse, to which I screech in my head: If I don't know I'm driving backward, take my keys. But noooo, I gotta listen to the damn UPS-truck reverse beep every time I leave my driveway or park anywhere. (Not removable by mechanics, either...I've asked.)

I hope it's mostly happy-busy, Amber. You've waited a long time for some peace and quiet. Sorry B has to be gone for a month. Then one more absence in January and he's home with you for good?

Hope so. Keep on truckin' but try to enjoy the drive.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #189 on: September 25, 2022, 09:02:56 AM »
Oh yes, the plan is to sell the cherokee. I do NOT need to support this many vehicles - I can only drive one at a time! LOLOLOL. I do need to hand wash the dang pollen off and clean up the inside tho. And that's not happening real quickly right now. Roofers' tools are blocking access to the garage/hose. I MIGHT get a chance to do that today, depending on how warm it gets. I did just run it through the local car wash.

Next week is going to be busy, because I have to get insurance, tags for the wrangler - run over the mountain & pick up the rental with B on Wed... and then hopefully, have B follow me to the dealer for the appraisal. I think they think, they're selling me a new car... even though the website clearly states they will just buy "your car" from you. So we'll see. The new jeeps are even worse than the cherokee for "bells, whistles & beeps".

Right now, I'm just having a lazy morning catching up on my doom scrolling. Hol was flat out exhausted when she got home - and she didn't even try driving after she got off work Fri. night. So I'm giving her time to hang with S this weekend... and her dog (who was ever so good on a difficult day!) and remember she lives here. LOLOLOL. There's more craziness than usual going on with this job - but there are two new guys working in her department, so she's less needed. Think she'll be home at LEAST two weeks, before S finishes up working and gets to stay home.

Well, I dunno how much I'm getting done today... but it won't be much unless I get moving. Roofers are going to be here (and banging on the part over my bedroom) at 7:30 am tomorrow. I'm really over contractors right now... but I really needed to get this done and the dark green metal looks good!
« Last Edit: September 25, 2022, 09:04:54 AM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #190 on: September 26, 2022, 11:13:31 PM »
Ooo, dark green metal roof sounds gorgeous.
I can see it.
And rain on it will sound wonderful!

Did I understand right that after going home for a month, B comes back with a next-to-last load to the mountain, then goes back one more time in January to return with his really-final load? As in, B sez: "I live here now." ??

Hope that means his house sold and all is moving in the right direction.

Sounds like things are moving well for Hol too unless she's begun to hate the job as well as be tired out from it. I imagine TV production is very high intensity. Is S in the same biz?

Do I ask too many nosy questions? LOL.

hugs and enjoy your break (doom scrolling is ballooning here, good lord it's awful).

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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #191 on: September 27, 2022, 08:41:22 AM »
We're trying to pull that together that way Hops. And this trip isn't "going home" to his state - it's to collect all his stuff to COME HOME. Lots of things aren't exactly working right or copascetically. So yeah -- maybe 2 more trips; maybe 3, it just depends on 9 million variables ya know?  :rolleyes:

The house is sold - kinda. It's a private deal and that can be iffy. But his granddaughter is a realtor and developers are working in his area so he's not terribly worried about getting it sold.

Roof is about half done; this morning he said he'll probably finish early next week. They aren't going to work here Friday. They're working on the really complicated side of the house now, with a porch & two gables. Takes longer to cut all those angles for the valleys in the roof.

I'll know more about where Hol is with working in this industry next week. Ambivalence is kinda giving way to absolute decisions about what she wants and what she won't do. It's definitely been hard on her that S has worked every day but weekends the whole past month. But that's also clearing her head a lot too. So it's a wait & see still. For someone who's absolutely social -- she was so HAPPY to get home to peace & quiet. She doesn't have a lot of good to say about the Gen Z "kids" trying to work in the industry, being the last generation to grow up with electronic devices.  LOLOLOLOLOL.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #192 on: September 30, 2022, 03:19:01 PM »
Well, B just left this morning. He'll be back in a month. He's driving right into the storm, which should be making landfall near his house in a couple of hours or so. He has an offer to stay with a friend in NC tonight, but knowing him he'll drive straight thru until he can't. It won't be his first time - he drove home in Hugo from a base in CT.

We're supposed to get a couple inches of rain from the same storm tonight, tomorrow and Sunday. So I was delighted that the roof was finished today. Looks much better with a metal roof than those old rotten shingles. Shouldn't need replaced in my lifetime (the remainder anyway).

SIGH. I really didn't want him to go and he drug his feet almost all morning. So he got a late start and because this truck is governed to 55 mph it's going to take him till tomorrow morning to get home (especially if he pulls off to sleep). But it is what it is. We're staying in constant touch. I need to text him friend's phone number.

And now... for some absolute slug-time! Been an extremely busy week.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #193 on: October 01, 2022, 03:30:41 PM »
Ahhhh, Amber.  Driving so long, sleeping in a truck.... pushing himself when B's still healing and his body could really use special care and kindness.....
makes me uneasy just to read about it.

I hope he makes it safely. 

We had winds and cold rain last night.  It's sunny and calm today... not so cold, but chilly.

How are you guys doing?

I bet Hops had some weather too.



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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #194 on: October 02, 2022, 08:24:50 AM »
It's still raining here Sunday morning Lighter. Highs have only been in the 50s. I'm doing OK Lighter - I still enjoy my alone time a LOT.

B made it home last night and I didn't hear from him again after he unloaded the truck, so I HOPE he ate that pizza and went to sleep. He hasn't been there since June and there are a few things that are making his life difficult about now. I'll try to touch base with him in a bit. He mighta thrown his phone in the river, 'coz he kept getting calls fom people who wanted him to fix their generator. For free of course. :rolleyes:  He closed his business because people felt entitled to free work from him.

He's going to be a closely guarded secret after getting completely moved in! I don't like to share.  :D
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