Ahhhhh, Tupp. I imagine you spent lots of time wishing your family could drop the needless and toxic drama, chaos and trauma, bc your little heart understood where it came from and how relieved everyone would be
STOP. Now. Now. Now. Now.
Like falling off an edge, toxic parents/family members drag children/other family members with them. I think your friend's chaos drags you over her edge..... it's maybe old reactivity popping up and down the monkey hole you go, with her.
I imagine there's a part still living in that place....neeeeeding everyone to stop the madness..... helplessly watching.
If any of that's true, you're no longer helpless . You're grown and have choices.
Maybe changing your friend, her family and their choices would be most helpful, in the moment...... it's not possible to change them. They can only change themselves.
What can you change, in the moment? When you notice reactivity pop up?
If I catch mine, stop it ......I notice choices I couldn't possibly see before.
That means I remain outside my children's pain and can be responsive instead of limited by reactivity. I can respond in the best possible way with creative problem solving skills I can't access while reactive, ME.
Your friend feels trapped, bc her choices are based on her selfish family member's choices. She neeeeeds them to change, so she can change, but that's a stupid trap she can get out of herself, IME. She can't see it now. Doesn't understand.....she has choices IF she can restore choice, IME.
Like your son growing and maturing....your friend's family is always on that edge of learning, but she's "saving" them from the discomfort. Herself too.
Your friend would have to cultivate some awareness around her patterns....discover her reactivity and discomfort around it.....learn to endure the discomfort long enough.....long enough to create some buffer where choice pops up and she sees it .....can select the uncomfortable choices bc she can SEE real benefits to her children and husband learning responsibility. She'll benefit too, but I doubt that'll motivate her off the bat.
But to notice the patterns ...
Not so she can stop wearing herself out, but bc it builds her children into stronger more capable people, partners, students, friends and working human beings who aren't mindlessly selfish people acking compassion for others.
Nobody wants to be roommates with a slob who can't cook, clean or do laundry, IME.
Nobody enjoys being married to a selfish person who puts more on their mate than should be carried.
If she can't change for her own health and sanity....maybe she can figure out why she enables her family.....what is she getting out of this? She's getting something and there doesn't have to be any judgement. Just gentle awareness, IME.
All you can do is handle yourself. Maybe instead of getting dragged down her emotional and reactive monkey hole, you get curious, stop judging and honestly ask her why she thinks this life pattern is there.
What does she get from it? She gets something, even if she's not aware....she can think on it. The discomfort is ok. It won't destroy her. It's a messenger..... it's telling her she's ready to consider other possibilities of doing things....to heal her family, imo. Just an opinion.
What does she believe it's costing her children to develop these patterns? Can she see down the road.....possible positive and negative impacts.....can she identify ways to help them become competent adults? Will she benefit if they need her for basic self care, always? Does that make sense to her?
She doesn't have to have the answers, but having the questions in her mind might create the microsecond she needs to see how reactive she's been and consider it's impact. Consider everything. Consider choice again.
Making choices to help them remain helpless
make choices moving them through and into better places.....even though she feels discomfort......she has purpose and widens her ability to withstand the discomfort leading to positive outcomes, usually surprising IME, proving new choices aren't "bad" bc they're scary and unfamiliar and create deep panic in the moment.
That moment when adult children politely knock on a door and ask gently for permission to enter!!!! It's.....proof and reason to get through the discomfort!!
Or not. I might be way off about that, but I am happy your darling boy is gaining more confidence and skills. I'm not surprised, bc he's watched you all his life. You've modeled that for him and kept him safe.
Good job, ((Tupp.)) You're a good Mother😘