Gwyn thank you for responding .
You said : “Many N victims (including me and my MIL) have a "compliant response," which means they adapt by becoming compliant with the N abuser. This "compliance" carries over into the rest of their lives, so they are compulsively people-pleasing. So, when the compliant N victim has children, they will focus on making those children happy .”
That is so true. In looking back we realize that we were so intent in making sure that our children didn’t go through what we went through that we did the opposite. It appears that we opened a whole new can of worms. We did, as you said, try to please them even to the point that they came first, second, third and forth…..
You said : “The children learn by the victim-parent's example that THEIR wants needs and feelings are more important than other people's, they may never even develop the ability to SENSE others' needs and feelings, because the victim-parent "hides" his or her own, consciously or not.”
This happened to us. When you have been abused as a child and don’t have any idea why your parents abused you, you try to do better with your own children. You want them to feel loved and special, all the things your parent never gave you. In the end they feel they are special, which you of course wanted them to feel, But you didn’t count on doing such a good job that they would feel that they were better than everyone else, especially you.
They have taken everything you could provide and sacrifice for them. In the end even that wasn’t good enough because they developed a feeling of entitlement. We were told we didn’t take them out to eat enough after church with their friends and a whole list of things we didn’t do enough of. We did all that we could afford to do and held back nothing. We sold our house and took the money we earned to pay for two fancy weddings, set then up with bank accounts, apartments, college educations etc.
While raising our children, we had never heard of Narcissism. I continued to be targeted by my parents, not knowing why. I bent over backwards to please them, take care of them, help them, include them in every holiday, birthday, recital, ballgame etc. My mother all the while slamming my looks, brains, child raising skills, attitude, personality and holding up my beautiful younger sister to me as a the perfect one. That continued to hurt and make me angry. I’m afraid I didn’t do such a good job of hiding it. Each time I would cry and rant. Then pray till I could forgive them and go on to the next episode where the same thing would happen all over again. A zillion times. My children saw, felt and heard all this. This, I know was not good at all. I was young, and very damaged. If I could save one parent on this board from going through what we have been going through with our children, maybe our pain would not have been in vain.
If I had to do it all over again, we would move far, far, far away so that at least I wouldn’t have had to be in constant torment and maybe I could have had a measure of healing and done a better job with my kids.
If we had known about Narcissism we would have known how to handle my parents and why they continued to do to me what they were doing. I have spent my whole life trying to please my N parents when there is no way they will ever be pleased if you are the target. I thought I wasn’t good enough, that there was something wrong with me and proceeded to try to be perfect which made me a perfectionist. All to be good enough to be loved and considered equal to my sister.
If I had known that I was good and the problem was them, I maybe wouldn’t have become such a people pleasers and could have avoided some of our pitfalls. It is too late for us unless our kids someday come around. We hope and pray they will but realize that if we want to stay alive we can no longer allow ourselves be the target of anyone, my parents or our children.
Maybe this post will alert some parents to the potential damage they could inadvertently cause while they are trying their best to stop this cycle of Narcissism and abuse that seems to pass from generation to generation. We thought we were stopping it. CAN YOU?
We are having to leave town for about a week because of a death in my husband’s family. We will answer your posts when we get back. Just didn’t want Gwyn and guest to be left hanging in the air while we were gone. Thanks so much for your thought provoking replies.