Hi again all!
I want to reassure you that there's a lot of love out in this world.Hard to find sometimes? Yes.....
Thanks! I have actually found myself a bit of love, I have a wonderful fiance who tells me how much he loves me several times a day! (Even after almost seven years...

For me....it's like puppy training.
I've always thought of myself as more like a kitten though!

But yesterday I really felt like a happy puppy, wagging my tail at all the wonderful responses I got... When my fiance got home from work I had to tell him: "People are being nice to me! They say nice things!" And he replied:"Of course they do, you're a nice person." I am lucky to have him!
Remember lying in bed at night trying to imagine ‘not being’ and finding it easy to think about. Was half-way there in a sense I guess.
Sorry to hear that you had to go through that crap too, I hope that you, like me, have put it behind you by now.
No job here either but trying. Will work with you any day , and October too (I’m in the UK too).
Sounds great!

We would have to find a job that we could do from Octobers home though... October, are you up for it?
Sorry if I’ve missed it but do you have any children? I don’t, part of the legacy.
Funny you should ask! I just had it confirmed from the doctor the other day, I'm pregnant!

I completely understand those children of N's that don't want to have their own kids, is that what you mean by "the legacy"? For me I feel that it is right though, I had one (actually two) of the best teachers in how
not to be a parent , and hopefully I learnt a little from that (I agree with Brigid here)! It still feels completely unreal though... There's a human being growing inside of me? No... you must be pulling my leg.
Longtire, bunny, Stormchild! Thank you so much for validating my experience and making me feel that I have a right to be upset. You have no idea how much that means to me... well, actually, I suppose you do, and it feels good to know that the people here
really understand me and where I'm coming from. It's so good to not have to hear the usual: "I'm sure she
meant well", "of
course she loves you, she's your mother", and so on.
Gwyn: Since our stories seemed to be so similar, I checked out your first post, and was very relieved to find that I was not the only one to have posted about messing my pants

, nothing new under the sun, eh? Unlike you, we were never poor, but we were always the poorest ones in our neighbourhood (my mother has this thing about wanting to live in a big house), so I can really relate to the clothes thing. Wearing your cousins (and your seven years older sisters) hand-me-downs and the cheapest of supermarket clothes, and your family not having a car, doesn't do you any favours in a neighbourhood where every family has at least two cars and the kids are wearing designer clothes

! And my mother is fond of saying how she's always put her children's needs first!
Yesterday I was doing a lot of crying and smiling (and wagging my tail), because everyone was so nice to me. Then I started reading "trapped in the mirror", which had finally arrived (ordered it four weeks ago), and today I am furious with my mother! It is one thing to know that you've had a lot of problems in life, because of how your parents screwed you up, but to read that this was (however unconscious), the intention!

Arrrghhh! I had to feel her bad feelings about her because she couldn't bear to feel them herself!? Here I have always felt so much sympathy for her over the years because I could feel how much she must really hurt. Well, she didn't feel that pain, did she? Nope, she just dumped it on to my head instead!

Next time I feel sorry for her, I will have to remind myself: "No, she isn't actually feeling the pain, I am." And save the pity and empathy and sympathy for myself and others who deserve it instead!
Anyway, I'm going away for the weekend, so I won't be able to talk to you for a while.

I don't really want to go, but I feel I have to make an effort to be social. At the moment I'm so confused that I don't even know if it's the "real" me who wants to stay home, or if that is just my mothers voice trying to sabotage something that might be fun.

Anyway, I'll miss you all, and if I have time I will check in for a bit later today.