Author Topic: fragments of my story  (Read 19605 times)


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fragments of my story
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2005, 01:54:50 PM »

Great news!  Congratulations!

From the posts I have been reading it seems like there are alot of pregnant ladies here.  I wonder exactly how many?  Maybe we should have a section devoted to our Moms to be.  :wink:

Glad to hear that this board has helped put that skip back into your step.

Best wishes.


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fragments of my story
« Reply #31 on: March 14, 2005, 02:47:09 PM »
Hi Sleepy,
You wrote,
At the moment my name is like a rash all over the board and I'm trying very hard to tell myself that that is o.k..  

Here, let me tell you, "That is OK." Your posts are wonderful; all bubbly and full of excitement. Please keep them coming.

Congratulations on the wee little sleepyhead! In a few months you are really going to be a sleepyhead, if your little one is anything like our baby mudpuppy was.



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fragments of my story
« Reply #32 on: March 14, 2005, 04:38:58 PM »
Sleepyhead, I understand about feeling like I post too much sometimes.  I remind myself, that I don't post when I'm asleep (sleep-posting?) so I have to make up for lost time when I'm awake. :) I like to read other peoples posts too, they also have something to say that I never would have thought of, as well as saying something that I just "get" right away.  And Portia, I have had that multi-posting before, but there are times when I'm so full of "stuff" that I'l post 2 or 3 times in a row before anyone else has a chance to read and respond.  I say post away and anyone who is offended can read other threads.  Except for an occasional troll, the people here are exceptionally considerate and conscientious(sp?).

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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fragments of my story
« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2005, 09:18:48 AM »
Hi everyone! I'm back and determined to keep posting shamelessly (or at least try) :oops:  Thanks everyone for the congratulations! It feels good to be able to talk about to someone other than my fiancé.

I guess I wonder more than most people what my baby will look like, since I've never :!:  seen any baby pictures of myself... We just have one photo from when I'm about one, then nothing until I'm about four. I asked my mother about it once when I was about ten and she said that they were on slides and that my dad had them. So I asked my dad about it on my next visit (they divorced when I was three), but he just laughed and said that my mother had them. :?  I didn't know what to think, so gave it up as a lost cause for many years. But on my graduation my mother all of a sudden had a photo from when I was one!? Were did she get that? I doubt that she got it from my father since she hasn't spoken to him in years. Then I asked her again last year, and she said I couldn't see the slides b/c she didn't have a projector (she had one the first time I asked, and now she's thrown it out, note: it was not broken). I guess she "forgot" that "my father has them"! :evil: Anyway, when we go back home, I'm just gonna take all the slides and have them converted to photos.  :D
Congratulations! Although I have already said that in a pm!

Thanks! I must have logged out right before you posted (I'm not even in sync with the people in my own timezone :roll: ) My first pm! As far as your concern over the hot cross buns, no need to worry, so far the only thing I crave is fruit and veg. My baby will probably be the healthiest baby ever! :D
It is hard to express empathy in type without sounding like a sanctimonious idiot

Well, you must be doing very well , b/c you don't sound like any kind of idiot to me! Quite the opposite actually! 8)

I feel kinda privileged that you told us the good news, the board’s a strange wonderful place isn’t it?

It sure is! And I feel priviliged and very, very lucky to have found it!

Sort of like "love means never having to say your sorry."

Ooooh, yes! And that one is even on greeting cards!? :evil:

miaxo: Yes, tyhere are a lot of pregnant ladies here, maybe b/c we see a need to sort through this s##t before we become parents, so that we can finally break the cycle! :D

Mudpup: Here, let me tell you,
"That is OK." Your posts are wonderful; all bubbly and full of excitement. Please keep them coming.

 :oops:  :oops: You're making me blush! Don't stop! :D

I remind myself, that I don't post when I'm asleep (sleep-posting?) so I have to make up for lost time when I'm awake.

Well, considering the time difference, I can post when you are asleep, and vice versa, that way we can cover a lot more time! :D [/quote]
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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fragments of my story
« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2005, 11:40:02 AM »
Wow Sleepy,

The baby picture thing I don't get.  :?
Maybe someone who understands N better than me could explain it.
A control issue with you or your dad? A desire to hide from her failure of a marriage? Trying to set you against your father?
These people are so freakin' weird it makes your head spin sometimes. :roll:



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fragments of my story
« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2005, 12:15:40 PM »
I don't get the baby picture thing either.

But it does bring to mind a bizare incident I had years ago with my ex MIL.  One of the rare times we stopped by her house she handed over Ex N's baby book to me.  She was clearing out her attic and didn't want it and gave it to me to take home.  Anyway, outside of a few comments here and there the thing wasn't even filled out.  As I turned to the last page I read an entry journaled by ex MIL that read, "After returning home from a family vacation "X N" received the beating of his life for dumping milk in the refrig."  Apparently, X N ran into the refrig to take a sip of milk before the family departed for a week long vacation.  He mustn't have capped the milk or something b/c it leaked in the refrig and the smell was atroscious.  At the time of the beating, X N was only two years old.  Who in their right mind would have beaten a two year old and then document it in a baby book???  Especially since all the other slots were empty for such things as baby's first's favorite food...etc.

To top it all off ex MIL described the beating like it was normal. It was not a run of the mill spanking either.  (Beating done by X N's father)

That was one of my first warning signs that X N came from a whacked out family.


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fragments of my story
« Reply #36 on: March 15, 2005, 02:44:11 PM »
Quote from: miaxo
I don't get the baby picture thing either.

There are no pictures of me under 18 months.  Lots of my two brothers as babies, including Christening pictures, but none of me.  Earliest one I have is not a portrait, just an accidental picture of other people, and I am in the frame.

I have always thought this is because I was not wanted.  Mum says that she thought she could not get pregnant while still breast feeding my older brother (who is only 18 months older than me).  I suspect there may be a darker subtext involving coercion, with me the end result.  This is not the only such story in the family.  My maternal grandfather is rumoured to have used the same tactic (two children after a gap of six or seven years) with my grandmother to force her to play the game.  

With one baby mum could have escaped what was already an unhappy relationship.  With me, she was stuck.  Doesn't explain the lack of pictures, except if you remember the purpose of N pictures; to show everyone how happy the family is.  No point in documenting an unfortunate episode.  Ie me.

Also, throughout my daughter's childhood, there has been not one single comment from either my mum or dad about my daughter having anything in common with me - you know, the usual, 'you used to do that' comments.  Not a single one.  I might as well have been adopted at 8 years old for any acknowledgement that I was theirs.

There seems to be a fundamental denial of the reality that I was there, and that I had an identity.  And in fact, I had none, and still don't.  Eventually I became my brother's sister, and was tolerated as such, with  comments about how close and inseparable we were.  But 'I' did not exist.


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fragments of my story
« Reply #37 on: March 15, 2005, 02:53:01 PM »
October, I am sorry about your baby pix  (or lack there of).  I have very few baby pictures of me....just a few individual ones, some of which we are not even sure which kid it is.  But happily, it's because there were 8 siblings above me, and time for "special photo sessions" was rare, and money was even rarer.  I know I existed, however, as there are several pictures of the entire brood, and tons of really funny stories.  Now you birth order folks can have at me me, right?
Not trying to make light of any pain, I hope you know.  Just mindless dribble (youngest of nine :shock:)


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fragments of my story
« Reply #38 on: March 15, 2005, 02:56:30 PM »
October, a more serious response (sorry)
You certainly "exist" here and this "place" is no "place", really,  and your presence is felt and noticed.  That's something, isn't it?  I'm sad your mom was so stupid (that's what it is).  You're pretty cool, though, and your own daughter will not lack!


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fragments of my story
« Reply #39 on: March 15, 2005, 03:03:24 PM »
Quote from: mum
October, a more serious response (sorry)
You certainly "exist" here and this "place" is no "place", really,  and your presence is felt and noticed.  That's something, isn't it?  I'm sad your mom was so stupid (that's what it is).  You're pretty cool, though, and your own daughter will not lack!

Yes.  Lots of pictures of my daughter as a bouncing baby.  Blackmail material for years to come.   :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

I am not sure whether I am here or not.  But something/someone is.  I suppose.   :?


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fragments of my story
« Reply #40 on: March 15, 2005, 04:10:21 PM »

I enjoy reading your posts.  I can feel your individual personality coming through them.  Like Mum said, you do exist here.

Shame on your Mother!



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fragments of my story
« Reply #41 on: March 15, 2005, 04:32:02 PM »

I am not sure whether I am here or not. But something/someone is. I suppose.

If you're not here then someone else is using your handle to write some very wonderful posts. I always look for your's because I'll know they will either be poignant, very funny or usually both.

Yes. Lots of pictures of my daughter as a bouncing baby. Blackmail material for years to come.

My daughter already is planning to destroy the video I have of her tearing through the living room in just her shower cap at age three.
She doesn't know there are copies safely hidden away. :twisted:



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fragments of my story
« Reply #42 on: March 16, 2005, 04:34:55 AM »
Quote from: Anonymous

Yes. Lots of pictures of my daughter as a bouncing baby. Blackmail material for years to come.

My daughter already is planning to destroy the video I have of her tearing through the living room in just her shower cap at age three.
She doesn't know there are copies safely hidden away. :twisted:


Thanks.  Hiding away day today, but thanks.

Love the thought of the video show in years to come!!!!!


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fragments of my story
« Reply #43 on: March 16, 2005, 05:58:53 AM »
I feel like October in the way that I was not supposed to exist. I don't mean that they didn't want a baby (I am seven years younger than my sister, so there's little risk of "accidentally" getting pregnant), but perhaps they simply didn't want me. Maybe there aren't even any pictures of me, and that is why she won't let me see the slides? Because, seriously, she's had thirtytwo years to either get the slides converted to photos or at least show them to me once. But I actually believe that it was just "too much of a hassle" for her to set the projector up, and that my baby pictures were nowhere near important enough to her to keep the projector (why would you throw out a working projector when you have slides that you need it to see???). For a long time I actually thought that I was adopted or "stolen", until I was old enough to recognise my physical resemblance to both my parents. Oh, well, when I next get home, I'm not going to ask, I'm just going to take the slides and then I'll know if I was even worth wasting film on!

Not in the best of moods today as you can probably tell. I've been reading "Trapped in the Mirror" again, and all my rage is starting to surface. It is funny, I thought I had already gone through the "anger phase" since I started rebelling against my mother in my teens and have rebelled ever since. This was before I knew that rebellion is just another form of enmeshment! I suppose that it is not until now that I can see what she really did, and that she must have been aware of it on some level, so now I can get really angry. And I am furious :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

One example: When I was thirteen my hair started getting really greasy, so I started washing it every day. My mother noticed this and immediately started teasing/bullying me: "Why are you washing your hair every day? I bet you're in looooveee! Sleepyhead's in looovee, Sleepyhead's in looovee!" God, I wish you could hear the tone of her voice! Anyway, I stopped washing my hair every day, because I was going to get bullied in school anyway, and I preferred to be (overtly)bullied in just the one place, thank you verymuch! It is not until now, almost twenty years later that I asked myself: "How come she noticed that I was washing my hair every day, but didn't notice how greasy and stringy it was?" She must have noticed! Why would she do that!? Maybe she was jealous? After all, she always went on about my blond hair (neither my parents nor my sister are blond), but as a child I wasn't allowed to have long hair like my sister had. We lived in a huge house in a nice neighbourhood, but I got to wear hand-me-downs and cheap supermarket clothes. Now I'm even getting paranoid about my glasses! I was so nearsighted that I couldn't see what the frames looked like on me, so my mother would chose. I always put her awful choices down to bad taste, but maybe it was on purpose? I guess I will never know...

Anyway, I can see clearly for the first time, that everything was truly about her, every single thing was to further her own agenda. She hardly ever paid any attention to me except to criticise, forced me to play piano for years after I told her I didn't like it (I guess it was "posh"), but refused to let me dance ballet (she said it was unnatural). The way she behaved at PTA meetings was just to draw attention to herself, she didn't care about the embarrassment and extra bullying it caused me. She didn't even notice that I was bullied all the way through school. Everything was about her getting attention and possibly praise. I remember in kindergarten, I was perhaps three or four, the parents were there for some reason (first week?). The teacher asked if we knew how children were made, all children wre of course embarrassed, but my mother quickly says: "Sleepy knows! Tell them Sleepy! Come on, you know how babies are made, tell them!" Me, of course, going quiet and shaking my head furiously, too embarrassed to look at anyone. Lately I've noticed that she is even in competition with toddlers. When my niece turned one, one of her birthday presents was one of those boxes where you are supposed to put the right shape in the right hole. My mother "played" with her granddaughter in the following fashion: Niece would pick a piece up and try to put it in a hole. Mother would immediately grab the piece from here and say "no, it doesn't go there, it goes here!" and put it i the right hole. She would then beam with pride of her accomplishemnt and the satisfaction of being smarter than a one year old! :shock:  Meanwhile, my attempts to explain that the whole point of the toy is to learn through your own experience and your errors fell on deaf ears.

Hmmm.... I'm starting to get something that happened in my last bout of therapy. My therapist told me that I should think of change as in the way a child learns something new, learning little by little, making mistakes and try again and again until I got it. I didn't understand what she meant. I had no memories of that sort of learning. I've alwys felt that I have to be brilliant at something the first time I try it. Oh, well, I've got to stop venting this now (for a while at least), otherwise I'll keep writing all day and noone will have the patience to read my post.
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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fragments of my story
« Reply #44 on: March 16, 2005, 08:28:49 AM »

Oh, well, I've got to stop venting this now (for a while at least), otherwise I'll keep writing all day and noone will have the patience to read my post.

Sounds like you're having a breakthrough to me so write and vent all you want.  You are certainly not trying my patience and are helping me to get to some of my own buried pain when reading your deepest thoughts and hurts.  How do mothers do this to their children?  I will never understand it.

Keep digging Sleepy, you're getting there.  :)  :)
