Delphine: my mom told me she also had the not studying for an exam dream, which I believe is universal for anyone who has been in school.
I haven't had it in a while, but can remember what they were like (awful).
We teachers have a common dream, and for me it happens most at the end of summer break, right before we return for the school's a classroom full of kids (too full) who will not stop talking long enough to even hear me (I usually wake up practically screaming). It's the every teacher's nightmare class nightmare!
Another twist to the not studying dream, is having to teach a class I'm not prepared for, and another twist on that one, is performing in a play when I haven't memorized my lines (old actress dream) or worse yet, I have to DANCE in a performance and try to fake it (which sometimes works!) BTW, dancing is NOT my forte (understatement!)
Ok, here's a few for the dream interpreters (October?): repeated themes throughout my life: (although not lately, hmmmm):
a horse or other animal that I have forgotten I even owned (but really wanted), barely alive from my neglect when I finally remember it's there....(such sadness and guilt)
running with great ease, and gazelle like springing steps....and saying to myself, "I knew I could run like this....but I always think it's a dream, but here I am and it's not" (oh, the irony).....
and falling from a great height (like off a diving board and I don't go down but WAY up first) , but then I realize I'm flying and the dream becomes about trying to control the panic in my gut over it (I never crash or hit the earth).