Author Topic: Dreams anyone?  (Read 57286 times)


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Re: Dreaming about the ex
« Reply #30 on: April 06, 2005, 05:23:35 PM »
Quote from: Bliz
Now they are more mundane or he is just there.  Last night he was attempting to fix a clock in the townsquare I believe.  ????
At the same time I was doing some work around the house, which is actually something I have been trying to organize during the actual day.

Dreams can often be very clever metaphors.  What this one suggests to me is that your N ex is trying to find out how you tick.  Ns don't mend things; they take them apart.   :?  

Meanwhile, you are carrying on your life without him.  

Sounds pretty good to me.   :lol:


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Re: Power of Suggestion?
« Reply #31 on: April 06, 2005, 05:28:57 PM »
Quote from: Joey

Last night, I had a long dream that my entire N family came to visit - I can't remember why.  But, my house was a mess (my mother is the original "white glove"), I was disshelved and ugly (another mother indoctrination), my father was making nasty wise cracks about my disloyalty, and my brother was chiming in.  I've been very nervous and have migraines the last few days also.  

Just needed to talk about it.  Joey

If you take it that a house symbolises your self, the dream about your whole family coming to visit, and causing you to feel inadequate, might mean that they are too invasive, not just in your life, but in your whole persona, and this has a devastating effect.  The dream is telling you to stop them from doing it.  If this is the case, you would have a good right to have migraines.

I would suggest that you try changing the ending of this dream, so that when the family arrive the curtains are drawn, the doors are double locked and you are sitting in the living room, eating popcorn and watching a wonderful film, perhaps with some people you want to spend time with.  Or you could try actually doing that.  I wish I dared, with my family.   :?


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #32 on: April 06, 2005, 08:13:29 PM »
Where does the real mudpuppy salamander live?

Not to turn this thread into Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, but I think they live back in the Ohio River Valley and perhaps New England. Maybe even the Great White North. I'm just going by memory but I think that's right. Apparently they're getting fairly rare.
As a matter of fact, I could use one around here, if he eats frogs by the gallon

Apparently the wild mudpuppy does eat frogs. The domesticated variety tends to shy away from slimy amphibious food, unless they are of the Gallic subspecies.  :x
The american domesticated mudpuppy is more likely to subsist on a diet of chicken marsala or roast turkey. Some have been known to consume the occasional steak and pizza as well.
The hellbender has a liquid diet consisiting entirely of vodka and orange juice. :roll:  :shock:



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #33 on: April 07, 2005, 08:31:48 AM »
The hellbender has a liquid diet consisiting entirely of vodka and orange juice.  

 :shock:  :D  :lol:  :shock:  :D  :lol:  :shock:  :D  :lol:  :shock:  :D  :lol:

Too funny Mud!

Now that you've taught me all I need to know about Mudpuppies, I will never, ever, ever swim in the river, at our cabin, at night, ever, ever again, ever!!!


But I still might bring one home to eat the frogs that incidently, started their chorus up last night!!



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2005, 01:58:38 PM »
October wrote:

I would suggest that you try changing the ending of this dream, so that when the family arrive the curtains are drawn, the doors are double locked and you are sitting in the living room, eating popcorn and watching a wonderful film, perhaps with some people you want to spend time with.

October - what a great idea.  Thanks.


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #35 on: April 07, 2005, 04:44:48 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
especially if it were some short/tall guy, with big ears, and no face,  wearing a grass skirt, rest of self covered in mud... doing it all--oooga boooga???).

heeheehee :D  :D  (the grass skirt was necessary to keep it rated PG).


Apropos of nothng really, I  have a grass skirt in my wardrobe, made by the native peoples in Guyana.  Never worn it (yet), though.  

Another totally weird gift from younger brother.  Kind of fun, though.   :lol:


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #36 on: April 07, 2005, 04:57:12 PM »
Hiya October! least Mud knows where he can get one nearly new grass skirt, if he ever feels the need.
 :shock:  :shock:  :D


PS:  for the last 2 nights I have had 2 of the most outragious dreams I've had yet....

....both nights I half woke up ...thinking....."that is the most outragious dream yet".....then

Morning comes......and I can't remember a single bit of the dream....just this mid-night thought!

Next night.......middle of the night....same thing...woke up..."that is even more outragious than last night's dream!  I hope I remember this one!!"

Back to sleep until morning.....when memory whatsoever, except for this waking up and thinking it was outragious and worth remembering!!

What the......???
 :?  :shock:  :?  :shock:  :oops:  :D



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #37 on: April 07, 2005, 05:05:50 PM »
Now that you've taught me all I need to know about Mudpuppies, I will never, ever, ever swim in the river, at our cabin, at night, ever, ever again, ever!!!

Do you know something I don't know? I have never heard of a man-eating mudpuppy. :shock:  :roll:

As far as remembering your dreams, how about a note pad or tape recorder by your bed?



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #38 on: April 07, 2005, 05:19:43 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous

PS:  for the last 2 nights I have had 2 of the most outragious dreams I've had yet....

....both nights I half woke up ...thinking....."that is the most outragious dream yet".....then

Morning comes......and I can't remember a single bit of the dream....just this mid-night thought!

Next night.......middle of the night....same thing...woke up..."that is even more outragious than last night's dream!  I hope I remember this one!!"

Back to sleep until morning.....when memory whatsoever, except for this waking up and thinking it was outragious and worth remembering!!


Sorry to point out the obvious, but if you had forgotten the first dream completely, you would not have known that the second was even worse.  

They are not forgotten, they are being denied space by your conscious mind.  I would follow the pencil by the bed advice.  Your mind is trying to tell you something that part of you (the internal Nparent censors?) really seriously doesn't want to know.   :?

The fact that they are outrageous shows that it is really difficult to break through these censors.  In other words, this is important for you to hear, but they are making you stick your fingers in your ears and hum a tune.  I suspect that what this tells you even without hearing the dream is that you are not paying attention to yourself enough, although I can't tell if this is physically, emotionally or spiritually, or all three.  

In effect you have a bad teenager dream here, doing the most outrageous things possible, just to get attention.  Perhaps you need to sit down and say, ok, I am listening, now tell me all about it.


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #39 on: April 07, 2005, 05:51:32 PM »
They are not forgotten, they are being denied space by your conscious mind.

Thanks October, good point.  I bet you're right!

I only half-wake up, so the pencil thing won't work... unless I can write with my eyes closed and left-arm asleep ( :D ).

In effect you have a bad teenager dream here, doing the most outrageous things possible, just to get attention.

I don't think the dreams were about me....they were about this group and this thread.  Maybe I am trying to have outrageous dreams so I'll have something interesting to post, for all of us to examine and comment on??
I don't know.   Is that the N in me seeking attention??? :oops:  :oops:
Or some deep dark need?? :?

Perhaps you need to sit down and say, ok, I am listening, now tell me all about it.

I will do my best to try doing this, although I hope I don't fall asleep listening to myself ( :roll: ).



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #40 on: April 07, 2005, 06:44:22 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous

I don't think the dreams were about me....they were about this group and this thread.  Maybe I am trying to have outrageous dreams so I'll have something interesting to post, for all of us to examine and comment on??
I don't know.   Is that the N in me seeking attention??? :oops:  :oops:
Or some deep dark need?? :?

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

An N seeking attention by saying their dream is not about them?  I think not!!!

Darling, all your dreams are about you; that is what dreams are.  If part of you thinks your dreams are 'about' me, or the board, or the man in the moon, that part of you is mistaken.  

The N in you is trying not to let you get attention.  

Half asleep is fine, if you tell yourself the story over and over until you grab the pencil.  It will take practice, but you can do it.  Don't put the light on first, that will chase the dream memory away; write in the dark.  You don't need to be able to see to write.   :)


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #41 on: April 07, 2005, 06:48:36 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous

Perhaps you need to sit down and say, ok, I am listening, now tell me all about it.

I will do my best to try doing this, although I hope I don't fall asleep listening to myself ( :roll: ).


It doesn't matter if you do fall asleep.  You will probably get a better message by a dream than by staying awake.  Sweet dreams!!   :wink:


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #42 on: April 09, 2005, 11:38:09 AM »
This is a little late in replying to Delphine's response to why I keep having dreams about the ex.  

Thank you Delphine.  I somehow missed this thread for awhile.  I found it interesting what you said about our possible psychic connection.  We had that for many years even when we were not in touch at all.  I was dreaming about him so much, a few years ago I almost called him.  Found out later his father was dying at the time and he was taking care of him.  

Before I got reinvolved romantically with the ex, this time, I was again having dreams about him constantly although I had not been in touch with him for years.  I finally said to myself that I guess if something is going on, he will call and that very day he did.

I did not want to dwell on this psychic connection in my initial post because I believe I am truly beyond this one.  I know he can never love in the way a healthy woman should be loved.  However, it is possible he is thinking about me at this time and that is why the dreams.

The dreams are different now which I believe means I have truly moved on.  As I mentioned they used to be adventurous and sometimes sexual, where now they are more mundane or he even looks pitiful.  

Delphine, I liked your interpretation.  There alwasy seems to be the struggle within me between the masculine and the feminine.  I am independent, adventuresome and in many ways not a typical female.  I think at times, as I have mentioned, I swung too far in the other direction, believing I had to look and act even less feminine in power situations to accomplish my goals.  For many years I have been trying to regain my voice and power while nurturing my femininity.

Another possible explanation to my dreams of ex is I have become a little intriqued with someone,  but actually believe it not a good idea to pursue.  It is a friend who recently got divorced and is much younger than myself.  He has shown interest in many ways but I believe that he too may be hesitant because of the divorce and maybe the age difference.  I have enjoyed talking with him more though and this may have stirred up some things.  Just a thought.  Interpretations welcome.


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #43 on: April 09, 2005, 12:09:02 PM »
Hi bliz,
It is a friend who recently got divorced and is much younger than myself

Interpretations welcome.

Would you like my interpretation?  
Men are jerks.
Recently divorced men are even bigger jerks.
Recently divorced men who are much younger are some of the biggest jerks of all.
Now, about your dream I have no idea, but about your friend, see above.



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #44 on: April 09, 2005, 01:54:11 PM »
Now Mudpup,
That does seem a bit all compassing.  All men are jerks!!(?)  All younger men are Jerks!!(?)  I have not pursued and have in fact discouraged involvement due to his age and divorce.  

BTW, he was always a good friend and nothing else.  I knew nothing of the divorce until it was almost final, becauae they had moved father out of the city.  I knew and liked his wife also.  Although I believe there were problems in the marriage and they were both unhappy, she actually left him and moved to another state.