My mom is what I believe to be a histrionic/narcissistic personality combined with Borderline tendencies. I have read on other places on the web about borderline and she seems to fit, along with my other sisters and one brother.
Her histrionic./narcissism traits?
HUGE entitlement issues. If I take her to the doctor or the grocery store, she wants to make a big deal about standing and waiting in line. THis woman just cannot do that. She believes she is above it. She also has everyone do menial tasks for her such as clean her house, do chores and etc.
She will lie or exaggerate when the truth would be much easier. I don't understand how this happens and she has told some whoppers on everyone in her lifetime.
She identifies and will talk all day long incessently about movie stars or sports stars, yet will talk down and badmouth her family members

even when they are helping her or doing everything for her.
Borderline traits she has is HYPOCHONDRIA.
I yelled that word didn't I? sorry about that but please understand that she is sick all the time! If anyone else claims to be sick, she is SICKER than they. I don't care if they have weeks to live. If she is well and finds out that someone coming to visit has been or is sick, she within hours will be sicker than they are......
She will have people take her to the hospital over a stomach ache or a sore toe, or a sore throat. If it is in the middle of the night, so much the better.
Has rages/then the next day she will be sweeter than syrup.
I was raised by her , seemed that growing up I was the one taking care of things, and especially her. I didn't have a mother and still do not but I am now so used to it, it's nothing now.