Hi everyone, just letting u all know the latest, last weekend i went out with David,(hes not all bad, he can b good at times, although very naughty other times) just as friends went to rhyl 4 the day lunch out, all in all it wasnt a bad weekend.
I must say 1 thing sice i have stopped taking those reboxetine tablets i feel a lot better in myself,i was very sickly and had terrible cramps and headaches, i just put it down to withdrawal, i went to c my psychiatrist the other day, hes a bit of an idiot, imo, i asked about these suicidal feelings agrophobia etc and said i thought it was the tablets that were making me worse, his answer was, the manufacturers will disagree although they have had patients that have been through the exact same thing with the same feelings, he has prescribed new 1s which i havent got yet, citrolpram i think they r called, i havent had any 4 nearly 3 weeks now so maybe i wont bother or maybe just try the low dosage 4 now, i still feel like i cant venture out on my own but maybe in time, its just 1 step at a time, still no therapist though i am on the high priority list he says.
I had a bit of bad news this week as a lady i look after and have done 4 yrs, died, i was very sad as she has been suffering the last few months, although i was and am very upset about it, i have dealt with it a lot better than i have in the past when people close to me have died, at least she isnt suffering now, am just sorry i didnt get chance to say goodbye
Anyway 4 now i am feeling positive, but i know from seeing my old therapist, i can go up and down, lets hope up lasts a bit longer.
David is giving me some money again which is nice, i dont have debts and theres always food in but never money left 4 anything else, so its nice 2 b able to buy some bits and pieces and not have 2 worry

after all retail therapy is the best kind, i say as i smile to myself.
I hope everyone is well, thanku 4 the msges off the new peopleand old 1s, it means a lot 2 me knowing people care.
Mati and October i hope u r well as i have not heard from u 2 in a while
(((((((((hugs 4 everyone)))))))))