Spoke with my T, he said H does have some changing to do but will never be the warm fuzzy type - he is very intellectual. A high TJ for those of you who are familiar with Myer's Briggs.
I take umbrage with this description. I am very INTJ. It does affect HOW I deal with things, but it does NOT keep me from being warm and fuzzy. Besides, it is
to me that if I have hurt someone's feelings that I need to apologize and work to make the situation right (as well as figure out how NOT to do that again in the future).
Scuse me, I'm gonna defer on this one to Bunny and Longtire, they have more of a right to comment on this than I do, just now.
I don't know about having more of a right. I don't feel like I have things figured out at all. But, I'll respond anyway....
He recommends I forgive the man and move towards him. T continues to have hope. Bunny, I pray that you are an example of what my H is capable of. One of the steps in the 12 step program I'm in, forget which one, talks about making amends. Since I'm not in any contact with my M, I'm unable to do any amends or practice unconditional love in person. So, I think my H is my living button pusher who I get the opportunity to practice forgiveness and patience with.
Did your T say why he thought you should move toward your H? What does he have hope of happening? Why does he believe that will happen? I understand that it can be a good thing for the T to hold onto hope or other feelings when we can't for ourselves. It just seems like it would be a lot easier on you if you knew more about why your T believes these things. Maybe he knows something you don't or maybe he is the one who doesn't have all the information.
Forgiveness is a good thing and you can do it all by yourself. Reconciliation depends on the other person taking steps toward you as well. Otherwise, you are simply tolerating a problem situation, which will not change. I thought that amends are what you do to make up for your hurting someone else, not for being the one who is hurt. As for patience, everyone has their limits. I think it is better to start setting consequences (boundaries) for problems before reaching the end of your patience. Does your H seem distraught about you pulling back? Has he noticed?
Oh bother, the thought of forgiving him feels like a hot coal in my heart. He really hurt my feelings.
He is just about 2 short of 70 x 7.
chutzbagirl, forgiveness is for you so you don't have to carry around a heavy load of anger and resentment. I recommend it for that reason.

Reconciliation and opening yourself back up to be hurt again with no expectation of different behavior is a separate decision. The choices and timing are up to you when you are ready.