Hi Mati,
So sorry to read how poorly you are doing! I know exactly what you are going through: have been in the same position, and have on a couple of occasions was hardly able to get up from bed for months at a time. At my worst, barely enough energy to drag myself into the shower once a week, and the exhaustion + pain in my arms so bad it was not even possible to wash my hair. Currently, though physically not at my worst point, am terribly weak, and fatigue and pain strikes with little (sometimes no) effort. The sensation of feeling the energy suddenly drain from my body as if someone pulled a cork is a regular occurrance. Like you I also have the MCS... it seems that ALL of these things are connected.
If you haven't found it yet, go to
http://www.fibromyalgiatreatment.com/ for info on the Guai. There is link somewhere on there to a listserve for folks on or thinking of being on the protocol. Several on the list are in the UK and could likely tell you what help there is (or not?) available there. I am going to do this guai thing somehow!
You sound so lonely/alone! Sending you a BIG cyber-hug ((((((((((MATI)))))))))) !! Are you one that is normally pretty social and enjoys getting out and being with people? If so it seems the isolation must be just devastating to you. Hope you can get on the guai & have yourself feeling good enough to get out and about SOON!