I usually do not like to post to “anyone” or to “those who feel concerned” (unless starting a topic) b/c IMHO it shows a lack of respect to potential readers.
However I don't mind (for once) using the same communication tools or "games rules" (according to Berne's terminology) as those used by some posters.
So I do not have a problem in posting here “to anyone who feels concerned”...
1)I knew I would take a risk by creating such a discussion about gift/spirituality/INFPs... Today I feel what I wrote has not been taken seriously. But :
-I feel overwhelmed... (sorry)
-I do not feel like playing the victim either....(sorry)
-I do not feel like spending the energy to get into unproductive games. Sorry for those expecting that...
To those who feel concerned, I would suggest reading Berne's Games people play. It says it all... [/u]
2) About Narcissism and spirituality:
I have been around some spiritual people, some may happen to be dangerous if they use these things to increase their narcisstic supply. Which I condemn fiercely.
This is why I keep saying "it's great to try new things but PLEASE BE CAREFUL" (of Narcissists lurking in these fields.. or of developing Narcissist traits, which one is worst ).
For example, in my early twenties I lost 2 friends who went to sects. More recently my best girlfriend (whom I knew for over 10 yeras) drifted away b/c she went more into her traditional catholicim (and was criticzing my ideas about judaism) and a very good friend of mine drifted away as he went more into orthodox judaism...
3) Also about learning spirituality and Narcissism :
In general, spiritual things may be powerful but very dangerous if not used/learnt correctly. Someone in a post was asking about Reiki. It is not a safe thing for a newbie b/c reiki practice requires an advanced level as it is based on the chakras, powerful energy concentration locations. To learn these things require a lot of time and patience and... HUMILITY. And (safe books) reading!!! I gave the name of Thomas Cleary, not to show off but b/c it is a very safe western author to start with. "Minding Mind" (the original title in English, you can find it in a library) is a good book in that respect.
4) I highly value this topic. I feel it touches one of the most intimate part of in my individuation process. This is why I may sound a bit serious (sorry for that).
5) Strange things may happen. More often to some people than to others. Which may make other people afraid (what is it?) and/or jealous (why don't I experience it? and why should you experience it?) and/or full of fascination and/or awe. But they are rarely respectful. This happened at all times in history, depending on how the culture at the time valued intuition. People w/ high intuition were often considered saints or witches/sorcerers, depending on the mood... and political goals...
and political games on a Board...

6) For those wondering if they are INFPs...(or not, or part-time ...or maybe one day in they feel like it...or never in the world.. or in their next life if their karma is good enough )
Here is a description of some INFP traits :
"Generally thoughtful and considerate, INFPs are good listeners and put people at ease. Although they may be reserved in expressing emotion, they have a very deep well of caring and are genuinely interested in understanding people. This sincerity is sensed by others [...]
INFPs do not like conflict, and go to great lengths to avoid it. If they must face it, they will always approach it from the perspective of their feelings. In conflict situations, INFPs place little importance on who is right and who is wrong. They focus on the way that the conflict makes them feel, and indeed don't really care whether or not they're right. They don't want to feel badly. This trait sometimes makes them appear irrational and illogical in conflict situations. "
Not a complete description, but says enough...
7) For those wondering what MBTI is :
1. It is the main HR tool used by (mostly American) Fortune 100 companies to increase their efficiency and competitive advantage, regarding HR allocation and optimization. For those who do not know how these companies work, please note these companies do not use astrology in that field, whereas Western or Asian..
2. It is based on Karl Gustav Jung’s archetypes and functions. Jungian school is THE most famous psychoanalysis school in the United States (not in France, they like better Freud..)
3. Pls type MBTI in Google if you are a curious (and adventurous) mind...that would rather check out things than buy into any/every?thing...