Hi Spyralle! Just read this thread and saw your post. Boy can i identify with what you said- esp comments from your mother! Maybe we are siblings! Hee hee! Like many others here, I used to fantasize i really must have been adopted...soooo...maybe we are related! I wax idiotic! Anyway...my mother used to say to and about me: "All my other children have real talents....you are stupid...you are crazy and will always have to live at home with our father and me....you will never be able to live on your own, go to school or hold a job ...you are fat....you are amoral...you are going to hell...you are a slut" etc etc. I am left handed, dyslexic, have a mental illness( just like dear old mom- I'm bipolar as opposed to her Nism), broke away from my church as a teen, have been married more than once, have had long term live in relationships, have a university and college degree, have a career and am a professional X 20 years, etc. ironically, spyralle, I too am a nurse working in psychiatry! Ya do what ya know, eh?! hee hee! I've also certainly had more than my share of N men's bullshit. " You are my soul mate.....you are the most beautiful, smartest, most loving woman I've ever been with, I'm a lucky man, You are the ugliest, oldest, most miserable, pathetic bitch I've ever met...I'm an idiot. You played me...You used me..You are the liar....I'm calling your psychiatrist to have you committed to the psych ward because you keep accusing me of things I don't do...so you are the crazy one" blah blah!!!! On a good day I can look at both my Nmother and ex Ns as tortured people who were raised with either abuse or abandonment- or both- and are damaged themselves. i do now believe that my mother did love me to the extent she was capable of and to the best of her ability given her own childhood betrayals, abuse etc. i don't see her as evil anymore! Validating to read other's experiences- and painful too. Hugs, Moira