Author Topic: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.  (Read 18708 times)


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #60 on: March 18, 2006, 09:10:46 PM »

I respect the courtesy with which you've answered folks' remarks.
The topic has brought strong reactions, and you're --mostly  :?-- turning the other cheek.

Nice idea to offer PMs.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #61 on: March 18, 2006, 09:31:46 PM »

I respect the courtesy with which you've answered folks' remarks.
The topic has brought strong reactions, and you're --mostly  -- turning the other cheek.

Nice idea to offer PMs.


I just want to say a teary-eyed thank you for this comment.  You could never being to know how much this touched my heart.  I tend to have a bit of a narcissistic tendency in me as well that I've really been working to overcome personally.  It means a lot to me to hear that Jesus is showing through brighter than my selfish flesh



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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #62 on: March 18, 2006, 10:57:04 PM »
I would agree on- There are people and there is Spirit. But there is demons and devils. For I had been delivered from demons. We all have are "demons" either mentally or physical. Just the Spirit shows others how to deal with them. Glad someone "seen" what I had an help me through the process. cwings


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #63 on: March 19, 2006, 01:29:36 AM »
I feel your frustration and admire your restraint.
I see how "those who choose to remain in the dark" was challenging.

I hope we will all be able to hang in for the ride, here.

Or perhaps just let the subect a sort of big-piture stepping away?
I have a feeling that this is an unmoveable area...I'm not sure what the benefit will be to chip at it.

Maybe we can just talk about other things on another thread, so this one doesn't go toxic?
Unless anyone really has a need to drill in further.

What do you think?


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #64 on: March 19, 2006, 08:46:02 AM »
Bean, Hops,

No need to start another thread because I offered for anyone interested in this information to contact me PRIVATELY.  Not sure why you all are so afraid of mere words on a screen that you can choose to ignore if you wish.  My comment of "choose to remain in the dark" did not insinuate that anyone did not like me or that I did not like them.  "in the dark" means that a person chooses not to KNOW INFORMATION.  That does not reflect on who they ARE as a person.  I have no clue who any of you are.  This is a computer screen and I do not believe a person can truly know someone from chatting in text, sorry; I have learned better over the years about it.

I did not invalidate anyone as a person by offering to talk PRIVATELY to someone who wants information that Bean does not choose to know.  After Bean posed a rhetorical question about deliverance, which I thought was pretty much a "baiting" situation (as in, "I know this is something that obviously is very important to you, ReallyME, so I'm going to ask how you do it YET NOT LET YOU ANSWER ME OR ANYONE ELSE), I decided to jump and take MY POWER, by offering anyone who IS interested, an ability to contact me if they want.

I too have dealt with N's and I recognized YOU also trying to silence ME, by posing as being interested in what I do and what is important to me and then, like a horse you yank a carrot away from, yanking back MY RIGHT TO HAVE A VOICE IN RESPONSE.

So rather than put blame on you at first, I did the nobler gesture, I felt, and offered a private convo.



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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #65 on: March 19, 2006, 09:34:49 AM »
Actually, no, there wasn't an apology here, as it was YOU who originally rendered ME voiceless, but feigning interest in "HOW" I cast devils out of people, and then telling me you didn't want an answer.  That is akin to offering someone something to drink that they love, and then when they say they would like it, saying "no, you can't have it" with a smile on your face.  I'm sure it was not intentional on your part, but that is exactly how it felt to me.  Deliverance ministry is something very intimate and precious to me, so please, next time, don't have me for the "how to" of something, if you know you have no intent of allowing me MY VOICE in expressing an answer.

bean:  Remember where your right (for POWER, or whatever else you come here looking for) ends and my rights begin.

In case the word "POWER" gets misconstrued here, I was referring to "taking back my power" in a non-codependent way.  We all have a right to own our own power, in other words.  I saw that I was being rendered VOICELESS, therefore, rather than handle it in the way I now felt compelled to do, I chose to give myself a PRIVATE voice, which also was not tolerated by you, sadly.

I pray you will be able to look within and examine exactly where the situation began and where the VOICELESSNESS really started.  This was a really good example of a control tactic to silence someone and not allow them to express themselves.  Thank you so much for helping me demonstrate by using ME as the guinea pig, which I'm quite used to and used to confronting and speaking up about as well.




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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #66 on: March 19, 2006, 09:56:34 AM »
really me,

Actually, no, there wasn't an apology here, as it was YOU who originally rendered ME voiceless, but feigning interest in "HOW" I cast devils out of people, and then telling me you didn't want an answer.

If you go back and read the posts, it was actually me who said I wondered about it, but did not want an answer.  Bean merely responded on my behalf when you wanted to give me an answer.  It is my right to muse about something, but respectfully ask that you not give me an explanation.  I do have issues with the way you have presented yourself as an expert in this area, when, as you said yourself, we have no idea who we are talking to.  It's fine if you present something as your opinion or share experiences which may be helpful or useful to others here, but I don't like the absolutes and somewhat bullying presentations of your knowledge of things. 

I already know that this discussion is uncomfortable for several individuals here and I don't wish to add to that discomfort by having you expound on how exactly you cast out demons.  If I want more info on this topic, I will do an internet search and read the opinion of a wide variety of people or I will contact you directly as you have offered.



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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #67 on: March 19, 2006, 10:22:41 AM »

I'm sorry for directing my comments to you regarding the original post on this was Brigid I should have addressed.


Sounds good to me.  Thank you.

Blessya and I'm not a bully.  Not hardly.  I am, however, a person with a voice and I appreciate being given the respect of using it in response to a person's question, just as you appreciate having the right to ask a rhetorical one.  I see that you have learned to "hold your own."  Well, me too.



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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #68 on: March 19, 2006, 10:25:11 AM »
I'm sorry. I was feeling an edge of panic that with Brigid's "I'm-musing-but-don't-respond", and your "people who choose to remain in the dark," and Bean's frustration over your not reading the flow carefully....

Anyway, I was feeling afraid it would turn into a "fight." And I didn't want it to. I tend to try to placate people to avoid conflict.

And perhaps it's an Nspot, but I was feeling somewheat responsible because I had stuck up for your right to mention whatever you needed to mention here.

Two thoughts, don't know if they'll help:
ReallyMe, does your ADD possibly make it difficult for you to scroll back up and focus on the specific speaker, so when you respond it's to the right person? I was wondering if that might be more difficult with ADD.

The other: I know I both can't and don't need to control people here so if I feel responsible I'll just have to look at that feeling and learn something about it.

Happy Sunday, all,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #69 on: March 19, 2006, 10:50:55 AM »

If this is controlling let me know and I will think about it. Gotta get dressed for church anyway, so I'll think about this board during my favorite part....when we get up and light silent candles for anyone who's on our mind.

Really, I believe I would've felt baited-then-silenced too. Bean, I would've felt frustrated about who-you-talkin-to too. Brigid, I know it's a topic you'd like to go away and I can feel you wrestling to deal with it politely but contain your distaste. Cwings, don't worry, it's safe here. Glad you came.

Everybody, I think there are very good intentions in every speaker here. Strong opinions and deep hearts. I have faith in every one. I think there is a mixture of very quick reactions (I personally have hit Send or Post more than once and wanted to chase the electronic mailman down the block), somewhat judgmental reactions (I am Her Honor and here's my gavel), and a kind of...poking.

I think nobody here is a bully. I am super-sensitized to bullying, it'll set off my radar a mile away. I don't think that's happening. I feel sometimes, just at some moments, a faint drift toward ganging up...a little. But then I sense people stepping back from that little current and engaging directly and politely. That's very impressive to me.

Anyway, just wanted to say that I feel respect, and faith, and more abundantly than anything else--goodwill for every person in this discussion.

It IS a challenging one. I think RealllyMe's offer to keep further detail private was a good intuition and a considerate one. I think Brigid's curiosity and courtesy are both present, and yet, there's ambialence too. No crime there. And Bean, you've been Bean the Dean of Courtesy too.

Me, I just dunno what I'm doing. Except I care about everyone and am glad we speak.

It's Sunday, my favorite day of the week. I sing like a dying frog under a sheet of aluminum foil. But I can listen, and learn.

Love to all,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #70 on: March 19, 2006, 01:25:04 PM »
OK FOLKS. THIS IS REAL. There is demons an there IS A Spirit. For reallyme was casted demons out of me. I didn't want to share this for it was personal to me. But its the truth and need to be truthfull in what I stand for.God wants me free. There's two kinds of spirit, evil and good. One torment, one brings freedom.Which one would you prefer? Its like a "N' tormenting you and you want to stop it but don't know how. And someone comes along and "see" what is happening. And helps you understand an be free of this torment. I had a  N torment me, it made me numb to my surrounds or life. That what a demon will do, make you numb, don't care etc.. and focus on your inter demons. So thats way this topic is so "hot". For there is issue deep within for me and other who read this. And spurs this debate more, thats how demons or devils do to ya. To stay clear what is really the truth, so you will be in bondage. I'm not standing up for anyone here, just laying my feeling and thought on the table. cwings


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #71 on: March 19, 2006, 02:43:38 PM »
hello cwings you said"There is demons an there IS A SPIRIT.For reallyme was casted demons out of me.I didn't want to share this this for it was personal to me". hi again and welcome to to you I
am not asking about the subject of "devils"or "demons"or of casting them out.I personally just have finished  speaking on the subject ,long thread .(YOU CAN GO BACK AND FIND MY VIEWS WAY BACK THERE IF YOU WISH)
I do have a question cwings do you personally know reallyme or are you saying that your veiws are in complete agreement with reallyme .I  am confused on that point ,thank you and God Bless
« Last Edit: March 19, 2006, 03:16:56 PM by moonlight52 »


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #72 on: March 19, 2006, 03:17:42 PM »
Hops: Two thoughts, don't know if they'll help:
ReallyMe, does your ADD possibly make it difficult for you to scroll back up and focus on the specific speaker, so when you respond it's to the right person? I was wondering if that might be more difficult with ADD.

Actually, until someone explained to me how to highlight the person's name and quote it, I had no clue how to even do that.  It has nothing to do with ADD.  It has to do with ignorance of how the message board works.  :D

Hops: I think nobody here is a bully. I am super-sensitized to bullying, it'll set off my radar a mile away. I don't think that's happening. I feel sometimes, just at some moments, a faint drift toward ganging up...a little. But then I sense people stepping back from that little current and engaging directly and politely. That's very impressive to me.

I enjoy your style of expressing yourself, Hops.  Very sensitive and accurate and truthful.  I have to say I agree with you here.

Bean, I'm sorry you feel and act out of so much fear and being afraid for, etc

According to my beliefs I have not been given the spirit of fear, but of power, love and of a sound mind, therefore, most of the times, when my mind is lined up with my spirit, it's not fear that controls me.  I'm sorry that you see truth as such a frightening thing.  Devils are created beings that are not frightening at all, when one knows his/her authority that they have been given over them by Jesus Christ.

Someone (Brigid) wondered aloud how it's possible to become Trained in casting demons out of people. 

reallyME, you then responded:

If anyone IS interested in knowing what deliverance from devils entails, feel free to contact me personally and privately, since it seems this is something so offensive to those of you who choose to remain in the dark about it.

You are responding that you'll field questions about deliverance from devils.  When the original musing was asking how is one trained.  So you see how you've steered the topic to something you'd like to talk about?

I believe I chose to respond with an offer to share about not only my experience of having gone through deliverance but also information in how one casts devils out of a person, but I can't recall exactly what I said originally now because I don't remember the original post.  I did not steer the topic anywhere.  I merely offered to handle answering questions privately, about training, my personal situation, or whatever...and the offer still stands.

I am interested in -who did this to you- though.  Cause it seems there I could get at the root of this tragedy.  It sounds tragic to me, that you've been brainwashed into thinking there are devils.  That is my honest opinion.

Who "did this to me?"  That sounds soooooooooooo sinister.  You mean who helped me get free from years of hearing voices in my head telling me to kill myself, kill my children, give up and just die?  No need for you to get at the root.  I have a spiritual Mom who is working with me in any further needs of inner healing from my past, thanks, and she and I do deliverance on others together in our ministry, being that we have both heard/seen them and seen people tormented by them and watched the freedom that is possible through prayer and counseling.

I need to set some limits with you reallyME, it is apparent to me that that's what I'm trying to do.  In case that motive wasn't clear, maybe now it is?

This comment struck me as funny.  I assume you are talking about boundaries here.  I'm not sure why you said you need to set some with me.  For what purpose?  Are you the moderator of the list?  Are you my teacher?  Is this a self-protective statement to own your own power because you sense narcissism in me toward you?   Please explain.



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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #73 on: March 19, 2006, 07:25:14 PM »
Ok Bean  I'm not a minor, but new to these forums :D
And to moonlight, I know reallyme personally. cwings


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #74 on: March 19, 2006, 09:22:02 PM »

It's ok.  If you want me to say it's fine for you to not believe in devils or demons, I'm personally fine with that.  It's between your Creator and you, dear.  I have no need to try and convince someone, especially about those pesky vermin.  They get enough attention as it is.

