Just remembered another experience I had with an animal....a pony.
I was visiting a friend in California and had the opportunity to exercise a neighbor's pony. The family really didn't have enough time to give her the exercise she needed. Being born and bred in the city, I didn't have the opportunity to deal with horses and ponies very much so I was very naive about a lot of things regarding equines. As I was riding her around the area, which was filled with all kinds of wildlife, I soon realized that this pony was one cantankerous little cuss!!! She was determined she was going to go over to the neighboring ranch and visit with a stud over there, which I vetoed. At one point, I dismounted and started leading her back to where we needed to be when she suddenly bit me in the behind!!!!
Without thinking, I smacked her nose and told her that biting was not acceptable! She flattened her ears and I told her to put her ears back up! She stuck one ear up! I told her...other ear now! Then she brought her other ear up. She appeared to behave for awhile until I re-mounted her and started riding down the trail again. Then she tried to bite my boot! However, because I had been walking on a dusty trail, my boot was COATED with dirt so she got a nice mouthful!!!!

The expression on her face was priceless as she spit dirt!!! I've never seen a pony spit like that before!!!!

The way she was sticking her tongue out was as if she was saying: "YUCK!"