Wow. I wasn't familiar with Celtic Woman. Thank you!
(Izz, any idea why my computer always stops videos and starts them again, stop, start, etc...makes it frustrating to watch anything.)
Sorry for the digression.
Animals...Bagel loooooooooooved being out on the historic plaza last night, among the cafe tables. Several people stopped to pat her. She just has The Look. (I'm pattable!) It's neat because when she wants to, Menace 'R Her.
I was thinking about the poor Yorkie, MS, so many of these "teacup" dogs are overbred and terribly prone to illness. I wish they'd stop breeding them, let everyone keep rescuing pooches. I'm still haunted by a little dog I passed over once at the SPCA...I didn't get any dog that year, but I am haunted by him. I know he wound up being gassed, and we'd had a connection. I still apologize to him, by name (I named him Batty, since he looked like a bat).
I think the only way I'll fix that karma is when the time comes, go to the pound and pick out an ugly little pooch that I think nobody else will choose.