"Teach People how to treat you" in my book, is equal to allowing your husband to call you names, put you down and you just sit there and say "ok honey, whatever you need. I'll get off the phone right now to come talk to you.'
I have watched my own friends, when their husbands walk through the door, literally DROP EVERYTHING and tell me "my husband's home, I'd BETTER GO" as if the dude was standing there with a machine gun ready to open fire on them. To me, this makes me both angry and ill! NO HUMAN should evoke that much fear and control over someone...and don't try and tell me it's cause you love and submit to him either. I love mine and submit too, but I'll be darned if the guy can't wait for me to politely say goodbye or finish up what I'm doing before I talk to him. That's ridiculous and controlling.
I also watched a former friend, as soon as her mother came to visit, type in "Mom's here, gotta go. Love ya bye" and then while I was at her house, and her mother came in the door, it was like the friggen queen arrived. Everyone had to stop doing what they were doing and pay fullest attention to "MOM" cause she only comes over once in a while. It was a very MATRIARCHAL setting and it was STRANGE and uncomfortable, to say the least. The "MOM" herself said to me, regarding her grandchildren "they need to go to their room during adult conversation...I still feel sometimes children should be SEEN AND NOT HEARD!"
The whole affair disturbed me to the point that I questioned about it, but of course, I was immediately targeted to be demolished on the spot...I was mocked, labeled "mentally ill" accused of things I didn't do, ignored, and just basically shunned and mistreated the rest of the time I was at the house.
You TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO TREAT YOU...I taught them that I would NOT tolerate being mistreated, by speaking up about the weird things I saw goin on. The treated me as an enemy who "knew too much"
Other people treat me like someone who has a lot of knowledge that can keep them out of similar situations.