I listened to the last fight I had with my mother via the phone (I recorded it!) and re-read my sister's emails and I am starting to feel like I am being to harsh and might need to give my mom another chance.
But I don't want to.
In the phone convo, she attacked me, disparaged my feelings and told me that I had had plenty of time to "fix this situation" between us. When I had told her that I was still trying to come to terms with having a relationship with her when she didn't respect me, admit any wrongdoing and treated me badly, she told me that what I had just said was "foney baloney" and I didn't know what I wanted... and brought up different events to point out how badly I had treated her. When i tried to defend myself (yeah, I know, I shouldn't have bothered) she changed the subject and told me that that had NOTHING to do with what she was talking about... so it was okay for her to point out my failings, but hers, well, that just doesn't signify.
My sister has been increasingly emailing me, regarding our "poor" mother and her latest told me that she still loved me, even tho I am making bad decisions and make her angry. She also said that I am handling this situation poorly and that I will live to regret it.
So I'm waffling.

I can logically tell myself that my mother and sister are not correct - that I am doing the best I can to protect myself from being hurt and trying to figure out how to deal (if at all) but I just don't know anymore what to do.
I miss my mother. I think it is more that I miss the ideal of my mother, because I don't want the situation to go right back to the way it was. I thought I told her what is and isn't acceptable to me, but she says I haven't explained myself well enough... she thinks I have instituted this cut off to punish her. I never wanted to hurt or punish her, but I just don't know if I am capable of riding that merry-go-round of pain and misunderstanding again. I don't believe in her ability to change, so that is what is stopping me from giving her another chance. Well, that, and the fact that I have had her deliberately hurt and punish me when she gets angry with me. (so she is projecting... because this whole thing has hurt me terribly and I never wanted it to reach this point)
I don't know if I explained myself clearly and simply enough for her to understand, so a part of me feels like maybe my sister could be right, and I owe our mother another chance with me spelling out exactly what I will and will not allow anymore.
The really big thing is that she is "old" (early 60s - I don't think that is really old, but she acts much older) and has had cancer (clear, but psycologicially, she is not the same person she was before it), and just had knee replacement surgery. She isn't physically able to do certain things anymore, and she will expect me to do them. I do NOT want to anymore. I did stuff for her in the past out of a sense of obligation and because I cared about her, but now, I don't want the responsibility for her. She isn't poor, so she could hire someone to do stuff, but she hates to have strangers in her house (it's a pigsty) and will resent me for not doing what she asks. Not to mention that things like changing air filters, climbing ladders to get stuff, etc. aren't something that she can do or probably even hire done.
If I could just see her socially, a few calls a month, that sort of thing, I think I could handle it, but I know that I will be expected to pick up where I left off - as her nursemaid, cleaner, heavy lifter. How much is an adult child expected to do for a parent? Is it wrong of me to not want to do these things anymore? I feel like if I do small things for her, it won't be long before she expects me to do the larger things and then we start the fighting all over again... and I am left feeling like a b!tch for trying to stand my ground against a poor, sick woman who needs my help.
Is it wrong to cut someone out of your life that you haven't resolved your feelings towards? Am I being mean or just being firm on my boundaries?